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Missing transparency protection function

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Unfortunately, there is still no level-based transparency protection function. Some tools like the paint brush have this option ("Protect transparency"). For other tools like the Gradient Tool this option is missing. This option should be independent of the tools in the layer panel and should apply to an active layer.

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Agreed. It doesn't help that because of all the new symmetry features being added, the tool bar is getting so full of stuff that the Protect Transparency check box is  being hidden away far in the right corner on 1080p screens. I lock transparency fairly often, so it would be a nice quality of life change for me if it got changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I am considering moving over from Photoshop, and I am astonished this feauture is missing. It really messes up my workflow. Locking transparancy on layers is heavily used by Youtube speedpaiters, so I believe it is commonly used by photoshop artists. I hope this will be added soon.

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  • 1 month later...


Pretty please add TRANSPARENCY LOCK!

One simple "lock transparency" button in the layers panel applicable to all brush type tools (brush, , smudge, erase, etc.).  Assign customization for a shortcut key to it so it can be toggled on the fly.  This allows many of us doing iterative design and concept work to get through block ins and finish work efficiently without having to get out of a full canvas view (hidden studio), hunt for the layer to ensure selection, and then hunt for the "protect alpha" button on the specific tool we are using.  On some layouts, the button will be hidden which requires an additional click to reveal a menu to find it.  Highly inefficient when you're deep in a workflow.

This feature would be enormously appreciated! Thank you for your consideration!


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