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Putting .gif into static image

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Hello folks,

sorry for my beginner's question:

I want to create an image consisting of a static image and a .gif (or .mp4) (which is running on a TV screen in the static part of the image)

Is this possible in Affinity? And if possible I would like to reshape and angulate the "TV-Screen" so that it seems to be more realistiv perspectivewise..

e.g. like that I found on the web:



I'm happy about any input, even if you would give me some workaround for it! Thanks in advance!

Edited by jiff
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Hi jiff,

Welcome to the forums :)

43 minutes ago, jiff said:

I want to create an image consisting of a static image and a .gif (or .mp4) (which is running on a TV screen in the static part of the image)

Is this possible in Affinity?

Unfortunately Affinity doesn't support animated content of any type, you can open/place .GIF files in Affinity, but these will be imported as a static version of the first frame of the animation only, my apologies.

44 minutes ago, jiff said:

And if possible I would like to reshape and angulate the "TV-Screen" so that it seems to be more realistiv perspectivewise..

This is certainly possible using the Mesh Warp/Perspective tools, however as mentioned above this will be a static image layer only. 

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Thank you for your quick response! Which is unfortunately very sad to hear that it is currently not supported. Do you know of a workaround for this, or are there any tips or program recommendations on this topic (which do not have Adobe in their name)?

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No problem at all :) 

Unfortunately there's no workarounds for this in Affinity, as the app simply doesn't understand animated content.

I haven't personally used any software that would allow for this, hopefully another forum user may be able to offer some advice here - my apologies!

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If you’re on Windows you can use IrfanView (free for non-commercial use, and only ten euros if you need to purchase a licence) to extract the frames of an animated GIF.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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7 hours ago, Alfred said:

If you’re on Windows you can use IrfanView (free for non-commercial use, and only ten euros if you need to purchase a licence) to extract the frames of an animated GIF.

Ok, thank you for this information..unfortunately I'm on Mac...:(

7 hours ago, CLC said:

@jiff  I guess you're looking for different kind of software.
Perhaps After Effects might be what you're looking for? :)


Thank you for the video! Yes, exactly this kind of stuff I want to do, but with a static image! But ...AE ist Adobe...do you guys have an recommendations for not-adobe software? Thank you for your input!

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You can easily open and create GIF using the GIMP. There are certainly other tools, but I used it on Mac and PC when I needed GIF.

And it's interesting since you can create 10 images, name them img_1.png, img_2.png, img_3.png... img_10.png,  and open them as layers and they'll be stacked in a file with the 1 at the bottom, and the 10th at the top.
If tou open a GIF in GIMP, instead of "names", the layers' names are the time they should be displayed… (you can select options while saving too).  It's a simple tool, but effective. I used it once a year for an animated GIF in my email's signature's for "Happy new year!".
For more complexe needs, perhaps another app will be better.

And you can open and save a GIF as layers with it too (for the last part: export as .ora file, and open this "archive" with 7Zip or another app).

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10 hours ago, jiff said:

Thank you for the video! Yes, exactly this kind of stuff I want to do, but with a static image! But ...AE ist Adobe...do you guys have an recommendations for not-adobe software? Thank you for your input! 

@jiff Foundry's Nuke can do the job as well. And from free software range, Blender might also work.

Anyway - if it's a one-time job, you could probably just use AE trial and then get rid of it.

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You might want to take a look at Synfig, you can download it here: https://www.fosshub.com/Synfig.html it's Open Source and multi-platform.

iMac 27" 2019 Somona 14.6.1, iMac 27" Affinity Designer, Photo & Publisher V1 & V2, Adobe, Inkscape, Vectorstyler, Blender, C4D, Sketchup + more... XP-Pen Artist-22E, - iPad Pro 12.9  
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Another cool app, also open source is: https://www.pencil2d.org

iMac 27" 2019 Somona 14.6.1, iMac 27" Affinity Designer, Photo & Publisher V1 & V2, Adobe, Inkscape, Vectorstyler, Blender, C4D, Sketchup + more... XP-Pen Artist-22E, - iPad Pro 12.9  
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Affinity Help - Affinity Desktop Tutorials - Feedback - FAQ - most asked questions

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Would this work? Create your image with a transparent hole where the screen would be and save in a format that supports transparency. Then in your target application, align this image over the animated gif to reveal the action.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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