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Everything posted by Pšenda

  1. "Affinity Photo does not have a preview of photos when the program opens." Preview of other (non native) formats is not a matter of Serif. There is no reason to require them.
  2. Slice name can be modified. Variables for position and dimension of source there are unfortunately not ready. You must enter them manualy.
  3. Yes, but that is a very temporary solution. In Properties is possible search keywords, tags, etc. Like as in EXIF. For the prepared DAM, it will certainly be useful.
  4. Thank you for your farewell. But you say it quite a long time and often.
  5. On my monitor is banding visible. It's not as obvious as applying blur, but seeing it. Much depends on the brightness setting and the type of monitor (I tried it on three :-), so it can also be a display error. The monitor just can not show such gentle transitions, and that's why it seems like a banding.
  6. Same topic. Without using blur, is the gradient smooth? In my experience, banding is already visible in the gradient, and the blur is only highlighted.
  7. After all, your question has already been answered!
  8. Osobně bych nedělal ten stín tak výrazný. Neodpovídá to světelným poměrům okolí. Cesta je zastíněna stromy, a světlo je tak rozptýlené listy. Takže tam nikde není žádné přímé slunce, které by mohlo vrhat tak silný/tmavý stín.
  9. And we're back in English, as if we did not say it :-) (https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/2074-new-logo-please/&do=findComment&comment=267668). Problem with your 4K monitor can be caused by system setting the display scale to >100%.
  10. Zřejmě máte v systému nastaveno zobrazení na > 100%, vinou kterého se Toolbar roztáhne mimo obrazovku. Zkuste ho na zkoušku zmenšit.
  11. Ahoj Petar. Stroke panel sice není přístupný přímo přes View/Studio, ale tudy se na něj dá doklikat. Obdobné to je i u obrazců
  12. I'm not saying it's trivial, but place the handle on the required grid axis yes. And if it would be possible to enter a relative position towards the node, then it would be possible to solve the symmetry.
  13. What to enable direct entry of a position handle over the Transform panel? Who will need it, he will enter points according to the axis, alternatively they can accurately calculate positions...
  14. Jistě, dá se to hrotit do naprosto nesmyslných extrémů. Dobře to ale napsal Petar - pokud každý bude psát ve svém rodném jazyce, což pro většinu čtenářů bude znamenat zvýšenou (a zbytečnou) zátěž při překládání a dost často i nepochopení příspěvků, tak sem přestanou chodit, a přestanou radit ostatním, což je podle mě velkým přínosem tohoto fóra.
  15. In Export Persona is possible create many specific export cases with one/more selected layers.
  16. No. This feature is available until it is Image object. Using Perspective tool convert Image to Pixel.
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