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  1. Hi, There's a trick that works at least for V1. 1. Select your gradient layer. 2. Apply FX (located in the layers panel at the bottom). 3. Use Outline FX. 4. Set any value for radius, and zero for opacity. Thanks to @NotMyFault, he hid it somewhere in the bowels of this forum, in an easter egg.
  2. By the way, channel editing is not available for the "image" layer. At least in AP V1.
  3. In simple terms, the "image layer" tries to preserve as much information about itself as possible.
  4. It is based on the Lighting filter with the "bump" parameter. The information automatically used from the layers below will create an incorrect dark normal map from any layers below, except white. Therefore, to get the correct result, you need to load the image by clicking the "Load bump map" button.
  5. It doesn't work for me with hardware acceleration turned on or off. AP Healing_Brush.mp4
  6. The problem seems to be caused by the "Current Layer" mode. Select another "Current Layer and Below" mode.
  7. Both methods do the same thing. The main concept is to make the contents of the group work as a single mask. The main advantage is keeping the contents of the group in their original state.
  8. Removing the logo will make the Asset invisible in the Asset panel, but you can do it. It is not possible to automatically load and update the bump map, unfortunately.
  9. Pattern Layer can be larger than 1024px. 1 Create a rectangle of the desired size in pixels 2 rasterize it 3 Layer > New Pattern Layer From Selection Pattern_Layer.mp4
  10. Wow, I didn't know it was possible to fill any pixel layer with color using the "Gradient Tool" (G) and just choosing a color!
  11. An additional faster and more convenient way. 1. Add Non-destructive Blur. 2. Add a Mask (z-depth layer) for the blur effect. 3. Adjust the "Blend Ranges (cog icon)" curves for the mask. Levels adjustment of the z-depth layer is not required. The distance between two points in the "Blend Ranges" can be represented as a field of focus. 3.mp4 -
  12. Hi, The z-depth layer must be rasterized into a mask: 1.mp4 In this case, the mask will determine transparency rather than the strength of the blur effect. Therefore, it will be somewhat similar to the Orton effect. In some cases, the "Depth of Field" filter can be useful: 2.mp4 -
  13. Hi, Try a non-destructive boolean. Hold down the Alt key before the boolean operation.
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