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    Orange California USA / Rosenheim Germany
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    Cosmology, Tensor Analysis, Relativity, Photography, Color Theory, Fluegelhorn and Alphorn player, Technical paper author.Bavarian and Austrian traditions and dance

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  1. per the instructions in the help document: In the Photo Persona or Tone Mapping Persona, do one of the following: For an .afmacro file, open the Macro panel (View>Studio>Macro). On the panel, click Import. this no longer works you cannot import afmacro files any more. I have a number of macros that I would like to import but cannot. When you click the hamburger menu in the macro tool only close box and close panel appears . Import no longer appears.
  2. Please include an improvement to the macro capability. It is very hard to use . you still cannot move a macro category up or down except one at a time. Takes too much time Thanks
  3. i am using a mouse and a stylus with a tablet on occasion
  4. I notice that some macros created no longer work in version 2.04.. Is anyone else experiencing this? thanks
  5. is it possible to hide the adjustment layer icons in V2? I find it jut clutters my workspace and I would rather not display them. Thanks
  6. hmm I have not experienced that even with zooming way in... but I leave the radius no large than 10 and the tolerance low between 9-10 usually. By the way I found that in the new frequency separation filter ( wish it were a live filter) you have to turn the tolerance up more..... would need to look at the algorithm to see why that is
  7. this is a good takeoff on the frequency separation filter in Affinity. the gaussian blur (when inverted) works but you might try the bilateral blur filter. It seems to work better and it preserves edges. This is also now a part of the frequency separation filter but you can create your own macro as I have done years ago. I actually use both now...
  8. thanks. Is frequency separation in affinity an embedded macro? IF so it should be doable to code it so that you can select bilateral or median blur. I guess for the time i will use the custom sharpen by bilateral blur filter that I put in the forum. IT works pretty well without halos. I was able to build macros involving frequency speration before, but it is not a live filter in Affinity. Any chance you can make it alive filter??
  9. add color w linear light this macro allows the user to lighten/darken the color of selected parts of the picture with a paint brush. To select the area and color on the mac, place the paint brush over the area and color that you want to accentuate. Press option on a mac while holding the mouse over the area. This selects the color (which can now be seen on the color tab in affinity photo. Then brush over areas that you wish to accentuate. The blend mode is set to linear light which is a combination of color dodge and color burn. So, it will lighten colors lighter than 50% gray and darken colors darker than 50 % gray. The global opacity is set to 10% but the user can change that. add color w linear light use paint brsh deepen colors wtih linear light.afmacro
  10. did you check the color gamut you are using? each of lightroom, capture 1, On1 (etc) use their own version of a color gamut and i can tell you that the colors from lightroom when compared to Capture 1 are noticeably different. you should expect a difference. When in RGB mode the colors and lightness are changed together. so you should expect lightness and color to be affected when switching from one tool to another. IF you use LAB gamut color and lightness are separate. A simple method I use when switching from tool to tool is to use the largest color gamut available when in RGB , try Prophoto that may eliminate some changes between tools..
  11. the only thing that shows up when you try to build a macro using the new bilateral and median filters within freq separation, is the gaussian blur radius as adjustable elements. I was able to build macros with the older version of Freq separation. What you see is that the radius can be adjusted , not the tolerance you have no choice even though you select it as an adjustable parameter... the tolerance adjustment is required for the macro to work. . I believe that it defaults to the gaussian blur filter so that you cannot really apply the bilateral filter. Can you confirm? if that is the case it makes the bilateral method which i have been using for years to sharpen not really useable if you cannot create macros with it... thanks
  12. procedural testure still does not work in release 1.10
  13. Thanks Walt, I tried both English US and German which is my native language. Neither worked. IT must be due to the fact that I am running Big Sur OS.
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