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  1. When exporting some slices using the Export Persona, if a slice has a slash "/" in its name, it does not get exported into the chosen export location, it is put into a newly created folder within that export location. So, for example, if the slice is titled "Testimony/Lesson" and the chosen export location is a folder named "folder 1", instead of exporting straight to "folder 1", the slice is renamed "Lesson" and put in a new folder named "Testimony". The resulting file path in this example would be "folder 1" > "Testimony" > "Lesson" --- as opposed to "folder 1" > "Testimony/Lesson". I haven't posted this as a bug because it almost seems like intended behavior since that's how file paths are notated, but this does not seem like the optimal workflow; I would expect my slice name to export with the same name as the layer (slashes included), and not be put into a newly created folder when I have not told it to do so. Screen Recording 2024-07-05 at 9.18.47 PM.mov
  2. I cannot get the continuous export feature in the Export Persona to work properly. The expected behavior is that once I export my slices and check "continuous" that any changes I make will automatically be exported moving forward, including when I quit and reopen the apps. I am only getting this to work partially: when I quit and reopen the app, continuous becomes disabled again and any changes I make are not automatically exported anymore. It's as if Affinity is forgetting my 'continuous' choice and forgetting the folder I've set for my continuous exports. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  3. Currently, the intended behavior (as noted by @NathanC in this post) for the continuous export function within the export persona is to reset every time a user closes and reopens a document. This is ludicrous. I'm proposing the intended behavior be changed to remember the previously chosen setting, as well as remember the export file path that the user has set for those continuous exports. That way, when a user exports slices in the export persona and checks the continuous box, even after they quit and relaunch the app, their continuous export setting will be remembered and the file path they chose will also be remembered. Reference topics:
  4. I just bought Affinity Suite, I don't know they missing this basic format in Persona Export in Affinity Photo. I need to convert brush from PNG-8bit-RGB image to BMP-8bit-Grayscale image for my drawing software (SAIv2). And I believe Bitmap are still widely used in others applications too! Please support export .BMP format! Users already discussing in old topics about "export .BMP" from 2 years ago, but Affinity Photo still have no support at all in 2024?
  5. Hello, in Export Persona > Slices > Additional properties > Path components I can't find a variable for something like document name. I want to export all slices with the document name (file name) as prefix, e.g. instead of "MyNicePicture_[ Slice name ]" I'd like to have "[ Document name ]_[ Slice name ]". Maybe this is already available somewhere else? If not, I'd like to kindly add it as a feature request : ) Thx for any help. Additional Properties: >
  6. Related: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/37597-ad-export-persona-item-has-duplicate-paths/ Change the message of the error icon to the specific error: If the artboard was named twice the same, say e.g. "The Artboard/Path-Name is used multiple times". The actual message ("The Item has duplicate Paths") indicates Paths that are exactly the same (not only the name) and do overlap or such thing. Greetings, Johannes
  7. I want to suggest making it possible to keep the original files exif/metadata in ALL slices set. As far as I understood only the very first slice which is automatically set (not really a slice, but just the whole thing called by the projects name) keeps that data since it works with the same engine as the default export function (the one you can use over Data>Export from everywhere, which you can set to delete all exif data if you want). All other manually set slices will always loose their exif data and there is no option to change that! I imagine it to be not that hard to implement it that way that you have the ability to write exif in slices as well (since its only very little data to copy after the file creation), probably even by default. You can always set the options to ditch the exif if you want, just like with the normal export function. Yes, you can currently workaround by cropping multiple times in the normal Photo Persona and its nondestructive as well. But that defies the whole sense behind the existence of the export persona! If I change even the slightest thing in the image I have to redo every crop and pray to the crop gods that it is somewhat cropped the same as before.
  8. Not sur if this is a bug or a normal behavior. Software : Affinity Designer 2 Beta 2.3.0 (2165) My document hasn't the Transparent Background box checked on its settings window (see attached image). But when I export it in .png format using the export persona the background IS transparent. If I export it in .png using the File -> Export menu, the background IS NOT transparent (but white) as I would expect. If I export if in .pdf format using the File -> Export menu, the background IS transparent. So I'm a little confuse about it. This is a behavior I have on every files and for many time. It is anoying because I always have to put a white rectangle on my documents. Maybe I'm just misundertanding something ?
  9. Is this a bug introduced in 2.4.0? I have regularly used the auto continuous output of slices and artboards via export persona in the past to allow collaborators to see where a job is at, or instantly update email components for use elsewhere for example. I cannot however manage to get this to work at all today. Export slice - yes. Continuously - no. I have tried app and mac restart, recreated wanted slices (as duplicated file so sometimes they fail), checked, unchecked and rechecked "continuous" and cannot think of anything else to make function. Is this just me? Frustrated at having to manually export via Export or revisit Export persona to select and export.
  10. Hey All! Been working on a template for exporting logo files for clients and thought I'd share it here so we can maybe work on improving it together? FILE: Logo Exporter Template CMYK V1.afdesign The idea is that the export persona is already set up to create folders and files for the different parts of the logo and the different colour models. What works: Folders and colour gamuts are exported easily and swiftly (more on this below) It's easy to resize the artboards to fit a new logo. It saves me a generous amount of time! Cheaper than other plugins for other apps with similar functionalities. 😉 -- A few things I'm struggling that could do some help with: 1. File naming The naming convention I am after is the following: "clientname-logoelement-colour-gamut.extension" I managed pretty much everything, by renaming the artboards, and manually updating the export slices. But I can't find a way to replace "clientname" with the name of the afdesign file. 2. Colur gamuts / modes When working form a RGB afdesign file there are limitation on exporting certain files to CMYK - for example EPS only export in the original afdesign file setup. But when working from a CMYK base file (like the attached) the file conversion options are more friendly. A NOTE ON THIS: Although we all know that is best practice to adjust these conversions manually I'm trying to make something that will save me time. Perhaps there is b better way to automate this with the use or symbols or global colours - I'm yet to discover (new to affinity here) 3. Symbols / global colours I'm not very versed on these yet, so would appreciate any suggestions on how using these can help the exporting process, colour settings. Have a go at using it and hope it saves you some time! J.- PS: Dear moderator, if this belongs on a different thread please advice accordingly.
  11. Problem description I'm using Affinity Designer 2 Export Persona feature. I want to crop a long screenshot and export it. I divided them using guide lines and then went into the Export Persona panel. However, it failed to automatically capture my guides. This is very inconvenient. Expected result I hope that Export Persona can refer like Photoshop slicing tool, automatically identify my guide lines, and provide a quick cutting and export method without requiring me to manually cut the image. Thank.
  12. See the images attached. There is some checkbox labels that are so small it is very hard to read (first image). I understand it is because window width is too small so the text becomes smaller. But I think it would be a good idea to always keep the text readable and find an other way like a new line for instance. Or even reducing the padding in this window that is quite big. I've also noticed that the responsivity is weird. When enlarging the window, the labels stays small, and we have to check a box to update de size (second image).
  13. Would be nice if palletizing can create a global/shared pallete from entire document or selected elements. Each exported slices often have inconsistent color on continuous area such as solid color background.
  14. There is a path field in the slice properties of photo's export persona. When I enter an absolute path there, like E:\secondary_project\exports it is converted to E\secondary_project\exports i.e. th colon is omitted. When I export this slice, I am prompted for a path. If I chose e.g. E:\primary_projects\export (just confirming the prompted path) the exported file is stored at: E:\primary_projects\export\E\secondary_projects\export Saving the path without drive letter doesn't help, becaus in this case the leading backslah is omitted. "\secondary_projects\exports" becomes "secondary_projects\exports". As a workaround I save relative paths and chose root directory on export.
  15. Slices in Export persona is shifted 1px or so and visually not collect. Exported images are ok but this is annoying behavior. very confusing.
  16. Working a lot with Moho Pro I saw myself rebuilding scenes I designed in Affinity Designer or Photo with exported images in Moho again. I never have to do that when using Spine to animate as Affinity has this great Spine JSON batch exporter in the Export Persona. So I was missing that when working in Moho. Until now; I've developed a free plugin script for Moho which let's Moho import all layers and exported cropped images from Affinity Photo and/or Designer via the exported spine.json file! For who is using both Spine and Moho, like me, it is even quite far in importing the setup pose with all images as exported from Spine too. Including all transformations of the images and even tinting of images. There are some limitations when importing spine.json files coming from Spine tho (see mohoscripts page for the script), like images which use meshes aren't supported. But the most important features are supported already! [update] Also when the spine.json file has bone data (like files exported from Spine itself, or when using special layer naming in Krita's exporter), the skeleton will be recreated in Moho during import since v1.1.0! But the main reason for making this was to import layers from Affinity tho. And that all works great now! A real time saver. It also works for Krita, Photoshop, After Effects, Gimp etc. when you install an existing export to spine.json script in Krita. The script is free to download. Downloadlink and more information is here: https://mohoscripts.com/script/wp_spine_import And here are some demo's/tutorial videos I just created. Have fun!
  17. This is latest published AD2 on iPadOS 16.6.1 (yesterday). I have a document that I use as a template even though it’s not saved as a template, with 16 slices created from distinct layers. Initially these slices take the name of the source layer. I have noticed that changing a layer name in Designer Persona does not always propagate to the derivative slice - sometimes does, and sometimes does not, and its inconsistent within a single document. I guess that’s a bug? I have this behaviour on both iPad and MBP. Regards
  18. This is latest published Designer 2 on MacBook with most current OS for my 2016 MBP. The Issue My problem is that slices created from layers in Export Persona do not have same width (in Export Persona) as the source layers, as reported by Transform tool in Designer Persona. Slices are 2662px but layers are 2661px wide. Background I have a document that I use as a template even though it’s not saved as one. It includes 16 slices that were created from layers (these are all groups that represent a small section of the host artboard). I sometimes have to edit the constituent layers in these groups, specifically to change their width to a very specific value using Transform (Designer Persona). After getting ambushed a few times I now check individual layers one at a time to make sure they are the correct size, and at the correct location on the artBoard. Each export group is renamed following my naming convention. Groups are completely distinct, with no shared layers. To make sure the derivative slices have the desired name, the first thing I do after switching to Export Persona is to delete the previous slices. I then select all the source layers, and create new slices. My problem is that the 16 slices created this way (from different source groups) are ALL the wrong size - by which I mean that the size of a newly created slice differs from what Transform reports in the Designer Persona - by 1 pixel. Export Persona reports 2662px, Designer Persona claims 2661px - the value I specified when doing the Transform. I’ve checked sizes in Designer Persona before and after creating the slices, and the outcome is always the same: Export wants to give me 2662px from a 2661px-wide group. The 2661px target width is specific to this document, and is based on document-specific content created very early in the edit process. I had another one yesterday with different width requirements, and that worked perfectly. I believe I have the same behaviour on my iPad running latest published AD2 with iPadOS 16.6.1. I’m open to suggestions, can make a document available to Affinity if they provide a link, please. I will provide a document for the forum if it survives sanitizing.
  19. The slices to export are 1500 x 1875. The exported jpgs result in 750 x 938. I have no clue why. Is there a hidden setting somewhere or is it a bug? For your convenience, I attached the .afphoto Version 2.1.1 for Mac Eine Band-L1010100-20230815-172257-Insta-C.afphoto
  20. Mac OS 13.2 Affinity Design 2.1.1 Steps: As designer persona, create an artboard of an arbitrary size. Assign a 64x64 simple grid to the artboard. Enable snapping. Place a small shape in the middle of a grid cell. Draw a transparent rectangle with no outline from the top-left to the bottom right corner of the same grid cell. Group the two objects together. Ensure that the resulting group is 64x64px in size, and its position is at integer coordinates. Navigate to the export persona. Open the Layers dock and select the group from step 6. Press the "Create" slice button at the bottom right. Expected: A 64x64px slice is created. Actual: A 64x65px or 65x65 slice is created. This issue doesn't allow me to quickly export a lot of same-size images. I'm forced to draw or adjust slices manually. Thank you.
  21. Until now I mostly created graphics inside Affinity and exported it with the export persona without any issues in both Photo and Designer. Today I imported a PSD file into Affinity and created slices of all layers (without even editing inside Affinity). But to my surprise the Slices don't have extensions in the Slices tab of the Export persona and export to files without extensions, eventhough PNG is selected on each slice. When creating a new file and create slices of the new layers everything still works fine; all slices get the PNG extension, because PNG is selected. So there is an issue in Affinity when starting with an already created PSD file to create and export layers as slices. This is how it looks when layers are created inside Affinity (pixel-layers) and we create slices from those layers: This is how it looks when layers are made externally and imported from PSD (to pixel-layers) and we create slices from those layers: As you can see the files don't get an extention when exporting either: The issue is already in the slice-name, so it looks like we cannot even change it [Edit] Added a test PSD file in the Attachment which throws this issue AND the Affinity file created from it where you can see the issue in the export persona. For the record; the PSD is created in the latest Krita (5.1.1). test.afphoto test.psd
  22. Using Affinity Designer 2.1.1 on Windows. In the Export persona and using the Slice Tool, I've tried to snap a few slices to objects on the artboard, and they don't snap... but I honestly can't remember if it has always been like this, or if it's a new bug? I've tried looking up the documentation but it says nothing about this. Trying to determine if I simply forgot this was always been like this before submitting a bug report. Snapping to the artboard edges and other slices works fine though, sooo...?? Thanks!
  23. In export mode, you can create slices from layers or with Slice Tool, but you cannot modify their size after they are created using any of the tools. You can, however, double click a layer and it will bring up the transform bounding box, which allows you to scale, rotate and move the layer. This does not seem to be intended behavior as at that point, there is no tool selected from the tool menu.
  24. Hi there! I am writing, because in the last view months I constantly have the same issue with affinity designer. The procedure is always the same: I do some work I change to the export persona Pick the slices to export press "export"... then the finder window appears, where to export to... then I can click one or two times on some folders (very different every time) then the rotating ball appears while searching the desired folder in the finder window... ...then designer get stuck... This is not always the case, but very regularly. There is no difference in my behavior if this occurs or not. I send the crash repot a lot of times...but now I thought its time to tell you directly. Hope you can fix this, its really annoying. Thanks Andreas
  25. In Designer 2, if you move an Art Board after creating slices, the position of the slices does not get adjusted to follow the Art Board. And it’s trivial to reproduce.
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