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Bug with Letter small "L"?

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Hi Folks,
I created a Document with "Lorem ipsum" Filltext and exported it with the Option "Text as Curves" and the small "L" is displayed as like it is bold, but it isn`t bold.
If i export the same Document as Text and embedded font, this failure doesn´t occur.

See the attached pdf files please.
On my system I can see it best when the documents in PDF Reader display it at 100%.


Have a nice day.
Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.

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Hm.. I use the Adobe Reader... that´s strange.
Thank you for your response.
Maybe a thing of my graphic settings. Since last week i use a new PC with an onboard graphic chipset, my old one is broken.

Have a nice day.
Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.

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I managed to see this as well, but at a different zoom level. Just a rendering problem. I measured the i and the l and they have the same width.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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10 minutes ago, Joachim_L said:

I managed to see this as well, but at a different zoom level. Just a rendering problem. 

I see this once in a while. It's just an unfortunate placement of the letter on the pixels of the screen that makes it look wider than it is. To doublecheck you can print the page.


Affinity Suite on Windows (V2) and iPad (V2). Beta testing when available.

Windows 11 64-bit - Core i7 - 16GB - Intel HD Graphics 4600 & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
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Okay, thank you both.
I was a little confused because that only happens with text as curves.

I printed it now and everythings looks right.

Have a nice day.
Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.

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