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The old Shadows/ Highlights (Live) Filter is finally back!

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I might be overkill to open a topic just for this but I sincerely want to thank you guys for bringing back the old Shadows/ Highlights (Live) Filter in Photo Persona with the latest beta ( In my opinion the old version (1.6) is so much better than the new implementation introduced with 1.7. :)

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I like that they decided to go with giving the user options. The new version of the filter I could see have some uses, but it just wasn't a good replacement for what people normally expected out of the filter. Good job on the developers for addressing people's concerns with it. :)

That said, maybe the name of the filter option should be renamed to something other than "1.6"? "Legacy" might be a more fitting name, or "Original". Just feels a bit odd to name it after a numbered update.

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The highlights radius is only on 30 and causing such halos. If I want to get rid of the halos then 0 is the only option, besides bringing the strength down as well. In that case however I much rather prefer the new "Default".


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Sorry but a highlight radius of 30 is far too much in my opinion. For highlights I usually use a radius of 3 px. What's more I don't see a problem in the fact that you prefer the new implementation. No tool works for everybody in every situation.

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