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Everything posted by Jowday

  1. Not in the latest beta no - and I can't imagine it will be fixed in 1.9 then. Really 'awesome' and 'amazing' yes. Actually Serif is still struggling with vector and math - try to merge the two expanded strokes into one shape - alternate or winding fill does not matter: Lets quote Serif Software: "Affinity Designer is setting the new industry standard in the world of design" "Best in class for creating concept art, print projects, logos, icons, UI designs, mock-ups and more" "No bloat, no gimmicks, just all the tools you need, implemented how you always dreamed." "Affinity Designer is a stripped back, pro-end workhorse that will always get your job done." Stripped down to a few buggy essentials that works the way 'we always dreamed' ??? This gets our job done, always? How is this a new industry standard? What industry? What class? Put your money where your mouth is, Serif.
  2. Interesting that Xara code (!) opens this file too because nothing else opens or converts it but Xara and Affinity. Invalid content or no content. Same author... ? I see the same pattern exporting other basic shapes to EMF. This circle isn't even shown correctly in Xara. I guess the EMF/WMF export is totally broken in Affinity. cir.emf
  3. You are all hoping for a miracle. One that probably wont happen. That is how miracle works. They exist merely in your head. And if ... perhaps in 5-10 years time. What are the odds really? And will it - when finally implemented - be worth the wait? Or suck? What kind of superb vector expertise did you see traces of so far? Or CMYK ditto. And you certainly did not see any kind of vector feature ambitions in Designer. "A stripped down workhorse" hahaha. Stripped down indeed. But you are the work horse! With a hammer and screwdriver from IKEA. And the financial injection from the hope - version 2.0! - will Serif change much? Hire more people? Usability experts? Vector experts? Or will they do as they always did, develop a little from time to time and focus on marketing. Behind them dragging a trail of "hopetimistic" costumers with a small budget and thus not much choice. It is all a dream. A fantasy. Beggars can't be choosers - they hard fact behind all this. Invest in your own future on Cyber Monday! All the features you seek exist! But you are not getting them in McDonalds. And you will never, ever get a real meal in McDonalds. The concept and its (lack of) potential is obvious. So waste time and opportunities (and fun)... or...
  4. And that sharing is free marketing for Serif. That is why it was prioritized. That was their motivation. Cyber Monday is coming. If your wallet allows it - I sincerely hope it does - purchase a real vector drawing program. Forget about more gadgets; get a proper tool for your work or hobby. You just cant wait year after year for a miracle happening in budget software. Just look at that watered down, featureless contour tool. Compare it to whatever else. No ambitions, no flexibility, no options. Just more, more, more workarounds. For around four times the price of Designer and with zero years of waiting in the past, present and future you can (right now) get this and more: Meanwhile in Nottingham...
  5. So what fuels your hope? Just curious. The more this disrupted my workflow the happier I was to pay for Photoshop. Or whatever else.
  6. Currently requested by customers: Forum search: Feature requests
  7. I have recommended Noiseware Professional several times. It is a little expensive but really effective and FAST! Very fast. Like many other products it is discounted during the Black Friday week or whatever it can be called. -30% and they don’t do this very often. I am a Photoshop guy, I am not sure if it still works well with Affinity Photo so give their trial a run first. Also check out other products this week of course. Topaz, DxO, everybody. Save some money. https://imagenomic.com/
  8. The development team behind the entire Affinity suite / effort is way, way too small to deliver these programs. Publisher was delayed and delayed and then the first version was too little too late. Marketing however is loud and sells budget software for the little guy like it is or could be the professionals choice. If it was open source no one would lift an eye brow... but the city market marketing is too far out. And causes frustrations out there. You wont fool the real professionals out there (and never did) anyway Serif so why not adjust the marketing to the real customers. And yeah Designer is an odd program together with Publisher. It is for digital artists - not publishers. At. All.
  9. Click + Alt could simply be a toggle type node like in other programs. No need to make it more complicated than that - and easy to remember (important). 🙂
  10. I do not experience this unless I double click really fast - that tells me that Affinity (of course) uses the system double click setting that I changed to a setting requiring a fast double click before it is recognized as as one. Perhaps you can do the same?
  11. You are totally right. Take a wild guess - did a professional, educated user experience designer stick so stubbornly to this nonsense over the years?
  12. "stripped back, pro-end workhorse" Stripped back... indeed. Like WordPad for Word Processing. Pro-end? Nah. And I think the market has spoken. This is just city market marketing. It is not related to reality. But they do seem trying to escape the reality that Designer has virtually no vector features other than the most crucial. Remember when Serif finally more or less fixed "Expand stroke" so it doesn't create a gazillion stray nodes? This is how they sold that fix that customers complained about for years: Massive expand stroke improvements. Get incredibly accurate results with far fewer nodes than before. Yep, but this work horse:
  13. I experienced file corruption in Microsoft Word in... 2002? 2000? Didn't try it ever since - even with huuuuge files in any program. The first thing to consider for Serif is to avoid the scenario at all. THEN - to play safe - alternative strategies can be added. It sounds like someone made a performance choice that doesn't play well with the real world scenarios customers use the programs in.
  14. The answer was NO in 2015 and still is over five years later. And my question is... why not???
  15. I see this on a trusty old (but fast) computer without anything else than a simple Intel chipset. Windows 10 professional. The green stuff visible the last seconds is from the encoder of ScreenToGIF.
  16. So in conclusion... if you need perspective tools or want to discuss alternatives for this, Serif Software, the Affinity Suite or forums.affinity.serif.com is no help. All we have is people wasting time waiting or debating and nothing results from this besides hurt feelings and people using workarounds for years and years. What did you expect from this thread? Serif is not contributing and Serif is not delivering these features either. Of course the debate will circle around what is possible and in the horizon. We cant debate a fools hope forever here... People need solutions. Not threads only with contributions from loyalists. If you find it frustrating that customers voice their frustrations and look elsewhere, don't blame THEM. Just hope they won't vote with their feet when you loyalists try to silence them - same goes for potential costumers. The debate here will disappear when the features appear.
  17. I am curious ... could this be due to the LittleCMS open source component i Affinity not being able to render this better?
  18. Indeed. Also the grid lines spin out of control; I see straight lines in different angles after each edit.
  19. But at the end of the day this thread demonstrates very vividly how many workarounds you have to go through in Affinity Designer to reach the finish line. @Zhang Drorin It is possible in other inexpensive programs like Gravit Designer (purchased by Corel also available as corel.app) It should be this easy in Designer. But you'll have to stick to the workarounds shown above.
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