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IDML Import Issues

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The first IDML to AfP test

It looks really good! Now I found this issues.

- Master page template elements appear on each side despite the template text was rewritten on page in layout see attached picture 01 & 02.PNG [with xxxxx text below proper caption]

- Approx. 50 % of Links weren't updated. I guess It's because of shown names of files in the resource manager. The names in the AfP resource manager contain character like „%“ but in Finder they are normal without those characters – attached picture 03.PNG. After manual updating everything looks good and name is shown correctly – attached picture 04.PNG. 





iMac: 3,6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9 / Graphic: AMD Radeon Pro 5500 XT 8 GB / System: Sonoma 14.1 (23B74)

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Hi Pauls

Here is a link http://gofile.me/3YyyN/oEzqvSH7C to download whole package [108 MB] (Indd, Idml, Links and PDF – as preview or reference file). Inside of IDML file are just several pages, but there are visible all issues described before.


iMac: 3,6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9 / Graphic: AMD Radeon Pro 5500 XT 8 GB / System: Sonoma 14.1 (23B74)

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Great to have the IDML import feature! Have years of ID files that we use for client work!

Just tried a couple and have experienced similar problems, including the linked files. Here is what I did on one test where I got several problems with linked files and a few crashes.

1. Opened the ID file, saved as into a new folder.

2. Checked all links, then did a Package within that folder to organize all external linked files, confirmed new link references to that package folder.

3. Exported an IDML, then opened in APub beta.

4. As seen in the attached pic, quite a few of the linked files did not show in the APub layout and in the Resource Manager show as Modified. If I click each item in RM to Update, they then show in the layout. 


A) The large photo at the bottom (Aero PTS Cover v2.jpg) has been imported on a Background layer and has a faded/white look. If I try to click on that layer's unusual toggle diamond (on the left of the layer), it crashes. Can't figure out why the photo has the strange white-layer-transparent look nor why it crashes (crash report attached). After that crash, if I tried to restart APub and asked to Recover, it crashed. I had to not click to recover to get it to open. After re-importing the IDML again, if I click on that Background layer in the Layers pane, it again crashes (see 2nd crash report). Thus I cannot select that layer in the layer pane. 

B) All the of externally linked files were linked within ID, but many did not show up in the imported layout, requiring Updating.


Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-14-102542_TRAC-Main17.crash

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 10.29.18 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 10.28.59 AM.jpg

Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-14-104747_TRAC-Main17.crash


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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Interestingly, when I reopened APub after clicking on the Background layer in the Layers pane again (and it crashed), this time I did not select to Restore. However, the crashed IDML file did reopen. Once it did, I could then select the Background layer in the Layers pane without a crash, but I now see that APub has added a Soft Proof Adjustment to that picture area, something not done in ID.

UPDATE: Read in another thread that the reason for the Modified label in Resource Manager (and non-show in the layout) is a problem with bringing in PS-cymk files. All of the linked files that did not initially show up on the layout were PS-cmyk files. 

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 10.59.30 AM.png


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Update: Once I deselected that Soft Proof Adjustment, and clicked to Modify all the "missing" linked graphics/pics, th elayout looked good. However, when I looked at the Document Setup pane, I see that APub opened the new file as a 72 dpi document when it should have been 300 dpi. Not sure how to stop that from happening with for-press documents.

I did proceed to change the dpi to 300 in that popup and it appears on screen at 200% to be clean, so perhaps that is a step required after import???


Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 11.05.30 AM.png


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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After fixing the issues described above, I do have to say that the file turned out 100% accurate with no adjustments required (other than the problems itemized in previous posts), and the pdf-x4 seems to be identical to the original ID file submitted to the printer previously. While this is a simple single page advert, I am impressed that it can be done! 

Thanks! Looks like we're on the way! 

WWT Wastewater Conference Delegate Pack 2019 - v2.idml.pdf


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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I also had a converted idml crash after saving it as afpub and reopening. In another document I also saw that "soft-proof-fx" which happened only in cmyk-photos. All the other images were rgb-jgs...

Removing the softproof solved most of my colour differences, which I suspect could be because InDesign CS5 uses Adobes ColorEngine. I have to admit I never fully understood how InDesign handled pictures with integrated colour profiles, sometimes I imported the same file twice and it was displayed differently...


  • Main machine: iMac 2019 (21,5-inch 4k, 6core), 64GB RAM, 1TB nvme + 2TB ssd, running on Mac OS 14 Sonoma;
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Just uploaded a zip of all files. Really curious where the "soft proof fx" came from during the import???


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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Interestingly, I just tried opening that newly imported file (WWT Wastewater Conference Delegate Pack 2019 - v2.idml.afpub) and upon opening, I clicked to show pasteboard (non-preview). First time I tried, it hung then crashed. Next time it just hung and I had to force quit. Then when trying to restart the beta, it had that file open in a dimmed tab (I had another file open also), hung, then crashed (report attached). Now I have to figure out how to get it to open!


Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-19-115947_TRAC-Main17.crash


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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Couldn't get the beta app to reopen. Kept trying to open to the above mentioned document, but would immediately hang, then crash (report attached). Had to rename the folder/directory where that file and linked resources were located to get it to open.


Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-19-122404_TRAC-Main17.crash


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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Interesting. I re-imported the IDML, corrected the psd-cmyk files, saved, then tried to reopen. Crashes constantly. Not sure what is in this doc that is causing the problem, but it's a common ID file. And it seems to convert everything fine (except the psd-cmyk and adding the soft-proof-adjust).

UPDATE: And now I can't open my other imported file that was working beofr, so something is really messed up with the app at this point. New crash report for trying to open the other file attached.

Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-19-130518_TRAC-Main17.crash

Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-19-130819_TRAC-Main17.crash

Affinity Publisher Beta_2019-11-19-131218_TRAC-Main17.crash


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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1 hour ago, Pauls said:

@nwhit - I think the next beta should import your file OK. The accel Logo appears to cause issues - but I dont think that would be an IDML issue

Looking forward to it! Thanks.


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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With new beta 518, imported the same "WWT Wastewater" advert idml file. It loaded fine except all PSD and eps files required updating "Modified" linked files. Also, upon saving the file, then reopening it, the EPS linked file had the same issue as previously where it was cropped until I clicked on it, which then restored it to a full frame. No crashes or hangs so far.

Just tried the "Accel Retro" brochure import and had the same issues. All PSD and EPS files required updating in Resource Manager. And when I closed the file and reopened, several EPS pics were cropped. In this case, I had to go to the Layer panel and select the actual pic (not the pic frame) in order to get the pic to go back to correct size. Not a huge issue, but still not working just right I would think.

After last opening this one, clicking on the pic in the Layers pane, then saving and closing, when reopening the pics still were cropped. But this time I could just click on each of the pics to get them to resize. 

UPDATE: Just opened a 6-page IDML. In this case, all EPS, PSD, PDF and AI files required updating the links.

Less issues with wrapping in this beta!


Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 2.40.51 PM.png


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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  • Staff

We have made fixes/improvements to this area (Linked PSD file causes it to read incorrect Original DPI when reloaded, can cause crash on file open) of the program in the latest Affinity Publisher beta. If you would like to try these changes the beta software is available in the forum posts listed below. Once Affinity Publisher has been through a full beta process the change will be released in a future free 1.8.0 update to all customers.

The 1.8.0 builds are in links at the top of these beta forum posts

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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14 hours ago, nwhit said:

except all PSD and eps files required updating "Modified" linked files. Also, upon saving the file, then reopening it, the EPS linked file had the same issue as previously where it was cropped until I clicked on it, which then restored it to a full frame. No crashes or hangs so far.

same with *modified*, but this time, I had no problems with the quarterly cropped logos/icons.

However, the problem with multipage-imports reverting to page 1 still persists.


EDIT: OK I overlooked, I still have ONE of the Logos cropped. The others were fine, see screenshot.


  • Main machine: iMac 2019 (21,5-inch 4k, 6core), 64GB RAM, 1TB nvme + 2TB ssd, running on Mac OS 14 Sonoma;
  • Display setup: 28" 5k Display (primary) + 21,5" iMac4k-Display for studio panels (secondary);
  • Keyboard layout: german apple extended keyboard (aluminium);


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Interestingly, I've done a few more conversions/imports and did not get the cropped pics/graphics. But on the ones that have had the problem (like the one in my prior post), they still do the same thing when closed and reopened. 


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I have only done a quick initial test, and generally things are looking REALLY good!!

Noticing my page numbers do not seem to be showing however, and something happened to one bit of title text that is making it appear very washed out (though the opacity is 100%. Will report more as I test. (on latest 518 build)

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12 hours ago, dorkboycomics said:

I have only done a quick initial test, and generally things are looking REALLY good!!

Noticing my page numbers do not seem to be showing however, and something happened to one bit of title text that is making it appear very washed out (though the opacity is 100%. Will report more as I test. (on latest 518 build)

Might not be the issue, but check to see if the import added "soft proof fx" to the affected title text.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks @nwhit - I took a deeper look, and as it turns out the text is correct.

I took a look at my title text issue, and the issue appears to be that the left hand page of the spread should have been using a different Master than the right. Once I switched the master (which updated the background colours, etc), everything looks great. I am pretty sure the original INDD file had it correct, but will need to check when I can access InDesign again (I used the trial to create IDMLs of my handful of files to bring them to Affinity). All of my master pages are built as two page spreads, but in some cases I applied individual pages as one master differing from the opposing page spread. Not sure if it was an IDML issue or not, but a simple fix :) 

Amazed at how great the IDML import is working overall!!

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I think there is a problem with the importing of the ID master pages, so hopefully that can be sorted out in future betas or the final.

Also, if it's of any help, be aware that there is a script provided that creates IDML files from ID files without the need for ID itself. Can do a single or multiple files, plus it's free. You can find it on the Publisher forum in that looooooooooooong thread on Opening InDesign files (can't remember exactly where it is, but a search should turn it up). Someone provided it and it works fine.


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
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Just found the general area in the thread.

Unfortunately, in a skimmed reading, it looks like it might require having ID, but not needing to actually open it to run the script. But I could be wrong since it's been a while since I've read it or used the script.


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