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Found 11 results

  1. Im trying to recreate the latest Spoongraphics tutorial with Affinity Photo. Text is treated with various layerstyles, then turned into a chrome or colourchrome effect with a gradient map. However im struggling with recreating the procedure, because no matter what i do, the 'Gradient Map Adjustment' is always applied to the background (a Fill Layer), which i want to stay black. I tried putting the text with the FX and the 'Gradient Fill Layer' into a group, but there seems to be no way to clip the 'Gradient Map Adjustment' to the group, so that it only affects the texteffect. Is this not possible with AP or am i doing something wrong ? The only solution i could think of was adding a mask to the group (see image 3)
  2. Reflective chrome This Digitally Fearless Affinity Photo tutorial shows you how to create chrome letters and then take it to the next level by adding the reflection of its surrounding area. Best of all the chrome and effects on the reflection are live, so you can make changes as you design. This uses the affinity distort filters, 3d, and many effects ( FX ). The video gets you started, but you can do so much more with this. Adding curves, gradients, color splashes contrast etc. That is up to you. I did not want the video to go to long. I hope you find it useful. https://youtu.be/-wnkLmjuNiY
  3. I am planning on a chromebook. But I would hate to lose the ability to work in my favorite graphic designer applications, both Photo an Designer do comfort me a lot. Do you plan on extending into the Chrome iOS world? For me it would be fine to have an app-only solution sort of "reduced-to-the-most-popular" functionalities. On the road I am not so much into creating completely new art work, but just a little fiddling around with what I have. And before one asks: yes, I have tried Vectr and this will NOT be a solution for me.
  4. Since Adobe has went to subscription payment on all thei software like Microsoft. I have been looking for compatible replacements. My main use for Photoshop is not editing and enhancing photos but to create headlines and save as pngs for use in other programs. I also use actions to create mock ups that create CD covers, magazine cover looks etc. I also would like to be able to use and modify the headline files I currently have which are in PSD for,at. How much of this will Affinity do? I am also looking for an Indesign replacement. I have never liked renting software. I current use CS6 on my Macintosh and don't want to be forced to CC one day. Mike Hughes
  5. Designer is one of the best purchases I have ever made. Fun project I started to get more familiar with the application. Feel free to share your thoughts or criticisms. vehicle_wheel.afdesign
  6. Hi, I hope webp is finally implemented soon in Affinity. We use is for every website and need other applications now to work with webp. Besides the fact that the most popular browser in the world is using webp (Chrome) more browsers are coming along with the implementation, so it's about time (I hope!). https://www.zdnet.com/article/firefox-and-edge-add-support-for-googles-webp-image-format/ The webp code is here to use for developing in Afinity: API for the WebP Codec The WebP team has provided an extensive API to allow developers to add support to their applications, including browsers, image editing tools as well as native applications. Consult the API documentation for a description of libwebp application programming interface. Regards & Thanks, David
  7. Hello, I created many contours with affinity designer. A very nice program! Now I have a problem: If I export a group in svg-format, I can see the svg with this web-browsers: Chrome, IE, Firefox But scaleing the svg is not possible with chrome. I think the matter ist chrome but perhaps anyone has a solution for this problem. thanks michael
  8. I'm having an issue when exporting .png assets from Affinity Designer for use in a website. When Chrome (on Windows) displays the .png image, the color does not match the HEX value I've assigned in Affinity designer. Here's a quick example of a square that I made both in Affinity Designer and in Photoshop. Both have a hex value of #252E42. I embedded them both next to each other on a HTML page that also has a background-color of #252E42. I've attached the result. As you can see the rectangle exported from Photoshop is completely invisible, which is exactly what I expect. But the rectangle from Designer is clearly visible. What is going on here? Do I have to change some color profile settings in order to make this work?
  9. Hi all, I created a logo based on those of Vespa and Lambretta (I'm a longtime enthusiast). I 'chromed' them over the last couple of days. I'm getting the hang of it now but it was quite laborious. These are for my new Society6 shop, "Scooterissimo" (Stop laughing Paolo!) where EVERY product but one I've made is done in Affinity Designer. Link here: I'd love you to have a look: https://society6.com/coolprints Here's a poster of the Lambretta Li125 from 1958, all vector. Best wishes, Kevin (Generalissimo)
  10. Hello, I've been having a bit of a curious problem with copying an image from Safari and then pasting into a new AP document. All I get is https text. This does not happen if I paste the same image into, say, Gimp, an email, or Pages. Nor does it happen if I use Firefox or Safari, which I suppose is the obvious answer to the issue, but I much prefer Chrome to either of these alternatives, especially the latter. I've trawled the forum, I've been able to find is something similar, but in relation to Safari rather than Chrome. Any suggestions gratefully accepted!
  11. Hi Guys, congratulation for the awesome work. Your product is for sure a game changer in the market now. Since affinity have the Version for mac and windows (and now ipad on the way), i ask. Do you have future plans to make versions for linux and chrome OS. I think with these 2 systems included, the name of Serif and Serif products will blow up. I wish you the best, and keep the good work.
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