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  1. Just wondering how Affinity can justify the current discounted price of Affinity Photo being $39.99 for US customers and £38.99 for UK customers...! The US dollar is not the same as the UK pound...there is an exchange rate recognised throughout the world. According to xe.com, today's rate is XE Currency Converter: USD to GBP 39.99 USD =31.3235GBP US Dollar 1 USD = 0.783284 GBP ↔British Pound 1 GBP = 1.27668 USD Live mid-market rate 2017-06-16 09:57 local time. In other words, a US citizen pays $39.99 for Affinity Photo, but a UK citizen pays £38.99, more than £8.00 more to download the same digital software? Why? Why, as an Affinity account holder in the UK, am I charged more to download the same product?
  2. Hello, So today I would like to take a photo of a car, and make the background look like it's moving in Affinity Photo. Any help?
  3. "Ray-Gun-Omics Poster" Affinity Photo Digital Illustration Instagram - @chaos3rdeye Website- www.chaosabzu.com Stay tuned for more!
  4. 15 years ago, on honeymoon I took a set of photos (no, not THAT sort of photo, behave yourselves!) as handheld shots of the sunset, with the thought that one day I'd turn them into a panorama shot. Now, all this time later, with AP's brilliant Panorama mode and Tone Mapping / HDR abilities, I've finally got the shot I imagined! Thanks Affinity Warwick Fiji Panorama HDR.tiff
  5. Hello, I'm using a Magic Mouse in Affinity Photo on a MacBook Pro and cannot figure out how to get scrolling while hovering over, or clicking into, a value adjacent a slider to work. Two finger scrolling on the trackpad doesn't change the value either, however using a basic Microsoft scroll wheel mouse does! General scrolling elsewhere in the Studio panels and in the document view work as expected, just not in changing values. Am I missing something?
  6. The documentation team have made a comprehensive post about the available tutorials here, this is just a summary article. All of the iPad Photo tutorials are presented on a dedicated (localized) page on the Affinity site here https://affinity.serif.com/tutorials/photo/ipad They are sorted into categories Category: Basic Operations Category: Advanced Operations Category: Corrective & Retouching Category: Creative Tools Category: Filters & Adjustments Category: Export Persona
  7. Hello! I am giving a try to Affinty ounce again. Here my (constructive) remarks. Maybe I am missing something.. - crop tool does not apply any constraint using the predefined ratio. (???) - shortcuts very difficult to work with: one press select -> second press deselect (???). - No clipping in the level tool per channel - No possibility to switch channel using a shortcuts in the level tool (?) - In general, I think the level tool layout could be updated. Maybe a bigger window with master and the R, G , B channel. - "polygone" selection tool. By pressing shift with lasso but releasing shift close the selection (?). - Performances (display, many layers) not as good as PS CS6 Otherwise, it's working ok. Panorama works well as well. I am really looking for a better shortcuts implementations and a dedicated "polygon" selection. Especially shortbuts, make it a nightmare to use. Thanks for listening.
  8. Hello everyone this is my playlist on youtube for some greate speedarts on affinity designer end photo (updated daily) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXqbiWpUbhSEGfnzh-dxQAqIiNz5jbpT i hope you like it :)
  9. "Queen of the Coral" Affinity Photo Digital Illustration Instagram - @chaos3rdeye Website- www.chaosabzu.com Stay tuned for more!
  10. Congratulations – Photo for iPad seems like an incredibly capable tool that finally opens up iOS for more professional work. My iPad Air is not supported, so here are my initial impressions based only on the tutorial videos (which do work fine on iPad Air). These are what I think are the most pressing issues that, if fixed, would get this thing even closer to perfection ;) Putting something like "Deselect" into a contextual menu isn't that great – I think if each Persona had a few buttons next to the Persona selector for quick access to very frequently used operations, that would be much more fluid. This would also solve having the "Develop" command being only visible when you have the Hand tool active and having to dive into a menu for toggling clipping preview, which is something that is often used in a "switch it on, change something, switch it off to check how it looks, switch it on again" type workflow. Maybe it's just the videos, but I didn't see any way to use a brush to paint selections. It would be good to have a setting that switches the Adjustment and Filter studio panels to a simple list or icon view, or, alternatively, add buttons to the Layers panel that show popovers with filters a iPhone-style sliding categorized navigation list. The current design seems to require way too much scrolling and also has very colorful icons that distract from the document. If I just want to add something fast, the current design is not great. Also, a "previous filter" item at the top like on the desktop version might be a good idea. Levels does not have any histogram whatsoever – if the intended use is to just use the scopes panel, some kind of indicator where the selected black and white points fall inside the histogram/waveform is needed for precise control, as well as a way to make the histogram/scopes bigger than they currently are. Quick access to clipping highlights also (which would actually make more sense as a global option that's available in the other Personae as well, excluding Liquify). Output levels are missing as well. Double tap to fit to screen is nice, but quick pinch to fit like in Procreate seems more fluid to me (it might just be that my middle finger is somehow abnormally long, but two-finger taps are often recognized only after the second or third try for me) Straightening seems a bit fiddly – it would be nicer to be able to drag out a line and then have the end points movable even after you release the touch. Basically with an "Apply" button instead of committing right away. Right now, if you get it wrong or wonky, there seems to be no way to cancel and no way to get it really precise. Similar problem with the Inpainting and Mask Refinement brushes – an "apply on release" check box would make this more convenient. If disabled, it would allow you to paint multiple strokes and then press an "Apply" button. Same on the Desktop – I can't count the number of times I've used one of these brushes, hit the screen edge and had no way to scroll the document without the incomplete operation being applied, leaving no way but to undo and repaint a potentially complex selection. The curves UI in Develop (and possibly the regular Adjustment, it's not shown in the videos) seems to be too small for precise adjustments. A button that pops it out over the full screen like Procreate does by default would be very nice. Also, like with Levels, there needs to be a way to see where a point falls on the histogram/waveform, numeric coordinate inputs and a clipping warning for it to be really useful. It would be much more useful if dragging on the layers would adjust Opacity instead of doing multi-select. Selecting could be implemented either by having an additional column with checkmarks permanently shown to the left of the layer name, or by having a "Select" mode that makes that column appear after press of a button like in many other iOS list views to prevent accidental selection. That would also be more intuitive for new users. A "Hide Selection" option would be very useful to see what selection edges look like after an adjustment. Goes for Desktop as well. This is nitpicking, but the square buttons in the Layers panel don't match the round look on the other buttons, like "Return", "Document Menu" etc. The Inpainting Brush "Inpainting in progress" overlay seems like it would get really annoying if you have to do a lot of inpainting because it would make your screen flash after every brushstroke. It also makes it harder to compare before and after since you get to stare at that blurry wall instead of before/after images in direct sequence. A smaller progress indicator like the non-intrusive "Marked as Pick/Reject" feedback popups in Adobe Lightroom or a global progress bar next to the Persona selector would be a lot less distracting. A lot of the Develop UI is really colorful and could distract from the image. I already mentioned the Adjustments previews as another case of this. In Develop, for instance, the RGBCMY sliders could just have their knob colored instead of half the slider (background of the slider indicating the percentage could be gray instead of R/G/B/C/M/Y), or maybe the colored part could just be a thin line like on standard iOS sliders. It's not clear from the tutorial videos if this is there, but a "double-tap any numeric input, slider or option to reset to default" feature would be great. On the desktop as well. Or alternatively or additionally, a "default" button in the popup calculator would seem like a good idea to me. Develop seems to lack an option for numeric inputs. This is essential for precise corrections. It would be nice if the popup calculators could do basic maths, like those in Flame. So something like "current setting * 1.5" would be really easy to do. History seems to have no "Purge History" button that would save storage space on complex documents, especially ones with a lot of paint strokes. The only way to do this currently seems to be to do a "Save as". Also, having the initial document state in the history list would be useful. And an option to use the great split-screen compare mode with history steps would be nice (though admittedly not essential). The size of the application bundle is extremely large, more than a GB. Anything you could do to reduce this would be greatly appreciated since storage is usually extremely limited on Apple devices, there is no way to use memory cards, and the images being worked on potentially get rather large, especially considering that they are saved with history by default and that 41 megapixel raw files are within the norm these days. Hope this feedback is helpful, congratulations on the spectacular launch! :)
  11. I'm being a bit cheeky, I have to admit! Someone a while back pointed out that you can pass vector images from DrawPlus to AD by exporting them as PDFs. The Autotrace studio in DP is a lot of fun to play with, and these pics were put through it with suitably tweaked parameters. I imported the PDFs into AP to clean them up a little and trim any white space from the edges. I don't claim any artistic merit (except in the Dad-ist sense that I chose the originals and decided which ones to post and which ones weren't good enough). But I like the kind of near-abstract decomposition that often comes out, and I shall take inspiration and have a go at making some vector jobs entirely by hand.
  12. I'm interested in finding out if there are any digital art plug-ins that work with Affinity Photo. I don't need anything too fancy but I'd be interested in plug-ins with filters that can create and customize a variety of "painterly" looks from photos. If there's nothing that will do this as a plug-in, I'd be interested in recommendations for stand-alone programs that could be applied after an image is processed in Affinity and exported to a TIFF or PNG file.
  13. I just downloaded Windows Version 1.5.2 of Affinity Photos. Many changes but not a single tutorial explaining where past features went and how to use modified ones. Worst part... no concern by Affinity.
  14. Hi there, guys! Long Time I don't share anything. Well, today I wanted to practice some digital painting (still trying to get myself on it, drawing is way easier), and, the fruit of that is this work in progress, some weird humanoid being. Best regards!
  15. I have just bought a XP-Pen Star03 tablet, and I can't get it to work in Affinity photo. Is there any way I can get the pressure sensitivity to work?
  16. Hi everyone I've done a macro with 3 elipses for dodge and burning like lightroom but in ap, one for dodge other for burn and another for contrast. How to use 1.import the macro 2. clic on the dodge elipse macro but ensure the fill color is white 3.clic on the burn elipse macro but ensure the fill color is black. 4.Clic on the contrast macro but ensure the fill color is white 5. Select the move tool [v] for modifying and moving the elipse. You can play with opacity for making stonger or softer the effect or even change the blend mode. The macros will generate an elipse with a name like dodge, burn and contrast for that reason you need to set the correct color fill before apply the macro, and the other reson is because affinity photo didn't allow me record fill colors with elipses. Enjoy :) D&B with elipses.zip
  17. I am starting to see a few posts asking Serif why Publisher hasn't been released yet. After just completing my first BASIC layout project with Designer and Photo it makes sense to me for at least some of the reasons why Publisher hasn't been released. The two currently available apps are still missing some very basic layout tools so Serif needs to get the basics put in those two apps before moving on to the more complex layout software. I wrote a lengthy piece about this in another thread but it was buried one hundred posts down. I just wanted people to be aware of these points so I am starting a new thread so that they can get more exposure. Original post: After doing my first layout project on Affinity I can understand why Serif isn't rushing Publisher out (even though I enjoyed using it for layouts.) There are still a number of basic layout features that need to be added to Designer and Photo to even work well as a basic one page layout software. Why rush out complex layout software before you even have the basics working right? This is the list I have come up with that Affinity should complete before moving to a layout program. - Visible bleeds in the program, not just after exporting the file. There was too much work trying to set up bleeds at a half an inch when I could see an object after it was dragged out into the bleed area. I basically had to draw a half inch box and then drag the object to the size of the box and then delete the box after I no longer needed it. - Adding and editing artboards needs to be done in Photo. If Photo let me edit artboards I could have done my entire book cover layout in Photo (I think) and not had to jump back to Designer each time I needed to make a slight revision. For an example the publisher I was working with said that my book spine needed to be .58" rather then what I previously had it set to which was .5". Such a small adjustment should not require me to go to another app. - I consider text wrap to be a basic tool so this needs to be done without having to rely on a workaround. There is also a feature from InDesign where the text follows along the side an object that I find to be very useful but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head. - I should be able to select a shape that I want to import an object into. I know there is masking from the layers panel but with InDesign I have gotten used to selecting a shape, selecting place and then having an object get imported in. This object could then show up in the layers panel as a masked item. -The first version of Publisher should include some of the features that InDesign users have been clamoring for over the past several years and never get. The goal is not to just make a clone of InDesign but provide functionality it can't do or can't do well. I think Affinity got off to a good start as a basic layout tool but I really believe that all of these basics need to be done before Publisher comes out. Ideally Publisher should be a solid app right from the first version since so much polishing would have been done to layout tools in Designer and Photo already. This way the focus for Publisher can be placed entirely on things like long document features and ebooks rather then adding layout tools that have been available for decades now (those features should already be in Photo and Designer by release.) Another advantage of placing the focus on Designer and Photo is that people will get comfortable using those programs as solid basic editing apps so when Publisher comes out the transition to the more powerful long document tools will feel more natural since it will be so similar to the programs they already use. PS. I noticed as I was typing this that there is a shortcut for adjusting leading. That is a useful idea. Is anyone else getting this to work? It doesn't work for me. That seems like a much better idea then having to type numbers into a leading box.
  18. Having fun with the new Photo 1.6 beta and Blender texture painting workflow. Liking the new light UI in Photo too. I'm using the file path option in Blender's preferences (see screenshot) so it's a one click jump to Photo for painting. Then just save in Photo, jump back to Blender and click reload image. Boom, couldn't be easier. :-) Blender's internal texture painting is pretty good but not quite as dedicated yet as Photo is for this sort of stuff. EDIT: sorry for the yuge screenshots...
  19. Good day! I'm fairly new to the whole photography thing let along photo editing. I'm absolutely in love with Affinity and its ease of use and user interface. Anyways, here's a few random shots that I've done and edited with AP. Comments and critique welcome!
  20. Here's my first try and doing a double exposure. I always loved the style and wanted to see if I could do it. Both underlying photos were taken by me and then edited in Affinity Photo. Comments and critique welcome!
  21. Are there already more precise information about the realese date and the price of Affinity Photo for iPad? I'm really excited and can't wait anymore :)
  22. Hi, I bought this program a while ago and love it, also bought the book but because of a lot of other commitments I haven't had a chance to learn it 100% yet. I'm no graphics designer, I just make silly make comics for people. So can anyone please give me a quick lesson on how to create an effect with this screenshot of how to make it look like the plane is going through some time warp, something where it's stretched out or going into a time tunnel or some kind of look like that? I watched almost all the videos but couldn't find anything like that effect. Many thanks to all who wish to help. Jack
  23. I downloaded the trial of Affinity Photo, and tried opening it on my Windows 10 computer. An error just pops up that says "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher." I am running Windows 10 Pro Version 1607 OS Build 14393.1198 I really want to buy this product, but if the trial won't work on my computer, I am guessing the full product won't work either. :-( Any thoughts?
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