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  1. Open / save dialogues are provided by macOS unless a developer decides to make additional work by completely implementing their own. I’m an iOS developer so I’ve not used them, but given every other app has the same behaviour when it comes to save location, its extremely likely that Serif did extra work to implement the non-standard macOS behaviour. Now we are several years down the line, they would have angry people either way if they suddenly changed it to the correct behaviour. So the only viable solution is to provide a toggle in the settings. Heres a scenario where things can go really badly wrong: You are working on multiple projects and have a shared folder with an external party (client, partner, whoever). As a well organised business, your projects have a standardised folder structure. Therefore every project kind of looks the same once inside the top level. Later in the same day, you re working on some sensitive, private information for another client. It’s the same day and you create a folder with the same issued date of today (because you’re organised and keep records). You save the file. Only it defaults to the save location of the other project, a folder that looks essentially identical at a glance. The big problem is that you’ve shared the folder with the other project already. So immediately there’s a data incident. This is entirely caused by Serif’s insistent that Affinity apps behave in non-standard ways. When people do common tasks like save a file, there are behaviours that are normal on a platform. These shouldn’t ever be messed around with. At least not without express consent from the user.
  2. Yeah, it is like it is set up to intentionally trick you. I would say though that per your first part of your reply, there is a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong’ here. When there’s a platform norm, that is the ‘right’ way because it is what everyone is used to and expecting. Anything else is a trap and leads to dangerous (yes, data security is a serious business) situations. If people want non-standard behaviour, then fine, let them have that as a user selectable option. Don’t inflict this absurd situation on everyone else.
  3. I really like Affinity apps. But whenever I use them I feel like I’m constantly being tricked / trapped by them. I work on a file then save or export and the location inexplicably defaults to the last location of save or export, not the location of the currently open file. It’s a topic that’s been discussed at length here over the years. But I simply hate the current behaviour. It causes stress. It causes data issues. It causes embarrassment. It causes extra work. It’s entirely unnecessary. It’s terrible customer service All because someone at Affinity has a somewhat bizarre idea about how save dialogues should work that’s different from every other app. It’s just not good enough. Sort it out. I’m done with waiting patiently.
  4. Personally, I strongly think that the default behaviour for save as should be to save in the same location as the current file. If you’re working on a project, the vast majority of times you want to do a save as operation it would be in the same folder or a folder that’s close to in the folder tree hierarchy. That you might have been messing around with some random other file earlier in the day and that location would be the default save location makes no sense at all. However, I agree that having some kind of ability to override the default is reasonable. Just perhaps the overrides should be a bit less specific.
  5. Of course I have no problem with a choice being offered. Especially given this atypical behaviour has been happening now since the start of the Affinity apps, presumably it would be irksome to some people. But to ignore platform norms is unacceptable.
  6. I understand this is not fixed in v2. Very disappointing. I had been assuming faults like this weren’t being fixed in v1 because they would be in v2. The problem is that ‘save as’ dialog should start with the directory of the current open file. Not the location of the last saved file. Many reasons are given in the previous discussion which is now archived (link below). The main overarching one is that this is the way that all other apps work. So it is like a trap. It is contrary to the way everyone expects things to work. If you work on multiple projects and you have a well structured project folder system, the chances are that one folder for one project looks much like the folder for any other project. To spot you’re saving a file in the wrong place is virtually impossible. The usability is horrendous. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/17825-default-location-for-save-as-and-export/page/1/
  7. I came here to check before buying v2. I honestly cannot believe they haven’t fixed this. Astonishing.
  8. I would also like this to be settable as a default option for paste. I rarely want to paste with formatting. For now, I've altered the keyboard shortcut so that Command+V has a binding to Paste Without Format instead of Paste. I guess that's an OK solution for me, but I imagine lots of others will never do that.
  9. It might well be controlled by the plist, but to say that this is normal macOS behaviour would be simply wrong. The save behaviour of Affinity apps is perhaps unique among the macOS apps I use. This is part of the problem: it is utterly alien. The other part of the problem is that it is rubbish regardless of whether it is alien or not. If you accept that this is a problem, then we are never going to get apple to fix it because this is a choice that has been made by Serif for their apps in how they interface with macOS. There is nothing apple could do to fix it because it isn't a problem of their making. How do I know that? Because every other app I use works the *correct* way. The only people that can fix this is Serif. So please stop complaining about repeating your potentially technically correct point that simultaneously completely misses the point of this conversation. Edit: does anyone know where the .plist files for Affinity apps are located? I've had a gander around the various Preferences folders where these are typically located and I cannot see anything. Edit 2: found the plist files. ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.[appName]/Data/Library/Preferences And there is nothing I can see in there that controls the default save location. I suspect if it were as simple as a plist setting, Serif would have provided a toggle in the preferences panel for users to be able to select which behaviour they wanted a long time ago. It is very likely hard coded into the apps.
  10. Whilst it’s great that this feature is now included, there’s no evidence that this 26 page thread had any impact on the inclusion of the feature. Given the 7 years or whatever it is since the start of the thread (can’t remember and haven’t checked) it would be hard to believe that this feature wasn’t just always destined to be included in v1.9.
  11. I understand your sentiment of being realistic and providing advice, but part of the point of these forums is to communicate with Serif about problems and feature requests. The behaviour as it is currently is terrible. So it’s reasonable to hope that it might be fixed one day. Yes, I realise others might be OK with it as it is, but even after several years I still find it incredibly bad.
  12. It's really beyond annoying that 'All pages' is not the default and not only that, but you cannot save it as a preset so you cannot even change the default yourself. It is basically a faulty implementation. Surely this change would be trivial beyond belief. @MEB
  13. To be honest, I'm actually pretty happy with using macOS Photos.app as my photo library. I like that it works with iCloud photos so I've got all my photos wherever I am and whatever device I'm using. Perhaps what I'd request is a library interface in Affinity Photo on Mac that exposes the photos / iCloud library within the app. I guess different libraries and types of libraries could be accommodated so you could potentially also add a google photo library or create a new local one from scratch.
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