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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. In the Affinity Live Event today the demonstrator showed turning off and on viewing bleeds to show how far everything went to the edge. I am trying that now and it shows the bleeds all the time now matter what. What am I doing wrong?
  2. You would need to save it as a JPG if you want to import it into Photos. Afpot file is proprietary to Affinity.
  3. vincentlepe his answer is correct. close your Publisher and open both designer and Photo then close them and open Publsiher. It didn't work for me and after doing that it was fine. One last thing is you have to own them both to get both buttons working.
  4. It worked fine for me when I right clicked in Finder and choose Open With Affinity Publisher. Designer files also opened fine when I opened from the dialog box.
  5. I bought 6 keys for my employees. I can download the mac version just fine. how can I download the windows version? It's not available in my list. thanks!
  6. No. This is the affinity preferences on the Mac. The way you know is Metal is only on Mac - and it helps tremendously. If you click the 12 block square button at the top of the window it will give you a whole bunch of preferences that you may not have seen before, one of these being performance. Depending on the Mac you have depends on what you can upgrade - and the difficulty. A MacPro, Mac Mini, are easily upgradable. An iMac can be upgraded by not so easy. A Macbook, Air, Pro cannot be upgraded with internal storage. You could use an external SSD and it's relatively easy but trying to explain how to install the OS on an external large SSD is not something I'm going to go into here. I don't know what machine you have. If you want your harddrive to show up on the desktop you need to go to Finder preferences and check the box: I don't think the numbers sound too bad for your files being opened. It's different depending on how much memory you have in your system. I think you have 8GB RAM but not sure. How much space did you say you had left on your Harddrive? Either way If you can the SSD really will help things.
  7. Speed is an issue here is a couple things in addition to what you already have checked: What kind of internal storage: HDD or SSD? An SSD will be tremendously faster for everything. They are worth every penny and can make an old computer feel like new. How full is your internal storage? If you are more than 70% full I think you will see more slow downs. Above that you will have more issues. Clear your system cache out might help. One person said to turn off the history - yes. Affinity files can get massive even without history. I've found that you may have better luck changing your preferences in performance as seen in the screen shot. You might want to turn your memory usage down just so you can give more back to the system. Also change from Metal to OpenGl or vice versa seems to affect performance differently depending on the computer. I've run Affinity before on an 8GB Mac Book Air and it was fine. So I think it should be good on yours.
  8. I'm getting that too on two computers except one of them won't let it finish. I can't click anything it just beeps. I'm not sure if the user hit cancel originally or not. I hit approve and it let me, but he can't export anything. At first it shows the normal folder view then when you hit save it goes blank like the original. Its not thinking or work because I try to click and it beeps like it's a hidden window now.
  9. You should make sure that your document is CMYK/8 and US WebCoated (SWOP) V2 when you create it. Then when you export it choose PDF/X-4 There are bugs in the export of the other ones that cause elements that are supposed to be CMYK (drop shadows, transparencies, etc) suddenly have mixed elements with both. This is what I use and recommend to those who bring files to our printshop from Designer.
  10. Here is the file so you can look at it. test.afdesign
  11. You can split more than one now. You just hold down shift while you click on all the points you want to split and then split all at once when you click Break Curve. Maybe I'm missing something?
  12. I just made a new file and tried to use similar effects to what you used. Here is what I came up with: I don't see the pixilation when I zoom up, but I also made sure that I was in vector persona which others here are asking you too. Do you see the problem here? I don't. I then exported the final piece to the resolution of the iPhone XR: Both seem to be just fine. I bet that if you go with the suggestions here, it probably all be good. If you can provide the file it will be even better. is it by chance possible that you started with a bitmap file and then applied the effects?
  13. isn't the way that AD splits lines better than the knife in IL? I never liked the scissors or the knife but the direct click and then split seems to work well for me.
  14. It sounds like it's pretty good - the next update. Is there an expected date for all the fantastic features I keep seeing getting ready to come out?
  15. For what you are doing I think you would want another program to do the separations such as Acrobat or a RIP. It's the same reason why we don't, at our printshop, have Indesign or Illustrator handle separations. They just aren't very good at it. Acrobat can handle the imposition with plugins, edit all objects including editing EPS and other embedded PDF's that other ones just can't do very well.
  16. I am running into this exact same problem with the exact same font. I'm on the Mac. If I choose another font it works.
  17. Excellent. I have found many times that I can fix Illustrator and Indesign vector problems using Affinity so I've had to learn to go back and forth.
  18. export it as a PDF or EPS and set in the "more" options to rasterize nothing. When you are in Illustrator you will need to ungroup/release mask and maybe several times.
  19. Hi Danny, I personally am not into tats but your work speaks volumes! Great Job! I too am using Affinity more and more. I have a print/sign shop and a newspaper and every day more and more is getting done in Affinity. Here's why: 1. Size: Adobe is limited to 200 inches. I've done over 1200 feet files in Affinity. 2. gradations and transparencies - much more powerful 3. iPad version is fully compatible and as capable as the desktop version. 4. Drop shadows actually export correctly rather than strange squares around objects that sometimes show up in print. There are certainly things I have gotten frustrated over and that is the massive file sizes but I get over it. Much of the time though Affinity will fix files that come from Adobe. Sometime I'll probably post my comics here but I am completely amazed everytime I use Designer. One day I hope to be free of Adobe - though I don't see a replacement for Acrobat (and my plugins) any time soon.
  20. I’m not sure about tiff . I pretty much use PDF but, yes it had problems with being RGB even though it said it was CMYK. I do believe i’ve Got it worked out now. That is the correct profile for us.
  21. How about a feature for a file timer. It could be reset, have a list of times and dates when it was worked on.
  22. I see what you mean now. "Generic" is only available on the desktop version. I actually am a printer and we setup for the US Web Coated (SWOP) v2 for compatibility then we (try) and tell it to remove all profiles on export to PDF so that it will not mess up the RIP's and large format printers. On files we have exported from Designer they have had massive pilings of ink and it should not be that way. I noticed that the transparency, even if told to be CMYK will export with an RGB profile. I've reported this as a bug. If you use PDF/x4 it will export as CMYK transparencies.
  23. @Love2Design I agree with everything up there. Even before the new models came out I was able to get a 256 12.9 iPad Pro for $750. I thought it was a great deal on Amazon and picked it up. I wasn't even considering one until I saw Designer come out. Apple should be paying Affinity since it's selling iPad Pros! >>That’s a few helpful hints and tips to get you started. Hope it’s helpful for you seeing you helped me so much before. I did notice that affinity designer on the iPad doesn’t have the generic cmyk profile option, << I am able to set the print profile just fine in the preferences, along with the color model as CMYK when setting up a new document. Is that what you are talking about?
  24. Has a solution to this been implemented? I can't seem to find it. thanks!
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