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  1. This seems to be a much bigger problem for development than I expected…
  2. Hi @Hangman, I tested the pressure sensitivity, as you suggest, but there is no change. I tried the default settings, basic slider setups and also my custom pressure profile and no change within Affinity and the placement bug.
  3. Hi @Hangman, I found the reason for the problem – flickering and changing position is caused by my Wacom Intuos Pro tablet. When I place the same image inside the same document using my mouse, nothing happens, everything is working fine. The graphic tablet is causing the issue also with other images (Scan 5 etc.). I'm using on my macOS 12.7.6 Wacom driver 6.3.46-1. It isn't the newest one, but my experience with all newer versions is terible – the tablet stops working, scrolling has glitches from time to time… so I decided not to update it and keep my working version.
  4. Hi @Hangman, my current Mac specs: iMac 5K (2017) 24GB, macOS Monterey 12.7.6, working with Affinity Publisher 2.5.4. No, just the main iMac screen. Thanks.
  5. Hi @Hangman, sorry for my later reply. I tested all the scenarios above and the flickering and translation is still present. No matter what settings are chosen in preferences. But the single-click placement works well. The image is placed right below the cursor and at the original size (2339 x 1654 px). I tried also to delete objects within the artboard continuously to see, if the amount of layers/objects affects some way this issue… When i deleted most of the content, some logos still remaining (see the screenshot), then in such conditions the placement starts working normaly. But the flickering is still remaining. At least the size and placement position of the image is correct.
  6. Hi @Hangman, I sent you the download link to the file via the private message.
  7. Hi @Hangman, the DPI of the document (artboard) is 72. The image was scanned originaly in portrait proportions and I rotated it 90 deg. using the default Finder rotate tool. Scan 7.zip
  8. Hi, when importing image in to the document, the image flyes to different place with different size as planned. Also the flickering of the image preview below the cursor looks weird. Screen Recording 2024-08-14 at 09.43.46.mov
  9. Thanks @MikeTO for remainding me. That's a pity that such trivial but important bugs remains open so long without any fix from Affinity…
  10. Hi, in some cases the Afpub is disconnecting the right quotation mark from previous sign. It happens when the quot sign is located at the spot, wher the line is breaking in to new one. See my attached PDF and Afpub file with the sign marked in red colour. I'm using free font Dysfont suitable for type setting text optimised for people suffering from dyslexia. I'm not sure, if the issue is caused by the font itself. Quotation-mark-01.pdf Quotation-mark.afpub
  11. Hi @MEB, still in beta 2.5.0 2402. I think it must be a very easy fix for your developers
  12. This topic I'd like to describe is maybe for Feedback & Suggestions part of this forum, but when there is a discussion about improving the transform panel, I would also (and more) prefer the ability to override the Link option for maintaining the object aspect ratio. For example when unlinked (do not aspect ratio) and typing some value in one field, hiting Enter together with for example Cmd/Ctrl or some other modifier key would override the curent link setting and make the size change constrained. And vice versa...
  13. For this function shown in your InDesign screencast you can use the "Make Same" option within Alignment menu in Affinity: To size objects to same: Select multiple objects, ensuring the object to be sized to is selected first. To do this, use -click to target it first or a marquee selection that encompasses it first. On the Toolbar, click Alignment, then set the Make Same option, choosing to size to Width or Height. (Optional) Check Maintain Aspect Ratio to ensure the objects will resize using their original proportions. Click Apply.
  14. Hi there, can anyone explain to me why my empty file is 184 MB? I had a lot of images and other elements in this file (originaly ca 800 MB in size), but even when I deleted all the content, the file size didn't drop below 184 MB. Here is the link to that file: https://calder.myqnapcloud.com:443/share.cgi?ssid=db80bed0042648d69a28daea9d5b0e04
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