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sudden crash in Aff photo

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Hi - need some help

1. Suddenly without any notice Af photo crashes.
While selecting some layers (doing nothing special) it immediately crashes.??  I can reopen the document but nothing is saved.
It has happened several times now and in different documents.

2. Recently when I open some document that I have been working with earlier - it says "the document is corrupt. Must be closed"
The picture is destroyed. All work with the composition is gone. Have to start from the very beginning. It´s very, very frustrating !! 

3. I have uploaded the resent crash reports - if any help

The last few days it works normally

- latest version of A ph.   
- No hardware acceleration is on

Until now Af Photo works like a charm. Nothing to complain about

br Claes

0ff6134b-3fe7-41ce-91b7-21e1607ac41b.dmp 86f340fe-9519-40d0-a380-ca165f510df6.dmp 5485eca4-34df-43a4-b3fe-ed9ae10568cb.dmp 11485a5f-7a88-4872-9a0f-2f2877614090.dmp

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I am having the same issue shared in #1, but am using W11. Started happening about a week ago, just after I bought the software :(  I've had two system updates since then. No issues before that on the 10-day trail. Brand new laptop, high ram, checked and definitely not related to any third part software that I am aware from reading other posts. Turned off Hardware Acceleration, still crashing. I can do nothing on this software at this time.  In my last attempt to see what happens when it freezes/crashes, I left the computer and program on to see if it would 'unfreeze'. Surprisingly it did...after 25 minutes.


Edited by mec2204
update with crash report
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13 minutes ago, mec2204 said:

Can provide crash report but I don't know how to get it, thanks for instructions.


AMD Ryzen 7 5700X | INTEL Arc A770 LE 16 GB  | 32 GB DDR4 3200MHz | Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (26100.1150)

Affinity Suite V 2.5.3 & Beta 2.(latest)
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Hi @Claes,

Thanks for your report & I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble!

It appears as though the app is crashing when accessing 'libraster.dll', which is used to render the document. I can also see references in the crash report to your AMD drivers.

Can you please confirm for me:

Are you using AMD Adrenalin (and if so, what version is installed)?

Which AMD GPU model are you using? 

What is the driver version installed for this GPU? (usually different to the Adrenalin version)

Many thanks in advance!


Hi @mec2204,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

As above, the crash reports provided are crashing when accessing the same 'libraster.dll' - so it may be that AMD have recently updated Adrenalin, or the GPU drivers, causing this issue for you both.

Can you please also confirm the above 3 questions for me?

Many thanks!

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Sorry to hear this! It certainly sounds as though the latest Windows update has caused this issue locally - although we aren't seeing any similar reports form other Windows 11 users.

Can you please try launching the app once again, now you have updated your GPU drivers and attach a copy of the latest crash report?

As Richard has also suggested, the beta version (1.10.5) has actually been released to retail today - so I'd recommend making sure you have the latest version updated :)

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Thanks for all your support, but I'm still having the same problem on the Beta program. No issues starting a new project, editing, etc. but when I returned to my original project to test it out it keeps freezing/not responding. Is is possible that specific file is "corrupt"? I can't even copy a layer without it freezing. It has a lot of layers on it, it takes a good minute to load.

I don't have a crash report to provide because I don't find any new ones available.

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Thanks for providing this for me! I can see the file is 5.2GB in size, and would likely need more RAM (memory) than this when opening/editing the file.

I can see the app is freezing whilst editing this document, on my PC here it's using around 20GB of RAM just opening the file and viewing all of the separate pixel layers.

All of your drawn pixel layers are at '1067 DPI', which is much higher than should ever be required, as well as many layers are duplicated erroneously. For example I can see the 'foot' layer is duplicated at least 12 times in the document and only one of these versions is actually visible. With such a wealth of pixel information, all being blended under the 'multiply' blend mode, I'm rather unsurprised that the app is having trouble keeping up.

Firstly, we need to remove all of the additional layers in the document that aren't performing any use.

Following this, I 'rasterised' all of the pixel layers separately, so that they use the same DPI as the document (400).

As far as I can tell, the visual rendering of the document still matches yours exactly, and all the pixel information can still be edited further as required.

I then used File > Save as to create a new version of this file with my changes. The resulting file is now 34.6MB in size which is much more expected, and has no issues at all being editing on my PC here.

I have attached a copy of this file here for you, please do let me know if this helps :)

new left female_f.afphoto

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Oh WOW! No wonder I was having issues 😅 That's insane! The duplicated layers were probably from all the c/p and freezing/saving of the doc. Wow. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for getting to the bottom of this, spending your time to downsize this file, and explaining step by step what you did to fix it, I can't thank you enough! 🤗  I have no issues working on the document now.  I haven't used these editing programs in so long...clearly out of touch. You're a rockstar! Have a wonderful weekend!

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On 3/6/2022 at 4:40 PM, Claes said:

Hi - need some help

1. Suddenly without any notice Af photo crashes.
While selecting some layers (doing nothing special) it immediately crashes.??  I can reopen the document but nothing is saved.
It has happened several times now and in different documents.

2. Recently when I open some document that I have been working with earlier - it says "the document is corrupt. Must be closed"
The picture is destroyed. All work with the composition is gone. Have to start from the very beginning. It´s very, very frustrating !! 

3. I have uploaded the resent crash reports - if any help

The last few days it works normally

- latest version of A ph.   
- No hardware acceleration is on

Until now Af Photo works like a charm. Nothing to complain about

br Claes

0ff6134b-3fe7-41ce-91b7-21e1607ac41b.dmp 4.68 MB · 2 downloads 86f340fe-9519-40d0-a380-ca165f510df6.dmp 5.55 MB · 1 download 5485eca4-34df-43a4-b3fe-ed9ae10568cb.dmp 5.41 MB · 0 downloads 11485a5f-7a88-4872-9a0f-2f2877614090.dmp 570.17 kB · 2 downloads

Hi Dan

sorry for late respons. This is what I have found out

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz   3.40 GHz

Nvidia GeForce GTX 560Ti

W10 pro 64 bit

is this to any help ??


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Thanks for the further info provided @Claes!

Can you please download the latest driver for your GPU from the below link -


Once downloaded, I recommend selecting the Clean Installation option within the driver installer window - 


After installation, restart your PC and try using Affinity once again, does this reduce the crashing behaviour please? :)

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auch bei mir stürzt seit ein paar Monaten regelmäßig Affinity Photo ab.

Ich habe das Programm schon mehrfach deinstalliert und neu installiert. Keine Änderung.


Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2,90 GHz 2,90 GHz

Windows 10 pro

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti mit Max-Q-Design

Anbei die Knödel.


Ich hoffe, Sie können mir weiter helfen.

Liebe Grüße Conny




Edited by connyhgw
fehlender Anhang
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Hallo @connyhgw,

Willkommen im Affinity-Forum :) 

Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass Sie Probleme haben! Stellen Sie zunächst sicher, dass Ihr Treiber für die GTX 1050Ti vollständig auf dem neuesten Stand ist, direkt von der Nvidias-Website.

Zweitens öffnen Sie bitte Affinity Photo und navigieren Sie zu Bearbeiten > Einstellungen > Leistung und stellen Sie mir hier einen Screenshot Ihrer Einstellungen zur Verfügung.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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I also have been having frequent crashes recently. This was never a problem in the past so not sure what is going on. I have been exploring Capture One as a DAM to go along with Affinity Photo. However, the crashes are occurring even when Capture One is not running. Many of the crashes occur when cropping and image.  Attached is a saved image that when I now try to open crashes Affinity Photo beDJI_0988.afphotoDJI_0988.afphotofore it even loads.  I have been losing a lot of work and time with this as generally the files or work is not saved as a recovery file. Any insights greatly appreciated.


Note that I was not able to load the file which causes a crash when trying to open. I get unexpected server error. Upload failed!

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14 minutes ago, running tide said:

I also have been having frequent crashes recently. This was never a problem in the past so not sure what is going on. I have been exploring Capture One as a DAM to go along with Affinity Photo. However, the crashes are occurring even when Capture One is not running. Many of the crashes occur when cropping and image.  Attached is a saved image that when I now try to open crashes Affinity Photo beDJI_0988.afphotoDJI_0988.afphotofore it even loads.  I have been losing a lot of work and time with this as generally the files or work is not saved as a recovery file. Any insights greatly appreciated.


Note that I was not able to load the file which causes a crash when trying to open. I get unexpected server error. Upload failed!

Do you have hardware acceleration on? If so try turning it off. Edit->Preferences->Performance. I use Capture One Express with Affinity Photo with no problems. I did originally make the change Serif suggest though but don't think I've done it for more recent versions of APh.


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Hello again Dan

Well this is what happens

If I zoom out the picture a lot so I can see the whole image area and click outside the marked layer (e.g. see the red cross) AF crashes.
I can reopen the document again without AF refer to any backup. Just an ordinary opening.
I zoom out and click again - it crashes. Over and over again...

I have a feeling that this might have happened before. But when it crashes it goes so quick so you can´t catch it.

Attached, crash reports



aa4441b6-40ee-4e2e-837f-839a5230740a.dmp ed0721c5-d2a4-4257-abd7-7fd06fe17fc6.dmp

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22 minutes ago, Claes said:

If I zoom out the picture a lot so I can see the whole image area and click outside the marked layer (e.g. see the red cross) AF crashes.
I can reopen the document again without AF refer to any backup. Just an ordinary opening.
I zoom out and click again - it crashes. Over and over again...

Thanks for letting me know - this isn't happening in any document here for me, so it may be file specific. Are you able to provide a copy of this .afphoto file here?

If you'd like a private upload link for the file, please let me know :)

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It´s quite a big file.
When I reopened the file – of course there were no problem.
But with some effort and intensive clicking here and there I finely got it to crash.

What did the crash report say?

Please delete the image from this forum as soon as you got it


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Thanks for trying that for me, unfortunately it doesn't appear as though the forums was able to correct handle the file, so can you please upload this to the below link for me and let me know once this has been done? :)


21 minutes ago, Claes said:

What did the crash report say?

As I'm working remotely today I've been unable to debug these reports personally, so I'm currently awaiting a response from a colleague who is able to, and I will be sure to update you once I have more info!

Are you by chance using Pattern Layers within this document?

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