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7 hours ago, dannyg9 said:

I like Star Wars but I wouldn't consider myself a super fan. I can't tell what's a composite about this image so I would say that's the biggest compliment I can give. Great work!

I wouldn't consider myself a super fan either, but I do enjoy the films... mostly the original 3. The Wee Jedi and the sky are photographs. Everything else was created in 3D software.

Thanks for the compliment!

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22 hours ago, DannyBCreative said:

So, as part of a timelapse video I'm making for YT, I went back and redid this image. This time with some custom assets and a wider aspect ratio. I like this one better.



I'm not so sure. It's the old conundrum of "when is it finished?" I like them both but the first one is more subtle. I'm absolutely sure you'd create a brilliant nighttime version of this as well.

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This is such a well executed picture and I like it very much, but for me there is one thing that spoils the overall aesthetic and balance of the picture.

Yes, it's our old friend the shadows again - the recurring nightmare for any compositor creating a picture - I know because I speak from experience and many failures. In this picture there is one light source, and this light source (sun) is rather hazy because it's punching through a dusty atmosphere. This will result in soft shadows being cast off each and every object in the vicinity. The prime example here are the buildings, the shadow trails are soft in appearance with no hard edges because of the light quality. The two figures in the foreground have shadows as if from another light source, and not from the sun. Their shadows are darker with harder edges and they look somewhat out of place. Their shadows should match all the other shadows in the picture in as much as the colour and intensity as they hit the ground.

When I first looked at this picture it was the first thing that caught my eye, I wasn't going to say anything about it because I really dislike criticising other people's work, but because I like this picture so much it's a shame to let an opportunity pass that will help give it a more authentic look.

So excuse me and my interruptive opinions about what makes a good composite good, I just want to see this picture become as good as it can be. 

Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

These are not my own words but I sure like this quote.

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I’m a huge fan of the original Star Wars Trilogy too, and this is such an incredible composition, and both versions are absolutely fantastic! 

On 6/27/2022 at 6:26 PM, dannyg9 said:

nighttime version

Ten times Yes for that, a night time version would look beautiful!

Edited by iuli

StudioLink 256gb 11’ M1 iPad Pro

iPadOS 17 Public Beta 1

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On 6/27/2022 at 8:36 AM, AffinityJules said:

This is such a well executed picture and I like it very much, but for me there is one thing that spoils the overall aesthetic and balance of the picture.

Yes, it's our old friend the shadows again - the recurring nightmare for any compositor creating a picture - I know because I speak from experience and many failures. In this picture there is one light source, and this light source (sun) is rather hazy because it's punching through a dusty atmosphere. This will result in soft shadows being cast off each and every object in the vicinity. The prime example here are the buildings, the shadow trails are soft in appearance with no hard edges because of the light quality. The two figures in the foreground have shadows as if from another light source, and not from the sun. Their shadows are darker with harder edges and they look somewhat out of place. Their shadows should match all the other shadows in the picture in as much as the colour and intensity as they hit the ground.

When I first looked at this picture it was the first thing that caught my eye, I wasn't going to say anything about it because I really dislike criticising other people's work, but because I like this picture so much it's a shame to let an opportunity pass that will help give it a more authentic look.

So excuse me and my interruptive opinions about what makes a good composite good, I just want to see this picture become as good as it can be. 

The shadows of the foreground elements are cast by the same light casting the shadows of the background elements. They are all placed in scene so they pick up the same light.  The thing that is impossible to see here is the distance. If you were to look at this from the top down, you'd see the shadows are very, very long. The buildings are very far from the subjects and by the time the shadow length reaches the foreground subjects, it has begun to soften. The shadows from the foreground elements are very close to the camera, but if you were able to zoom out to see them fully, you'd see that they too soften near the end.

The color of the sky and haze were added after the fact of course, and yes, you could argue that they might affect the brightness of the suns (tatooine has two), but this place, or universe doesn't exist and we really don't know what having two suns would mean in an atmosphere, so it'll stand as completed.

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