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  1. Thanks for the reply mate, I totally get that its not a tool you'd use in your process. Especially with my example, it's to the extreme. I don't push it as far as this when using it. However, in the vid you can see how the liquify is making a hole with every stroke rather than push the image to where it needs to go. And by making slight adjustments the tool doesn't act as it should. I only use it for small corrections in the rough sketching stage but still find it difficult to use. It's definitely a nice and quick fixing tool for those problem areas like masking and repositioning pieces of your sketch. Hopefully, it gets fixed before you start using it...if you ever decide to. Cheers for the feedback
  2. @SrPx Have you found this to be a problem when using The liquify tool?
  3. Hi, I attached a link to a YouTube link that demonstrates how the liquify push tool starts to tear the image and distort in the wrong place. In the video I’ve shown how using the AP push tool in one area doesn’t have the desired effect. Then how Procreates liquify push tool response as it should by smoothly pushing the pixels not swirling them after a number of strokes. I made the spacing in the mesh smaller to allow it to be more accurate. I’ve tried this with the larger spacing as well and it made no difference. Leaving the liquify push tool as it is only adds limitations to a workflow. Please consider fixing this.
  4. Thanks Paul. Is there any info to when the next version will be released and what is/has been fixed? Ive found and posted some bugs regarding the brush dynamics and was hoping these things might have been addressed? It would be nice to see the standard tools nailed before introducing new tools/features.
  5. Hi, Am I still able to join the Beta force at this stage of development? I'd really like to help out and improve with the brush and painting side of AP. Can some please direct me to where I can sign up? Cheers
  6. The image attach of Photoshops levels control window has the extra sliders at the bottom to adjust the output levels. This is a great option to have to do a final adjustment. If AP added this it would translate the levels adjustment layer across from PS to AP correctly. Theres a lot of fixing files coming from PS over to AP. With these extra controls there would be a lot of time saved. In the second image is photoshops gradient layer FX window. It would be great to have the control to delete colour and transparency nodes and/or adjust their opacity. This can be done in PS when their is only 2 nodes. You’re able to delete the colour section of the node, leaving just the transparency node. Then if you want you can delete that leaving only 1 node in the gradient bar, that last node can be used as a simple fill. Having the option to do this is good for adding a colour to an area and not effecting the rest of the image. This would also help translate the PSD file across without any further adjustments.
  7. If possible it would be great to use other pens that are available on the market. I’m sure there’s quite a few users that prefer the feel of a Wacom pen rather than being tied down to the Apple Pencil. I work on a Wacom Cintiq all day long in AP (desktop) and I much prefer the feel and performance of the Wacom pens. Other apps (Procreate) work great with a Wacom and can really enhance the drawing experience. Hopefully this might stop the accidental splats of colour that occurs when you tap lightly while painting. Its very frustrating when painting quickly. This only seems to happen in AP iPad. Other apps are fine. Oh and please throw in the ability to do Alpha channels 16bit tiffs or tga.
  8. I’m in the film and TV industry and alpha channels TGA and TIFF are a huge part of the 2D and 3D workflow. PNG transparency just don’t cut it. It would fantastic to see this as an option in AP. Quite a few people have mentioned this in my industry and have chosen to stay with PS. It would be great to give them no reason not to use AP.
  9. Brilliant thank you! I've been using File Browser to import the brushes from my computer. Unsuccessfully! Not sure why that wouldn't work the same as importing from my dropbox? I appreciate the help!
  10. Hi, Any luck importing those brush libraries?
  11. That's true, I had a few choices of painting apps to choose from when I first starting looking to be away from my desk. I didn't want to cough up 3-4K for the Wacom studio tablet so I could continue to use Photoshop, instead I went with the iPad Pro. The other painting apps were great and are all tailored towards digital painting but lacked the control and features of Photoshop. Affinity had everything I wanted including the painting side built in. Some things aren't as good as the other apps but I'm able to make do. (Some minor things) I agree if they were to push the painting side more to the public it would seem like the ultimate package. Im very happy with it and I'm happy I chose it for my go to painting app. Now I'm thinking of flicking Photoshop altogether and running Affinity on the desktop. Just not sure how stable it is. I think there's still some bugs?
  12. Hi Garry, Thanks for that! That's a great idea, i'd loved the opportunity to have my work be part of an awesome piece of software like Affinity. Im always working on something, so I'll use the time before submissions close and hand a few in. Thanks for the heads up!
  13. HI, Ive uploaded most of the .abr files Ive tried to import including the .afbrushes from the Affinity website. I appreciate you looking into this for me.
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