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Found 17 results

  1. Please add the feature to import a VIDEO file to get single frames of that video as images on separate layers. = „Video Frames to Layers“ in Photoshop: „Video Frames to Layers“ File-> Import -> „Video Frames to Layers“ The Option „Limit to every _ n_ Frames“ is essential to have in this feature. This feature maybe was not sooo important for a long time, but now it has become a very interesting feature, esp. for web designers, as one can „fake“ a video-scroll effect with such an image sequence, without having the disadvantages of video on (mobile) websites. I hope, you get what I’m trying to describe here? ;) It would be very, very helpful just to KNOW, if you are planning to implement this feature. Thank you very much in advance! And thank you SO much for all the great work you do! I wish you best of luck with just everything!!! :) P.S.: http://www.muse-themes.com/products/frame-scrubber Here you can find a video (next to „Widget Highlights“) that will explain, why this feature would be so extremely nice to have… :)
  2. Can Affinity Designer be used for Website Creation UX/UX like Adobe XD? "Adobe XD is a vector-based user experience design tool for web apps and mobile apps, developed and published by Adobe Inc" I am using Wix Editor X and I am looking for quick preparation of assets to import to Wix. Similar to this: Thanks!
  3. Hi, I'm a new Affinity Photo user and till now I like it a lot! The thing that is missing for me is export of the webp extension. We use it every day in our web design studio with "LazySizes" that let's the browser decide to use webp or jpg. It would be nice if it was implemented with the next update, preferable with optimization functions like "lossless"! Regards, David
  4. An excellent app add-on to the Affinity graphic suite would be a web or app designer code savvy tool like Macaw, Adobe Muse or like the on-line apps webflow and silex. But with more options to edit the code than the apps that I mention. Macaw is a great tool, unfortunately the team behind the Macaw joined InVision and the app was discontinued with a lot of features that could be improved.
  5. Hi all, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around saving for web with export persona. I need to save for web in different sizes and for different screen resolutions. My filenames have to follow this naming conventions: myfile@2x.jpg myfile.jpg myfile_medium.jpg myfile_medium@2x.jpg etc. How can I achieve this? I know I can choose from presets like 2x in the slices panel in export persona. However, choosing 2x for example doubles the pixel size (in other words: interpolates the image) which is not what I want. I tried various other setting options without fully understanding it. Please have a look at the screenshot attached and you will understand my questions. Thanks for your help and replies!
  6. Hello! I'm wondering if Affinity Designer has the option for me to export a file (for instance .jpeg / .png) that will export the web design I made and show the margins / padding between certain objects. This makes it easy for a programmer to program the design in WP / Joomla etc. I quickly made an example and attached it to the topic. The distances are not correct but you get my point. Kind regards, Kevin
  7. Hi all. I've switched over almost completely from Illustrator and other vector graphic programs to Affinity Designer. It's been a much less painful experience that I'd expected, and I've been having a lot of fun with the app's features. Having just finished my first formal concept design for a website's splash page, I thought I'd post it here because...Affinity! Anyway, hope the colours brighten your day!
  8. ​Hi, My company has started using Affinity Designer on the work floor and it's been great! But it got us thinking that a Developer persona would be very useful, where our developers could just click sections and get the full html / css structure, code, just a copy paste away from making it into the code. Maybe allow a view of the flow through the app via arrows so the developer has a good idea of the user-journey through the interface. The persona could also be used to view several states of an object, like an input field that returns and error or a button in a different state. I think this would tie in nicely with the 1.5 release that made interface work in Affinity so much more attractive and improve the flow between designers and developers. Thanks for reading.
  9. Hi everyone, Just some blocks I made with Affinity Designer and Pinegrow I hope you like it, Free Pinegrow Blocks from @Heli_Herrera on @Gumroad: https://gum.co/OqZi Regards Heli Herrera
  10. Hello, I have got a simple question concerning the grid system. I would like to create a 12 grid system with margins on an artboard. I found the margin settings of the document and also the grid system which works fine. But how can I set up these 12 grids only within the "type area" and not until the end of the whole artboard? (I am usually a printdesigner but would like to learn more about UI/UX Design). Thank you so much for your help! Best regards
  11. Hi, first of all thank you for this great software, recently I stated using it to draw websites mockups and I love it. The biggest problem in designing websites I perceived is the lack of an appropriate gird system: now i'm using guides, but I have to place all my artboards one below the other due to the artboard context guides bug (If i duplicate the artboard and move it to the right, the guides stand still and go off canvas, not be rebased on the new context). The integrated grid system would be great and really suitable for webdesign needs (thanks to his gutter feature), but the problem is that it always starts from (0,0), but often a website needs the grid in the centered wrapper. It could be possible to implement the feature to offsetting the starting point of the grid? With this feature, for exemple for an artboard of 1366px and a centered wrapper of 960px, i could simply calculate the width of every column and gutter and then set the starting point at (1366px - 960px) / 2 = 203px. In the case you can't or won't implement this solution, there could be another solutions to simplify webdesigners life and make Affinity Designer a perfect tool for drawing websites: - Implement the "Convert Object to Guide" feature, like inkscape - Implement a "guide presets" feature, so everyone could create his presets and apply them any time thay need Thank you very much for your attention :)
  12. I'm a programmer that focusses on front-end web applications, I can use ui plugins in Angular2 (framework), but I would love to create something of my own. I have never designed anything. I'm basically searching for good (paid) tutorials on web design. Thanks
  13. Dear Affinity, is there any chance that Affinity could develop a software for visual web design (like Adobe Muse) in the future? I can't find anything user-friendly for mac and I'm sure, You would be able to create the best software for mac, like you've done it with Designer and Photo! Greetings, Markus
  14. Hello everybody, I've bought Affinity designer to set up Artboards for webdesign. Right now I am working on an administrator dashboard for a SAAS application. I have a few artboards. To name a few: - Favicon artboard - Logo artboard - Background image artboard - Dashboard homepage design artboard. It would be nice if we could use artboards in other artboards, like a portal. Right now I am editting my logo in the logo artboard and then copy the logo over to the dashboard artboard. It would be nice if I could put a reference to the logo artboard in the dashboard artboard, so that changes made to the logo artboard would instantly appear in the dashboard artboard. Best regards.
  15. In this video I show you how I would design a website using Affinity Designer. I explain importance of using the rapid-prototyping technique called wire-framing and use the 960 grid system to layout the structure of a site before diving in to the last design stage of a project. If you would like to view the entire layout click this link. click the link to view the video here http://youtu.be/vp2Aq_imf00
  16. Hello, as you know I am a web designer and I'm proud to share with you my first big work. My company, Offerte Tour Operator, builds iframe for booking, hosted on many client sites, but our last and bigger committer is Costa. I realize che graphic of Costa Extra (entire website), business department of Costa Crociere, and the new tool for search Cruise and Vacancy (developed by our team). Tool: Website: I Hope you like it and let me say that AffinityDesigner is superb ^_^
  17. Dear Affinity team and users, I came recently across your product. I am currently looking for a product which covers my interests. I am more of a developer than a designer, but occasionally I have or want to do some design work my self. Most of the time I get asked to design a simple website, create a Flyer to print or a Logo. For my pet projects I would like to be able to create game assets for 2D development (e.g. Pixel Art) and UI-elements. I am also interested into digital painting and own a Wacom tablet. Until yesterday, I thought I am going to buy Pixelmator/Acorn and Sketch, then I saw your product. For the Flyer and Logo use cases, it seems that the Affinity Designer is the perfect solution. Is AD also capable to solve my other use cases? How does it compare to Software like Sketch which is focused on Web/UI? Is web and UI design a use case that you try to solve with your product? Thank you for answering my questions.
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