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  1. @Hangman THANK YOU so much!!!! And I still haven't forgotten about the AI import issue. I'm hoping to send you an update this week! Thanks again! Stephen 😀
  2. Is anyone else having issues with the shape tool since upgrading to 2.5.5? When I use the star shape and make any adjustments to the number of points or the radius, when I try to convert to curves or deselect the shape or change the color, the star reverts back to its default shape. Tweaking these shapes for design is a cornerstone to my workflow. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this, or is this user error on my part? Thanks in advance for any help with this. shape720.mp4
  3. @Hangman Thank you so much for trying. It's not a consistant thing for sure. Is there a way you can DM me here and I can send you a link to the packaged file? S:)
  4. @GarryP I'm definitely going to dream of graphing tools! Affinity has made so much of the impossible, possible! S:)
  5. @GarryP THX, but when Publisher was originally anounced, Affinity talked about native graphing tools in Publisher. Now, it's a little weird to have graphing tools in Publisher and not Designer, but my work has a large demand for data visualization and native support is preferred. Most of my work requires charts regulary, both scientific and financial/fundraising. Having the graphing natively in the app would be ideal for me and seems to be one of the final missing pieces for the Affinity suite Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about solving for disappearing artboards. Best! Stephen
  6. @Hangman Hi there! Sorry for the delayed response. 1. the AI file is the one that's problematic 2. The axis descriptors and main title were added in Publisher and not part of the Illustrator file. This is happening to all my Illustrator files that have multiple artboards. When I import the first artboard in Publisher, it works for a while. When I close and reopen the file, the first chart will disappear. I haven't been able to pinpoint a reason why, because it seems random. My workaround has been to open the Illustrator file and cut and repaste the art back into the first artboard and resave the file. When I go back to Publisher and update the graphic, it becomes visible again. This is happening for EVERY illustrator file I have that has with multiple artboards. The first board keeps disappearing. The big problem I have is that I don't know when or why. It seems random but it is problematic, because I may send work to a client as a PDF and not realize that key info dissappeared. Thanks so much for chatting with me about this. I am really excited to hear if you'll have graphing tools native in Affinity and they I can completely dump Adobe altogether. Best! Stephen
  7. @Hangman Hi there! The issue has returned. I can share a screen shot of what it's supposed to look like and what it looks like when the chart has dissappeared if that helps. To make things easier, let me add the illustrator file, too. I made a version of the final Publisher file and converted all the art/photos to PNG to ensure a small digital PDF. Let me know if there is some odd setting I have in Illustrator. As mentioned earlier, I've fixed the dissappearing issue is by opening the Illustrator file and cutting and repasting the art in the same artboard and then resaving the file. When I go back to the Publisher file and refresh the art in the resources window, it becomes visible. Like I've said previously, this issue has consistently been the first artboard in an Illustrator file with multiple artboards. I'm thinking about a janky workaround since this is still an issue. My janky solution is creating an empty first artboard in Illustrator so that I skip using the first artboard in Publisher entirely. Thank you for taking a look at this. All the best! Stephen This is a screenshot of the chart saved and placed as a PNG This is a screenshot of the chart using the first artboard in an Illustrator file Resume_charts2_snsubs.ai
  8. Hi Hangman. It is consistantly happening in multiple AI files in a single document. The Publisher doc is designed with facing pages (spreads.) Now looking at all of the files, one AI file has a disappearing happening with the second art board, but most instances happen with the first artboard. I'm wondering if it has something to do with how Affinity reads art on artboards. In Designer, if the art stays in place but you move the art outside the artboard layer folder in the layers palette, the art disappears. I wonder if something like that is happening with AI artboards. If I copy and paste in place on the AI artboard, the art reappears in Publisher. But that isn't a permanent fix. Unfortunately, I can't share the file publicly because it has confidential info. And to add, this wasn't an issue until I uploaded to the new update for Affinity (2.1.) I just saw that there's a new update for 2.1.1. I'll see if that helps! Thanks for the response! I really appreciate it! Stephen
  9. In the new version of Publisher, the first artboard on my linked Illustrator files keep disappearing. I have to open the file and copy and past the art in place back on the artboard and resave to make it be recognized. And it keeps happening to the artboard that's chronologically first (top of the list) in Illustrator. This is something that's new that I haven't seen. I recently upgraded the app and I'm running the most recent Mac OS. THX Stephen :)
  10. I created a new thread in V2 Feedback. Is there any news anyone is aware of for charting? This would get me closer to getting my team to adopt affinity. For a science publication, data vis is key. I would also love something view for editors that would solve for InCopy. If those two things happened, out company could say goodbye to Adobe and their bloated business licensing. We pay an insane amount just so 30 employees on our editorial team can access InCopy to line edit InDesign files. Thanks again as always! Stephen
  11. Hi there! Congrats on the new launch! I couldn't give you my money fast enough! Your new solution to solving for lack of sideloading and upgrade capabilities on iOS is fantastic! You really came up with a seamless and elegant solution while also removing the need to pay such high fees to Apple for your App Store sales! This makes me confident in being able to continue to support Serif and ensure that you are getting ALL the money for future development. Im so glad to be able to pay for Affinity's ongoing growth. I know in the past it was discussed that graph and chart tools for data visualization would be adopted in a future version of Affinity Publisher. Is that still a plan? Even if we can get something ruidimentary for now, I would be forever grateful. Based on the horrible tools we use in Adobe Illustrator, the entry point bar is set incredibly low. I know for my design team, we deal with lots of scientific data and financial charting, this would make your suite closer to bullet-proof. Please let me know if this is a moot point and I'm overlooking an existing feature. And I have to say, you have me at WARP GROUPS! The way your team has incorporated the essetial tools and reimagined them to be next level is unreal. Your team is redefining how we work and I am so thankful for it! Best! Stephen
  12. Thank you! The head was taken from an illustration I did for one of my coloring books. I just tweaked the eyes and vectorized the line art. Thankfully the head was on separate drawing layers. It's one of the drawings I have featured on the Pigment coloring app for iPad and mobile.
  13. THX! They're based on product illustrations that are released by a Japanese company. I tried to keep the style similar but make it my own Attached is what the company's illustration looked like.
  14. @Rob Necronomicon THX!!!!
  15. That WOW feels more "wow." I def need an ALL CAPS version for this! 😂
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