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  1. Setup: 1) Hyphenation is enabled (checked) in the Style that I am using for body text and the language is set to Auto (US English). 2) I have studied the help file on hyphenation and have kept the default settings since, if I understand correctly, they provide the most aggressive (so to speak) hyphenation. But it's not working well. I often get loose lines; see the screen shot. In each place where I have inserted a red line, if I type a hyphen followed by a space, the preceding letters and the hyphen jump up to the previous line. So there is certainly space available, but no automatic hyphenation happens. Adding a soft hyphen at these points has no effect. I would appreciate any advice!
  2. I'm new to Affinity Publisher, coming from Indesign CS6 (which I own but cannot install on my new computer, because Adobe blocks activation now). I have part-finished projects and have exported as idml and opened these in Publisher, but the text does not alway appear correctly. In particular, though Publisher has done a remarkable job, I find that manual changes to Indesign's kerning etc and especially hyphenation is changed. Most of this I can manually fix, but ... In Indesign I have an easy, fast way to add my own hyphenation to the dictionary so that words I commonly use are no longer marked as incorrect spelling and I can have the hyphenation I require. I have found out about using numbers to represent hyphen points (~ becomes 1 and so on) and I have a text file from Indesign with these (export is easy and find/replace changes tildes for numbers). BUT: I cannot find the dictionary file to edit. I'm in the UK, so the installed dictionary is correctly 'English (United Kingdom)' and so I need to add 'my' words to this file. My problem is ... where do I find it (and is this the best way to go?). Secondly, isn't there (I think there should be if not) the means to add words and hyphenation easily to the dictionary, as in Indesign, without having to locate a file and edit it manually. Or am I missing something, which is entirely possible. Thanks for any pointers.
  3. Hello, Affinity Designer urgently needs Auto Hyphenation. You have already added this feature to Affinity Publisher: ... so can you please also add it to AD? Thank you!
  4. Hey, i cant find hyphenation for german in the menus of my affinity designer. Wheter im in the vector section or the pixel section theres no hyphenation button in the type menu... Thanks and cheers
  5. I installed Publisher V2 on my new MacBook Air 15', and forgot to install the Swedish hyphenation file I Library/Spelling. When I tried to open a fairly complicated Book project (3 Chapters) with a lot of long sidenotes originally started on my main Mac Studio, all went well until I tried to open the third Chapter, which resulted in a perpetual "Opening the file", with a resulting depletion of System App memory and a forced shutdown. The Chapter file would also not open individually, likewise for all the previously backed-up versions of the same file. Installing the hyphenation file solved the problem, the file is opening fine now. In the file, the only difference to the other Chapter files are a few veeery long sidenotes, which before I minimised the font size for those particular sidenotes, pushed subsequent sidenotes too far forward over the spreads, so that a lot of white space was introduced. (BTW - a big Thanks for the Sidenotes feature. I suppose ID still lacks those)
  6. Hi. As far as I understand, for the supported languages, Affinity apps use Hunspell dictionaries (included inside the app). Please, correct me if i'm wrong. Is there any possibility to use the system ones? Because the included Hunspell Spanish (es_ES) dictionary seems to have serious issues on hyphenation, causing a lot on incorrect/forbidden partitions, and we are receiving a lot of corrections from our customers and a lot of time wasted on reviewing documents and manually sorting those errors (which can amount to hours on some long documents). We are not talking about obscure terms not included in dictionary, but pretty basic partitions in very common words, like partition in the middle of syllable, which is a clear NO-No in any language. We have tried to download the last updated dictionaries but those issues persist. We have verified that this only happens within Affinity apps. No other app in our computers makes these hyphenation errors. Also we have checked that this is not a local issue, as all five macs in the studio have the same issue. And yes, we checked to be using Spanish spelling and hypenation languages in Character panel settings. Also, by checking the installation instructions for dictionaries that Affinity offers, it only seems to talk about the .dic file, not mentioning the .aff file if the language offers it. May this be an issue of Affinity not using the .aff information, which includes gramatical instructions complementary to the .dic? Just guessing here.
  7. Even when you disable hyphenation, Text Frame will still break down words into pieces. There doesn't seem to be any way to stop this. This presents a huge problem in cases where words being arbitrarily broken down is not permitted, which is pretty much all documents I work with. This behaviour also prevents a text overflow error being shown in the preflight, so in cases of documents with hundreds or thousands of pages, it prevents you from knowing where the problems are. Example: a multi-line text frame where all text fits the frame: a multi-line text frame where text doesn't fit the frame and a preflight error should have been shown: instead, no error, and words are broken down between lines. Imagine if this was a business card or something like that. Hyphenation disabled. And what happens in InDesign if you disable hyphenation: With hyphenation disabled a text overflow error is shown like its supposed to, words are not broken down.
  8. The German word "Glückseligkeit" gets hyphenated incorrectly - see screenshots. Nothing more to add. Different settings didn't accomplish anything. Happy fixing. 🙂 Helmar PS: for those versed in German, the content of the paragraph is of paramount importance. English natives may refer to chapter 15, point 5 of the Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel.
  9. I don't know how to adjust the paragraph hyphenation settings so that the second to last line wouldn't be like in the picture with huge white spaces. It happens in many paragraphs, and it's painful to use soft hyphenation very often to solve the problem. How should I adjust the settings in the picture to avoid this?
  10. Dear Affinity Team, I love your program and still use the 10 days trial version. As I often work with Text - used illustrator for many years - I need a auto-hyphenation tool. Do I just not find it or is it not included in the Affinity designer? And if not - are there any plan implementing it? Thanks for your reply.
  11. A cursory glance at the end of the second line of each embedded screenshot points to a bug, because only one (the first one) is correct. Happy fixing, Helmar
  12. Hi, I followed the help how to install new dictionaries and added some own definitions, but they are ignored by Affinity Publisher (MacOS). Could anyone describe how to add own hyphenation definitions manually? Like ki1ne1sio1lo1gie? I added the words below # own definitions ki1ne1sio1lo1gie # Zusammengesetzte adverbiale Präfixe ..... But it's completely ignored. I selected the hyphen dictionary in the signs menu
  13. I have an ongoing issue with hyphenation in justified text. The spaces between the words are just too big. I have tried around with the settings and as you can see below, I have (for my knowledge) already set it to the maximum of hyphenation possible. All the playing around with the numbers changed nothing (made it worse occasionally). Is there a setting for like the "maximum space between words"? Finally I figured the problem may be with the Hypenation Dictionary. Maybe the program just hast too few options to hyphenate? But the affinity help page only directs me to the hyphenation dictionary which is already installed. Are there any other you know of? As you can see in the example text below, there are two paragraphs. In the upper paragraph there are some, very few words hyphenated, although I would wish the text to be way more compact, even with more separations. In the lower paragraph, there is none, although there are many suitable words. Like those, who consist of two different words itself: "Kultur-behörde, Kunst-vereinen, Kunst-halle", even seperable into Kul-tur-be-hör-de or something like that. Also city names like "Ham-burg" or "Düssel-dorf". I find the look of these texts very unprofessional, but find no way (can not even think of a ciscumstantial way) to solve that. Can You? Thank you! Kind regards :)
  14. Hello There! I'm having troubles with Hyphenation on my Afiinity Publisher (1.8.4) running on Mac OS 10.14.3. It just does not work. I can set the dictionary in spanish and also the Hyphenation dictionary. But my text appears with no hyphenation on it. I've tried in english also and no matter what I do, I can't get the text to "break" any word. Am I missing something basic? Thank's a lot!
  15. Hi there, here you can download files suitable for Slovak and Czech hyphenation. Copy them to the directory according to https://affinity.help/publisher/en-US.lproj/pages/Text/hyphenation.html. hyph_cs_CZ.dic hyph_sk_SK.dic
  16. You used in your Flow Window the term «Prevent widowed last lines». In this context, the term widow is not a well-chosen terminology. Actually, it is wrong. I suggest using the term «runt» instead of «widowed». David Blatner introduced the term «runt» for this typographic problem. In typography, a «runt» occurs when the last line of a paragraph ends with: - a part of a hyphenated word - or a single short word - or a short lines of text with up to 10-signs at the last line of a paragraph. An exact term of this typographic crime is vague and (historically) does not exist at all. Some call them orphans or widows; others call them runts. You called them widows which I think is confusing and not correct in this context. I agree with David Blatner how proposed the term «runt» and who pointed out that: ...while some people call these widows and other people call them orphans, those terms definitely do not describe short last lines at the end of a paragraph. The terms Orphans and Widows are reserved for other typographic problems. (Orphans are single first lines stranded at the bottom of a column. Widows are single last lines stranded at the top of a column.) That’s why I (Blatner) like the term “runt” when talking about short last-lines in a paragraph. https://indesignsecrets.com/3-ways-to-fix-runts-in-your-text.php I would further suggest giving the user in the Flow Window the possibility to define how much signs are permissible for «Runts». By the way, InDesign is not offering this functionality and is not using the term «runt».
  17. Hello, Would you send "SIMPLE PROCEDURE" for adding hyphenations to Publisher. It was really surprising to find that Publisher did not contain languages of norther countries! Thank you in advance! Erkki
  18. Hi, I was working on a document in French with the auto hyphenation enabled. All seems to be good, except for two words that are wrong. I wonder, is there is a way to let Publisher know that a particular document is in French? Would that have avoided these two errors. électron-ique instead of électro-nique postdoctor-ales instead of postdocto-rales Thanks!
  19. Regarding a kindly reply to a Twitter conversation (please find below) about custom hyphenation dictionaries support on Mac OS: Is it possible / applicable to have a different folder location for the secondary languages (i.e. Turkish in this case) other than the default one located in Affinity Publisher.app package* itself — in one of the next updates may be? Otherwise (or without any other reliable — more consistent solution), please be informed that, we lost language specific hyphens on a file and all the text styles drop auto-hyphenation to none in it, after an update. New version overwrites the app, so all the custom additions in package contents, of course. (*) Affinity Publisher.app⁩ > ⁨Contents⁩ > ⁨Resources⁩ > ⁨Dictionaries⁩ Link to above mentioned tweet: Also please see this topic (says there is a minor discrepancy between Windows and Mac OS versions Preferences, Tools panel, “Additional dictionary folder” line. Mac OS doesn’t have one):
  20. Dear developers, Please add an option what show No Break character as highlighted text. I used on a few word this Option for better hyphenation, but when text will move, I cannot see where applied this option. If can you add a highlight to these words, texts, this will great help in future. This highlight feature can show or hidden like Special Characters or Fields.
  21. Hi, do I miss something or is this a known Bug? The "hyphenation" for German does not work. If I fill the text box with English sample text and switch to English the "hyphenation" is working. Do I need to download some language Packs for that? I have got the latest stable Version installed //
  22. Dear developers, I have a problem with hyphenation: if I set Column end zone to big value, then I get a hole on end of column, but text set to Justify Left alignment. Need correct this hole, because I cannot align to right frame.
  23. Hello, I'm a book writer and wrapper too. I'm testing hyphenation zones, but I don't understand, how can I use it. After set score, length, prefix, suffix and consecutive hyphens I stopped. I have textboxes with flow text (book text), and I need no hyphenation end of column. I can't see zones, font's measurement is point, no millimeters. Where is zones? I read in help: 'The zones are measured back from the right indent of the frame text, ignoring alignment or justification.' Ok, if Hyphenation zone is 17mm, then this length from right side of frame? Is this a column? This word length or 'hyphenation margin'? I get rarely hyphenation. Ok, I change Column end zone. This zone start from bottom to top, or from right bottom corner to left? If I use this, will be a hook on end of text, no aligned last line to right side, if hyphenation not applicable. I set to maximum: 400mm, and see the hole on end of column. Is this hole a text-alignment or justification bug? And what is Paragraph end zone? Word lengths in millimeters? Can I use Capital zone for start character hyphenation limit? Like 'A panoráma' doesn't hyphenate if set point of 'A' in mm plus space in mm? Zones is not clear me. I need no hyphenation at end of column, and justification will be correct. Can anyone help me, please?
  24. I realize that Affinity Designer is designed for vector graphics, however, it seems to me that many people do such works as leaflets etc. Therefore, text breaking is an option that would be very helpful for longer blocks of text. As far as I know, this option is available in Designer, and here I was probably looking for 3 hours and unfortunately, I didn't find it. I will add that I work on a Polish dictionary. Do you expect to add hyphenation?
  25. How can I exclude the em dash as an acceptable character to include in hyphenation in Publisher? For example, if I had a sentence like this. Crocodiles, alligators—they both look the same to me It seems to assume "alligators—they" is all one word. I've had it insert a hyphenation dash right before the em dash, which looks rather ugly.
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