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Frozen Death Knight

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Posts posted by Frozen Death Knight

  1. @swobyman777 @Sean PI can explain what's going on here. It's something I noticed years ago when picking up Affinity Photo. It's all related to brush hardness. Compared to Photoshop, Affinity has much sharper brushes with next to no anti-aliasing when reaching 100%. However, you can get the brushes to look a bit more like regular Photoshop brushes by changing brush hardness to 99%. It produces a slight blur on super massive brushes, but nothing that would be super noticeable in most projects. In the vast majority of cases the brush will have that anti-alias look. Here's a video demonstration.

  2. 1 minute ago, APoon said:

    I purchased the Mac version AP around June which is 1.8.3 and the latest update from last week is 1.8.4, may be version 1.9 is only for Windows!?

    Eh, no? Serif always release the same features and content updates for each platform. There are of course unique bugs for each platform and some unique features that are platform specific because of the differences between Mac and PC, but overall they releases are nearly identical. I highly doubt this feature will be PC exclusive.

  3. @swobyman777 Really nice!

    What kind of problems are you having with importing PS brushes? I was able to import all my brushes from Photoshop into Affinity, but a big downside was that you have to manually fix the settings for all of them since they don't all properly convert. Is that the problem you're having as well?

    Is the jagged anti-aliasing problem something that occurs with all brushes or some? Are you using the 1.8.4 version? They recently rewrote the brush API to be WinTab instead of Windows Ink with better quality brush coordinates, so the typical jaggy lines I used to experience in older Affinity versions with fast brush strokes got vastly improved. Or maybe it is something else you mean?

  4. Edit Lock/Unlock is a feature that has some serious design flaws. I made a thread discussing how it was still possible to edit layers with brush strokes, which is something you want to avoid since that's the point of wanting to lock a layer. However, I also noticed while working on a piece that despite locking the main layer of a stack with a mask clipped to the main layer, it was still perfectly possible to move around the layer with the Move Tool. This frankly should not happen and I would suggest having every single clipping layer being locked as well when you lock the main layer to make things more consistent across the board. This would also apply to things like groups as well, since locking the contents of a stack should mean the locking of everything inside said stack of layers.

    Also, as you can see in the video, my clipped mask layer could also be locked manually, but no lock icon actually appears (a possible bug). However, if you unclip and clip it back to the same layer the icon finally appears. The way I created the original mask was pressing the Mask Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel, so try to do that first in order to replicate the invisible lock icon bug.

  5. 1.8.4 got me more pumped for some longer painting sessions, so I decided to boot up an old project I left unfinished for a long time in an attempt to finish it. Really need to fix the hands before I am satisfied. Also not super keen on the background, so will have to work on that. Anyway, enjoy my current progress! : )


  6. 1 hour ago, walt.farrell said:

    I don't think there's a good term other than raster vs non-raster, which isn't going to be a helpful terminology, either.

    Alternatively you divide each option up so that you can decide the settings for each layer type separately. So one tab is "Groups", another is "Vectors", another is "Images", etc., etc. That way you have a bit more control for each layer type while allowing for better naming that directly refers to the type of layer you are changing the setting for.

  7. I was trying to select a group in a project I was working on when I noticed that it got rasterized when using a brush. So I checked out the Assistant and got confused by the naming of the option that rasterized the group. It's called "vector layers" which confused me, since I associate vectors with well, vector shapes, not groups and stuff. The same could be said about erasing and applying filters to "vector layers".

    Maybe I am a bit picky, but some clearer names for non-pixel layers would be nice.

  8. One feature that has been confirmed for 1.9 when creating brushes is the ability to create brush textures from your canvas selection. That to me I am very much looking forward to, since the current workflow for creating custom brushes is very tedious to say the least. Other than that, we don't know much else if there will be more changes coming with the next major release.

  9. I like Designer and find it quite comfortable to use, but to me there are 3 features that I wish to see that would make it more feature complete for what I like to do with vectors:

    1) A raster-to-vector converter. I am primarily a raster artist, so the way I like to work is drawing with pixels first. Being able to convert my Photo sketches into vectors for me to start working with vectors is a great time saver over having to retrace everything from scratch. Right now I am using Inkscape to compensate for this, but the value of Designer would greatly improve with this feature alone.

    2) A shape builder tool. Really, it just makes things easier all around when working than just using regular boolean operations.

    3) Persective transformation tools that don't rasterize the vectors like this thread mentions. Just makes perspective work a lot easier.

    Fix those 3 and I will be more than content for my type of projects. 🥳

  10. Nice! One bit of criticism I have about the composition is that the shadowed sihouette of the woman isn't properly mirrored. The mirror image and the woman are facing the same way which is unrealistic since a mirror is supposed to flip them to be opposites, as in right is left and vice versa. It is especially noticeable with the hair and shoulders which are facing the same way as the mirror image.

  11. @Chris B I just found another problem which is likely related to the same problem of the brush shortcut being recently changed. Right now in the Beta you can change your brush size and every time a new state is created in the History panel despite not actually having used the tool itself on the canvas. You will then get situations where certain history states don't really do anything since technically no other action was performed except for changing brush sizes.

  12. @Mark Ingram Just tried the new shortcuts for the selection tools now and they work great! Thanks a lot for fixing them! 🥳

    While we're still on the topic of shortcuts, I would like to ask if it would be possible to get these types of shortcuts for the Sponge Brush Tool as well for this Beta period? Currently you can only change brush size with ctrl+alt+L click like any other brush, but when you want to quickly switch between Saturate and Desaturate or toggle between HSL Saturation and Vibrance, you can't do that with modifier shortcuts and instead you have to manually click on them in the toolbar.

    I think adding these shortcuts would make the current push for improved workflow shortcuts feel a bit more feature complete.

  13. 2 hours ago, Aftemplate said:

    What you need to be clear about is that it is currently the standard way to MacOS. 
    This is excellent.
    Pen side keys are annoying, so I don't use it.
    You should adapt to a new workflow.
    I'm firmly against reversing.

    You mean the buttons on your pen? I use them a lot in fact. My standard for those buttons are R click and L click. L click I use to create brush strokes with 100% brush pressure, something which doesn't work in the Beta right now. Shift+L click is also very nice for creating perfectly straight lines with no line width variety. R click I also use a lot because of R click menus and stuff and luckily those seem to work right now.

    I hope that the issue of the L click button not working on the pen will be resolved. Really liking the improvements to the brush precision API, but I wish not to lose this nice feature in the process. : )

  14. 5 hours ago, firstdefence said:

    You can’t simply select the nodes and copy them because they are part of a bigger piece. You could duplicate - so you still have the original to go back to and divide the bigger piece and cherry-pick the part you need, you may end up with the small cutout slit as a separate piece too so you would have to subtract that from the copied part.


    Okay, thanks! Follow up question, is there way to inverse your node selection when you have selected the small piece you want to keep? Feels a bit impractical to manually deselect everything you don't want to delete after selecting all the nodes. ^^

  15. Just saw the patch notes that alt+R click was changed to ctrl+alt, so I made a victory dance with my crab brethren.

    Thanks a lot!!! The entire Affinity Suite just became a lot more user friendly with that change alone. 🥳

    P.S. It works on my PC, so I can now use the brush shortcuts without any issue.

    P.P.S. I just tried using the Lasso Tool and noticed that R click doesn't work when adding more to your selection. Anything that will be addressed before the launch of 1.8.4, @Mark Ingram?

  16. I have now been able to test the latest tablet changes and the good news is that all the fixes in the patch notes work as expected! Drawing feels overall very good now.

    One issue that remains still is the non-functioning modifier shortcuts like alt+R click+L click and 100% brush size painting while using L click on your tablet pen using the side buttons. Lastly, and I can't stress this enough, Affinity does not remember brush pressure size from the last known drawn spot when you create straight lines using shift and clicking on the canvas.

    Fix those two problems and I will overall be very satisfied with the precision of the brushes while drawing. 🥳

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