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  1. If you're on Windows, Sigil does a nice work converting directly from pdf to epub if it's just text. It may have some more issues with images. My flow, though, doing all text editing in LibreOffice and exporting that to epub with writer2html extension and importing/copying, depending, into Publisher.
  2. Just wanted to thank the Affinity Team. This time I was able to proceed to the purchase directly from the purchase page.
  3. Dear Serif, I would suggest you train your customer support properly to answer queries. After purchasing V1 as a business through reverse charge (registered in the EU VAT VIES), I tried to purchase V2 back in January, while the 50% discount was still available. I'm copying here the reply I received. After answering the folling to that email, I have received no reply so far and it's almost two months now. I'm currently experiencing problems with V1 (a file wouldn't allow me to save changes and another one isn't exporting italics), but right now I'm frustrated and wanted to get your previous level of support back.
  4. I am exporting a file and though the italics are correctly shown on the program, they're not exported in the pdf. The font used is Amiri, renderization of incompatible properties is selected. I amnot sure what the problem is given it's the first time I've had this problem.
  5. I believe the subject says it all. Right now, if I try to move or resize sections in Photo 1 I have to recreate them. This has only happened since I've installed Publisher 2. The files haven't been modified with Publisher 2, but I believe that's the only difference with before.
  6. Another option would be Nikon NX Studio. if you're a Nikon user. Otherwise is jpeg and tiff.
  7. Now I have some use cases for color fonts and I can't use them with Affinity. Is there any guesstimation it will be considered in a future release?
  8. It would be fine if the photos app would be available on iphone, both for use as Osvaldo mentiones and to shoot raw pictures.
  9. Shouldn't the CSS part be relatively easy? I mean, LO extensions like Writer2html from the Latex2html do it by adding the applied text styles to the css. The output problem of that css would be exactly the same as with anyother epub, limited support of certain css specs on many readers. Having a clean html would be much more difficult.
  10. Have you considered removing the background directly on Photo? You can either do it with the delete background or by selecting the silhouette and duplicating it in a new layer or something similar.
  11. Just a tip for you, LibreOffice can export directly to epub. If the output from the default export filter doesn't suit you, you can install the writer2html extension. You'll still need to tweak the css for some styles, but its output is rather clean
  12. The photo editor is Affinity Photo, and I wasn't able to find a way in the development persona to isolate an area and develop that with differente values than the main picture to recover the details on the white areas. I have to check the support forum, but wanted just to share the picture. Btw, looking at the picture now, I might be reframing it (tip for myself (; ). Which is fair, as far as opinions go. But even then, you don't learn how to use a program by only watching tutorials. For hands on learning any photo will do. And since I like the result, I share it here.
  13. Playing with the development persona and the RAW pictures taken directly with the app on the iPad, I came with this. I still have to explore how to apply a different development to a given area of the picture, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with the result. Anyways, if someone has tips to improve, they'll be quite welcomed.
  14. I have been playing yesterday with taking directly pictures from the Ipad on the AP and find the RAWs were mostly over exposed under direct sun conditions and quite different from what was shown on the preview. I don't take my entry level reflex to most sites, but I do take my ipad to some and take pictures for fun. Can you please consider adding ISO, exposure, shutter speed and WB controls for manual control? Thank you very much.
  15. Pali is copyrighted but free. It's the only one so far I have found with accented petite capitals. http://www.softerviews.org/Fonts.html Cardo is another nice one https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cardo And Linux Libertine.
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