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    Rome, Italy
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  1. A real, permanent dimensioning feature should be an extremely useful add-on
  2. Hi! in the pause time I've managed to upload the file. Waiting for you kind reply Best regards
  3. Thank you very much. Now I am at work until 8pm. This evening I will post the file in the link provided. 🙏🙏🙏😊
  4. Its been a while I was not posting on the Affinity forums, I am glad to have returned . Since the last 21th of April was the anniversary of the foundation of Rome, I decided to made a Tribute to the city through its ancient personification, Goddess Roma. I was Inspired by a very tiny thumbnail AI generated image, that caught me with with a fair and brave facial expression, I have hardly revorked facial traits in some hours with the powerful PixageFX Tool, and then I created by hand a vector design, good for both pixelart and full resolution works. for the vector drawing it took me about two days. Hope you all will like it.
  5. Thank You very much for the assistance. Here's attached my recording illustrating the Trouble I am having selecting layers also in wireframe mode. Affinity Designer 2 2023-05-23 12-21-51.mp4
  6. I have noticed that is most difficult in Affinity Designer V2 to pick an object precisely from the image. In Affinity V1 the problem was easily solved entering the wireframe mode and clicking on the object outline, while in V2 also in wireframe, selecting an object from the screen is very problematic: clicking on a silohuette often pick another object at all. Why? It will be solved in the future? There is a workaround? Please don't tell me to select the object fron the layer menu, because I work with hundreds of objects, and often they are not easily identifiable. Thanks anyone for the support.
  7. Unfortunately, when I experimented the crashes, stabilisers were not active. I will inform You about eventual further anomalies. Thanks for the attention.
  8. I report same problem with my Windows Desktop version here. When I paint with vector brush and set the controller on pressure (Pen Tablet HUION HS64 driver version after few strokes the program locks completely causing loss of unsaved progress when closed. Affinity Designer version, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit Build 19043.1110. I'm very interested in using vector brushes, but practically I can't use it. Please Help.
  9. HERE WE ARE! FINISHED! Link to last video below and attached Final Image PNG Export and outline layout. Please let me know Your impressions.
  10. https://youtu.be/YWuy8_4WRq0 General refining and definition of the right shirt structure.
  11. Filling the gaps between shapes and continuing the shirt...
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