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  1. Affinity selection windows not show rw2 files in Windows version. is one camera file what is supported raw engine but i need drag such files to gui.
  2. i know translators do terrible mistakes i try use them itself and fix wrong words.(some terms tranalated wrong i allready know also i dont know some thing names in native tongue). in now this image your should see layers panel and special charters. i dont see anything odd in them.
  3. I dont get warping settings work this text frame with image even i select it image of in text frame or textframe itself. but i get similar effect when i set warp settings in image what i dont put text frame but same area text not go top of image in speffic settings like what we see in manual. when i put image text frame looks this what my image shows before you ask photograph is by me.
  4. paragraph leading how determine correct value? when text size is 12pt i get one 1pt space beetween tallest letters in horizontal direction.etc when set it to 13pt or what. why i not adjust by eye. when i design dropcap style image i need it weight of speffic amount text lines to look what i meaned.
  5. How image is putted text frame? when dragged image to text frame i get text coloured with my image. text warp settings seems do trick in these images. image sizes only needed carefully done.
  6. Is possible do anyway i have own hand drawn dropcap(s)? like this but with custom image (i can change it font and colour at least earlier but if i want draw own for example as bitmap not possible my skills). idea make text frame what covers other letters area not work starts fine first line this custom shaped text frame but when test need go new line drops bellow on this area where "hole" for letter is. other custom shaped tex tframes work also oddly sameway custom shape means anything else than rectangle. use image show what drop caps mean before anyone ask.
  7. I not see anywhere i where i can add corner tool to "tool bar" in Affinity Photo v2? easier than remembering keyboard short cut.(when there is lot of such also for several programs)
  8. makes me thin what i need type such font.... i try look such fonts and such fonts what i seen are not free.
  9. Add barcode tool as there is now added one little related feature. makes lot easier make books and such.
  10. Yes exact this. now i need test Photoshop elements trial if have it if i someday get it also premier elements. no money get full Photoshop. other serosu thing some things use precent scale and some use 0-1 scale when photoshop uses 0-255 (for images 8bit chanels) which is much more accurate. is silly not have it option even some cases precent is more clear but sometimes perfect value needed not looks good value by eye. what some special uses lies.
  11. i get thing work other ways what i thinked then case is solved even i cannot tell how.(becouse language barrier).
  12. Not show pencil tool option but after reseting toolbar and i found it one item in elements what i can add tool bar. Nice idea. And i also get similar artefacts what someone else getted and i use Windows 10 Pro here. and this panel what someone sayed not needed anymore is somecases more clear way edit it as well i feel.
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