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Posts posted by DuctTape

  1. 7 minutes ago, MattP said:

    I think there's a thread about it somewhere where Tony Brightman (Head of Serif Labs) was asking for examples of where it was actually used to create things that weren't actually a poor version of what someone was really wanting to achieve via a new (as yet unseen) tool instead. ie If nobody could come up with something compelling then we were going to just implement a new tool that works differently so that we can actually produce the effect that users were actually trying to achieve in the first place. The normal examples are people trying to make wineglass shading out of 10,000 slightly different, blurred shapes that blend together, etc - and this would be much better achieved with a tool that produces a controllable gradient. That kind of thing...


    The short answer, No it will not be added to this version. Thanks MattP

  2. The question was about renaming a BRUSH PACK, I did not say one thing about a category. You all would like to have the right answer but you all failed,  Not one of you (or mod) mentioned about restarting the program once the "Brush Pack" was renamed in finder. I know the file(BRUSH PACK) can be renamed in finder, I know that the contents of the BRUSH PACK can only be edited by the program. Notice I said BRUSH PACK and not CATEGORY that was the other posters who added the category to the question. 


     Thanks for trying help though, have a blessed day or evening.


  3. 22 hours ago, R C-R said:

    But you have not yet made it clear what you are trying to change. If it is the file name, you can do that in Finder. If it is any named item in the file, then you can do that in a suitable application like Affinity Designer or Photo.


    Renaming brush pack from XXXX.afbrushes to OOOO.afbrushes

    I never ever said, that I was trying to change a named item inside the file. 

    Don't make me use the four-letter word............. F I L E...........  you happy now I used it.

    So what do you call renaming a brush pack? 

  4. 8 hours ago, R C-R said:

    There could be dozens or hundreds of named items in a file, so it is a bit much to expect Finder to know which of them to apply the file name to.


    If that was the case then anything created could not be renamed There could be dozens or hundreds of named items and layers in a file.  I am not trying to change the file extension from .afbrushes to .alfred.  


  5. 1 hour ago, firstdefence said:

    As an after thought I wonder if they mean, when the file is imported into Affinity the original name is applied to the brush category. 


    αℓƒяє∂I was expecting a more intelligent answer than what you chose to add. 
    "so expecting a change of file name to result in a change of category name is a bit like expecting your cat to turn into a dog if you change his name to ‘Fido’."


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