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    Ali got a reaction from MacPhoenix in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    @Greg EThanks, but I wasn't looking for a workaround (I know the workarounds). I'd still like to see it in the Export dialog as it used to be in PagePlus.
    @Hilltop@rah1861 We cannot possibly know whether they have any intention of ever including this, and I prefer not to make assumptions either way.
  2. Like
    Ali got a reaction from MacPhoenix in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    Because that's the way I want to do it. This is not a discussion about how else I might go about it: I am not looking for workarounds, but thanks for your comment.
  3. Like
    Ali got a reaction from MacPhoenix in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    Thanks, @walt.farrell for the reply. I thought my post had got lost in the sea of wailing, whinging and whining about what is an incredible V2 launch offer - some people don't know they are born!
    No, that is not what I wanted.
    I don't know if you ever used PagePlus, but back then there was a tick box in PDF export that allowed you to export with the pages imposed (i.e. in printer's pairs). This would create a PDF export with a four-page booklet laid out with pages 4 and 1 togather, and pages 2 and 3 together. These are printer's pairs. This was not possible in Publisher V1 and does not seem to have been added to V2, more's the pity. So I'll have to stick with PagePlus a while longer for my multi-page documents, as I prefer to be able to export them in that way.
    Thanks again.
  4. Like
    Ali got a reaction from MacPhoenix in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    I have just upgraded to V2 and had hoped that this oversight in V1 would have been fixed, but alas it seems it hasn't, unless I am missing a setting somewhere.
    In PagePlus (which I am still using because of this shortcoming in Affinity Publisher) I could tick a box to export my document to printer's pairs (i.e. imposed) tin PDF. This option was missing in V1 - can someone please either tell me where to find it in V2 or confirm that it's still missing?
    Thank you.
  5. Sad
    Ali got a reaction from Westerwälder in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    @Greg EThanks, but I wasn't looking for a workaround (I know the workarounds). I'd still like to see it in the Export dialog as it used to be in PagePlus.
    @Hilltop@rah1861 We cannot possibly know whether they have any intention of ever including this, and I prefer not to make assumptions either way.
  6. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Ducky3961 in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    Because that's the way I want to do it. This is not a discussion about how else I might go about it: I am not looking for workarounds, but thanks for your comment.
  7. Like
    Ali reacted to rah1861 in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    I agree that you can do it this way, but you are relying on using a PDF driver to create your PDF. The complaint here is that Affinity Publisher cannot do it using its own Export to PDF. For users like myself and @Ali , who are coming from PagePlus (which did it wonderfully without any need for a driver), this is a big shortcoming of AP. Surely they know this, but are ignoring people's complaints.
  8. Like
    Ali got a reaction from BartonFink in Affinity V2, updates, pricing and no subscription (moved)   
    Thank you for this - it is very clear and I hope that those who are complaining all read it in order to understand the rationale. I think the vast majority understand the difficulties and that Serif is still a remarkably small outfit. I look forward to the V1 to V2 upgrade 'thank you' bundle. 😀
  9. Like
    Ali got a reaction from hobbytobiz in DAM - Digital Asset Manager   
    I have invested in other software because there is no DAM with Affinity Photo. I use ACDSee Ultimate 2023, which has everything I need for DAM, development and processing under one 'roof'.
  10. Like
    Ali got a reaction from StevenS in Affinity V2, updates, pricing and no subscription (moved)   
    Thank you for this - it is very clear and I hope that those who are complaining all read it in order to understand the rationale. I think the vast majority understand the difficulties and that Serif is still a remarkably small outfit. I look forward to the V1 to V2 upgrade 'thank you' bundle. 😀
  11. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Mark_A in Affinity V2, updates, pricing and no subscription (moved)   
    Thank you for this - it is very clear and I hope that those who are complaining all read it in order to understand the rationale. I think the vast majority understand the difficulties and that Serif is still a remarkably small outfit. I look forward to the V1 to V2 upgrade 'thank you' bundle. 😀
  12. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Archangel in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  13. Thanks
    Ali got a reaction from walt.farrell in Publisher V2 - How to Impose Pages in PDF Export?   
    Thanks, @walt.farrell for the reply. I thought my post had got lost in the sea of wailing, whinging and whining about what is an incredible V2 launch offer - some people don't know they are born!
    No, that is not what I wanted.
    I don't know if you ever used PagePlus, but back then there was a tick box in PDF export that allowed you to export with the pages imposed (i.e. in printer's pairs). This would create a PDF export with a four-page booklet laid out with pages 4 and 1 togather, and pages 2 and 3 together. These are printer's pairs. This was not possible in Publisher V1 and does not seem to have been added to V2, more's the pity. So I'll have to stick with PagePlus a while longer for my multi-page documents, as I prefer to be able to export them in that way.
    Thanks again.
  14. Like
    Ali got a reaction from kassgab in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  15. Like
    Ali got a reaction from VectorVonDoom_NoMore in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    This is why I left and didn't post for a long time. I have only returned because of the V2 release, but am now about to remove my bookmark to the forum (again). It seems to be full of trolls these days, and some particularly nasty ones.
  16. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Alfred in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  17. Like
    Ali got a reaction from debraspicher in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    This is why I left and didn't post for a long time. I have only returned because of the V2 release, but am now about to remove my bookmark to the forum (again). It seems to be full of trolls these days, and some particularly nasty ones.
  18. Thanks
    Ali got a reaction from PaulEC in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    This is why I left and didn't post for a long time. I have only returned because of the V2 release, but am now about to remove my bookmark to the forum (again). It seems to be full of trolls these days, and some particularly nasty ones.
  19. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Sam LaGargouille in No extra discount for existing users (split)   
    I am still using the last versions of the Serif Plus range (in particular, WebPlus X8 2016 and PagePlus X9 2015) on a completely up-to-date Windows 11 system. I don't think it unreasonable to assume that the V1 Affinity range might have a similar longevity.
  20. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Sam LaGargouille in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  21. Like
    Ali reacted to PaulEC in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    I give up! There is no point wasting my time trying to use common sense and trying to be reasonable with people who are deaf and blind to any opinion but their own. I've got better things to do, I'm otta here!
    These forums used to be about helping fellow users, not just a platform for whingers who think that if they keep repeating the same nonsense long enough it becomes fact!
  22. Like
    Ali got a reaction from Solly in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  23. Like
    Ali got a reaction from SarahB in Sneaky Sales Tactics!   
    It's pretty common across all industries for something to be sold at an extremely tempting lower price just before a new version is released: it's something I tend to look out for as an indicator that something new is on the way. Not making a judgement on the practice, but just saying that it is quite a common practice.
  24. Like
    Ali got a reaction from PaulEC in No extra discount for existing users (split)   
    Nothing in life can be guaranteed except that you will die one day. Perhaps you need to stand back, take a breath and put all of this into some sort of perspective. Life is too short. It doesn't matter how much you complain or how often: the die is cast. Either you upgrade to V2 or stick with V1 and hope it lasts a few years longer. Or jump ship. It's up to you.
  25. Like
    Ali got a reaction from VectorVonDoom_NoMore in Should we expect a better deal on Black Friday?   
    Short of actually giving it away, there will be backlash whatever they do: there will always be a proportion of people you can't please.
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