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Hi guys,


Just got Designer, trying to find my way around.

I purchased an OTF from Creative Market, I got it because of the glyphs that came with it.

But I can't find a glyphs panel or options in Designer.


Hope you can help and steer me in the right direction!





Oh bummer! Yes I tried PopChar but it doesn't see all the glyphs I see in my Fontbook, and yes, on a Mac...


Thanks for replying anyway Paolo!



Hi Maggie,


you can't find because there is no Glyphs palette yet.

Are you a windows or macOS user?


For macOS I can suggest PopChar that is pretty slick!


Hi Maggie. 'Typography' and 'Popchar' are great, but the glyphs panel to the right of the Mac's top menu bar is useful too. A flag mask the spot, differing by which national keyboard you are using. Drop down to Show Emoji and Symbols > (Latin). It shows the entire Unicode glyph references per font installed with Related Characters and Font Variations. Perhaps yours will show alternates for your Open Type Font? It would be good to know.


The panel 'saves' favourites.


The glyphs I want are flourishes etc. not standard type glyphs and they are the ones that don't show.

The 'normal' ones show up in PopChar, not the swooshes I'm after.

Found an old copy of illustrator, ended up installing that for now.


Another thing I couldn't find was the space equal horizontal & vertical, is that in the program somewhere?

It doesn't show in the toolbar.


I must say the things Designer does do, the raster 'persona' in particular makes it worth having!


SilverBird, may I ask what font it is?


You should be able to turn on the OpenType features you desire using the mentioned Typography Panel on the entire text string, or highlighting one or more characters and choosing the particular OT Features desired. It shouldn't require the use of a glyphs panel. At least if the font is coded properly. 


The likely reason why those characters do not show up in PopChar is they are not mapped to a particular Unicode codepoint. This isn't wrong per se, but does require two things. One, that the application supports O Features (like AD) and, two, that the features are properly coded for accessing those features. I see a lot of improperly coded fonts from a usability (incorrect OT feature code being used) but still work in an application such as AD.




Glad you bought a font I already have...else I likely would have bought it...


Open the Character Panel. At the top right of it, there is a "hamburger" menu. When the hamburger menu is clicked on, there is an option for Show Typography. Select it.


When any text is selected by the Pointer Tool (either Artistic Text or a text frame) you will see various options. In the screen shot below, I have selected both Swash 1 (which is acting upon the 'A' character), as well as Stylistic Set 2 (which is adding the other swirls to the lowercase characters).




In the screen shot below, I turned off Stylistic Set 1 on the entire text, and instead only highlight (selected using the text tool) the lower case 'm' and used Stylistic Set 2 on it, then selected the lowercase 't' character at the end of the word "Script" and changed it to use Stylistic Set 1. the lowercase 't' is still selected in the screen shot.




When a particular character or characters are selected, only the OT Features that apply will be shown in the Typography panel.


I know this may not help you see the characters in advance, but it doesn't take very much time to make other selections and see the effect.


Hope this helps! Have a Merry Ho Ho using the font.




Aaaahhhh!!!!! Oh Mike, you Legend! I knew I was missing something!

Thank you so much for your patience and going the extra mile!


All set now. Going through the tutorials every day when I have a bit of time, so I might get up to speed



A Merry Ho Ho Ho, to you too!


Cheers from Oz.


It's a font called Anthem, purchased through Creative Market



Glad you bought a font I already have...else I likely would have bought it...


Nice font. At only twelve bucks, I'm sorely tempted to buy a copy myself.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


I understand your pain Alfred, being a Font junkie myself.... ROTFL


As it turns out, they had an end-of-year discount that was supposed to be 20% but was actually 25%, which more than took care of the VAT. So it wasn't too painful after all! :P

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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