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Posts posted by AlainP

  1. I just installed Beta of all three apps. The first one I installed was Photo. With all previous versions the installation restarts the app to the new version. This used to take 3 or 4 seconds. This morning Photo took more than a minute to reappear. When it was back I shut it down and installed Designer beta. Instead of the 3 or 4 seconds as usual it took a little less than a minute to come back to life.

    While I was waiting I checked in Task Manager and it showed that Photo was still running in the background. 

    The third app, Publisher took more time than usual to restart after install but less than the two previous ones. 

    I have attached the crash reports generated by Photo and Designer during installation.

    After restart all apps seem to work and shut down properly.

    b9fbafb9-394a-4ec7-b89f-59ea0c47c625.dmp 3ed8e611-dec1-4ff9-99e5-9e33d0dc257a.dmp

  2. Nos documents ne sont pas accessibles via notre compte Affinity. Il faut utiliser un service comme iCloud, OneDrive, DropBox, etc...

    Moi j'utilise iCloud et OneDrive et ça fonctionne très bien.

    Pour l'impression ça m'étonnerait que ça ne fonctionne pas via wifi. Il y a sans doute un application Epson à installer sur le iPad.

  3. Voici un résumé, mais y'a rien de mieux que la pratique, même si des fois on pogne les nerfs....

    Moi tout est en anglais alors je te laisse le soin de traduire.

    Je sélectionne la bande métallique que je veux modifier avec l'outil "Rectangular Marquee Tool". Puis, avec l'ajustement "Recolor", je joue avec les options Hue, Saturation et Lightness pour obtenir la couleur que je veux. Tu répètes ces mêmes étapes pour chaque bande de métal.

    Pour les panneaux de bois tu sélectionne aussi avec l'outil "Rectangular Marquee Tool" et cette fois avec l'ajustement HSL les options Hue Shift, Saturation Shift et Luminosity Shift te permettent d'obtenir la teinte que tu recherches.

    Et voilà, en 3-4 minutes seulement !

    Pratique et patience.... moi je fais ça depuis de nombreuses années et j'ai encore plein à apprendre.

    Bonne chance.

  4. Avec un tel PNG c'est à peu près impossible de faire quelque chose de bien. La résolution n'y est pas et ce qui a été ajouté n'est pas super non plus.

    L'idéal serait de recréer cette image à votre goût et en plus ça vous donnera une excellente pratique du logiciel. Le texte provient d'une image en vinyle sur Amazon.

    Voici le max possible de faire en quelques minutes. Et c'est vraiment pas à mon goût.



  5. HA on or off doesn't change anything.

    Speaking of falling back to default, it makes we wonder why when I open LUTs in a folder, save a file, and when I want to load LUTs again Photo goes to the folder I saved the file.... And when I say " makes me wonder " these are not the words that came to my mind first. 

    But I still love Affinity apps anyway, so you're forgiven already.


  6. In the last few days I had many Photo crashes. It's quite hard to say what makes it crash as it happens randomly, sometimes I was working on a mask, and I think that quite a few times I was selecting color on the Color Wheel. It happens almost every time I use Photo, but a recovery file saved my work.

    I have attached the two latest crash reports.



    d12c473c-1c6c-4371-a833-1b7b133ebbd6.dmp 51e87122-5f83-49ce-bda9-e3621f6b49a0.dmp

  7. I don't know if you're on Windows or MacOS, but here NIK filters, old version work pretty well here, I think it's now faster than in version 1. 

    Pasting works also very well, no glitch at all, be it from inside Photo or from an external app.

    It must me particular to your system or setup as I can't recall having read about such problem on the forum.

  8. I also get this kind of behavior often. I'm not sure it has something to do with HA as it happens with or without it enabled. It looks like "scrambled" memory.

    Pressing "Ctrl" + "Shift"+ "Windows Key" + "B" resets your graphics card. If you see a difference it could be it. 

  9. I have to admit that I have more crashes since the version 2 release. I use mostly Photo and Designer and never did serious work with Publisher. 

    It feels like if computer memory gets all mixed up. After a little while it become unresponsive, it stutters, then its back to normal... for a few minutes ... just to crash all of a sudden a few minutes later. 

    I never lost any work as I save almost every two minutes, but I'm confident that crases will be a thing of the past some day.

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