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Posts posted by chirpy

  1. It would be a great feature and would put Designer above other apps like Sketch if we had the ability to apply a different style (color, weight, dashed, solid, etc) of stroke to each side of an object, just like you can with CSS.

    I have never seen a design app that could do this and would be a welcome feature for any web designer.

  2. I'd like to make a request for something I used ALL the time in Macromedia FreeHand: the Find & Replace Graphics panel.

    It is one of the most time saving and amazing things even put into graphics software and I miss it greatly. Adobe still has a page up with some very old looking screenshots of it from Mac OS 9: https://www.adobe.com/support/freehand/programs/creating_animations/creating_animations03.html


    You could basically find anything in your document and replace it with something completely different. Colors, strokes, stroke widths, symbols, overprint attributes. The list goes on. It was an amazing boon to productivity when dealing with very detailed illustrations or many-page documents.

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