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MxHeppa got a reaction from chuckbaggett in ui font and icon size is really very very tooooooooooo ~~ small !!
and this setting makes i feel some things what i dont want bigger theri guis are fine. becouse of this should part of program not whole operating system. i understand drawing many icons again is hard.
MxHeppa got a reaction from chuckbaggett in ui font and icon size is really very very tooooooooooo ~~ small !!
this mess things with some things. this should be in induvival apps becouse some gui works fine in 100% but not all programs. like Presonus Studio One and WIndows 10 pro works fine but sametime Affinity Photo/Publisher (i dont yet have have Designer) does not. programs sohuld give different size gui elements itself. at least this current one and one what is for example 150% bigger.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Deperditus Cliens in Add barcode tool as there is now added one little related feature.
Add barcode tool as there is now added one little related feature. makes lot easier make books and such.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Alfred in Colour overlay modes in layer fx which is correct in few cases.
Sain asiani tehtyä toisella tapaa käyttämällä gradientmap työkalua.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Alfred in Trying do kaleidoscope effect several problems with it.
I rotated them with transform panel. and some cases like this 90 step is suitable but not this current one is suitable is 30 degree. and i typed value and it changed to this other. and 90 is start positon angle. then others are different amounts of 30 degrees from orignal postion like one is 30 from it ,next is 60 and third is 90 etc. also pie size is 30.00003 even i entered 30. is this almost like opposite rounding.
MxHeppa got a reaction from PaulEC in what snapping value you use? how i can be sure lines are exactly same. all three apps in Windows.
I mean there is lines what go red/green etc where elements positioned "same" postions. i mean snapping guides is they fully accurate no near values allowed? like 0.0001 is not seen any other value or example 0.0002.these numbers are example. is lot more useful if is fully exact value needing. at least now i feel is such. becouse some postions in pdf is hard measure anyway to postion things with math what i needed my older tools do such.
MxHeppa reacted to carl123 in There is no way crop for example 20cm x 20cm piece of image from given coordinate?
In APhoto v2
Make a 20cm x 20cm rectangle
Use transform panel to place rectangle at desired coordinates, over image
Use Select > Selection from Layer and Delete (to marquee select the rectangle & delete it)
Activate Crop Tool (which, in this instance will automatically crop to selection)
MxHeppa got a reaction from NotMyFault in How convert image with max contrast with only K? (Publisher K only not suitable). All apps and their v2.3 versions.
this way i cannot do SRGB image direclty K image (in speffic CMYK what name i dont remember but i found info easily). but my technique works. converting rgb to cmyk and do after it cmyk is not wise i feel becouse there is two times cutted colours then i feel is good do speffic greyscale conversion in rgb side. first conversing reduces colours. other usage likely newer happen but other likely if i use one company make black and white books.(they want material speffic cmyk profile in only k chanel to do black white books exact same profile what used cmyk projects but difference is this)
MxHeppa reacted to R C-R in Paint tool is missing in Affinty Photo2
Alternately, you can just click & hold on the tool icon & after a second or two the flyout will open.
I wish the triangle was larger so it would be easier to click on it, & that it was also a bright contrasting color so it would be easier to see.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Schölu in ui font and icon size is really very very tooooooooooo ~~ small !!
and this setting makes i feel some things what i dont want bigger theri guis are fine. becouse of this should part of program not whole operating system. i understand drawing many icons again is hard.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Schölu in ui font and icon size is really very very tooooooooooo ~~ small !!
this mess things with some things. this should be in induvival apps becouse some gui works fine in 100% but not all programs. like Presonus Studio One and WIndows 10 pro works fine but sametime Affinity Photo/Publisher (i dont yet have have Designer) does not. programs sohuld give different size gui elements itself. at least this current one and one what is for example 150% bigger.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Oufti in Unofficial PDF Manual - Expert Guide to Affinity Publisher
i think key simulation realiely easy. but huge thanks.
MxHeppa got a reaction from bures in Add symmetry vector based tools.
Add symmetry vector based tools.
MxHeppa reacted to lacerto in Is possible combine three black white images way one is L and others are A,B. and similar to CMYK.
Thanks, got it.
Here's an example of using two macros for making editing less clunky.
rgb2hsl2rgb.mp4 Yes, these kinds of files just become easily quite huge so it might be a good idea just to delete the intermediate stages once finished.
Below are the two macros that I use on the video. I have not created many .afmacros so I am not sure if they should always be initiated somehow to ensure proper behavior. Well, it is not difficult to re-record, hope these give an idea how to do it.
EDIT: I have no idea if the live filters are actually saved within a macro (as I have saved them as presets), could someone confirm!
MxHeppa reacted to NotMyFault in Convert RGB to HSL and HSL to RGB as live filter
Updated. Template now works with V2.
MxHeppa reacted to lacerto in Is possible combine three black white images way one is L and others are A,B. and similar to CMYK.
On Windows, G'Mic plugin could be used to decompose layers into many different channels:
It is not possible to output split channels onto layers when using Affinity Photo, but the files are saved onto disk and then opened for manipulation. Recomposition could not be done via G'Mic, because multiple layer input cannot be used, but the recomposition can then be done e.g. by composing an RGB image from spare channels created from grayscale separations and then using the live filter.
MxHeppa reacted to lepr in Is possible combine three black white images way one is L and others are A,B. and similar to CMYK.
Yes. One way is to use the Channels panel to transfer the lightness of each monochrome image to the respective L, A and B channels of a new Pixel object.
Place the three monochrome images into a LAB document and use Rasterise command to convert them to Pixel objects. Name the Pixel objects "L", "A" and "B" (without the double quotes). Run the attached macro which will generate a composite Pixel object named "LAB". L, A & B to LAB.afmacro
MxHeppa reacted to lepr in Is possible combine three black white images way one is L and others are A,B. and similar to CMYK.
C, M, Y & K to CMYK.afmacro
MxHeppa got a reaction from Dan C in importing affinity photo project top of affinity photo project it cuts weirdly other shape (but works now but i tell what i do becouse allows maybe fix still something)
Post file i can get it happen again but i feel never happened again and if remember but i try remember post such case.
MxHeppa got a reaction from R C-R in what adjustments change how LUT is done ?
i am they (i am non binary) but thanks for list.
MxHeppa got a reaction from Row13 in Free Image resources?
what i read upslash is is free still when read licence terms. at least earlier when i asked their photos unaltered means mainly postcards and posters what they sayed to me. i think you should ask their details for licence. i think if you use it book is altered how i understanded their licence is partly your design not pure original image anymore but i recommend ask them becouse licence things are complex. tell you situation i bet they help as they helped me for my unique case.
MxHeppa got a reaction from debraspicher in Owl "Watercolor"
really nice when we know this not real natural media painting program.
MxHeppa reacted to carl123 in when put text to circle is possible set end and start point exact angles not using only eye?
Use something like the Pie Tool with the same dimensions as the circle then superimposed that on top the circle
You can adjust both angles on the pie tool (in the context toolbar) and then add text to that
MxHeppa got a reaction from philippe martin in Owl "Watercolor"
really nice when we know this not real natural media painting program.