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OpenType feature code not implemented properly

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My LiebeLotte font has special versions for each letter when standing at the end of a word.
Unfortunately Affinity Designer (1.7.1.) and Affinity Publisher (1.7.1.) do not show them (macOS 10.14.5).

The OpenType feature code in the font that automatically insert the finals, is situated in the ligature feature and looks like this:

lookup FINAL {
ignore sub @AnyLetter' @AnyLetter;
sub @AnyLetter' by @_fina;

Other substitutions in the liga feature are implemented correctly.

The font works totally fine in Adobe products, Pages, Microsoft Word (when ligatures activated), most web browsers, …

Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-02 um 17.13.04.png

@Dave Harris: I am happy to provide you the font file to test this issue. Let me know where I can upload it. 

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2 hours ago, LiebeFonts said:

My LiebeLotte font has special versions for each letter when standing at the end of a word.
Unfortunately Affinity Designer (1.7.1.) and Affinity Publisher (1.7.1.) do not show them (macOS 10.14.5).

Windows is also behaving the same way. Add QXP, Xara products and CD to the list of applications that can handle ligs as you have designed your font code.

You may wish to tag @Dave Harris with font issues. Tagging an individual is done beginning a tag with the @ symbol and then their name. Dave will likely need at least one style of your font in question and can provide a secure link to upload it that only Serif can download it.

I looked up your font on MyFonts. Nice btw.


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18 hours ago, MikeW said:

Windows is also behaving the same way. Add QXP, Xara products and CD to the list of applications that can handle ligs as you have designed your font code.

You may wish to tag @Dave Harris with font issues. Tagging an individual is done beginning a tag with the @ symbol and then their name. Dave will likely need at least one style of your font in question and can provide a secure link to upload it that only Serif can download it.

Thank you Mike for the hint! :-) 

How do you know about Windows? 


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Ulrike, because I use Windows. I usually keep an eye on font issues regarding font issues regardless of the OS they are reported on.

While font making isn't my main source of income, it is a love of mine.


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I have rewritten a font using (likely) the same or similar code you are using.

If I came close, try adding a space after your word, or just the word lift

Does the word then change beginning and ending characters?

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Ah, now this is a really interesting behavior:

- when I add one or more spaces after the word nothing happens (no final version).
- when I add a space and a character after the word, I get the final for the first word but no inital for the character after the space.
- when I add more letters I get the final for the first word, initial for the second but no final for the second.


Will look into the liga feature code and try to find a logic for that.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-03 um 16.46.37.png

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This indicates we are using slightly different contextual lookups as just a space in my code changes both the initial and final characters. While you can change the order of the lookups and achieve different results, the fact it works as intended in various applications indicates to me one shouldn't need to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, Pauls said:

I've logged an issue about that - the replacement seems to happy a little bit later than expected

Or unhappy, depending on your POV! :P

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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