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  1. Hi everyone, when the very first iPad version came out I bought an iPad Pro 10.5" and I've used that for all sorts of things - the best fun was designing the layout for a fair in a circular building and being able to stand in the room and move the tables around, with the pencil, on my scale plan, then sending it out to attendees - without moving an inch. Updated Affinity suite constantly, of course. My grandchildren are going to get that iPad now (they'll be watching kids stuff!), and I'm looking at an iPad Pro 11" with keyboard and pencil (I also do a lot of admin work), and lots more uses for the Affinity suite which is so adaptable over Windows, MacBook and iPad. Nearly 10 years on the Macbook and 7 years on the iPad? I wouldn't have changed a thing. I'm assuming that the latest updates cater for the iPad M4 chip? I'm looking forward to using Affinity when I get the new iPad. Sunset
  2. Hi Richard, and welcome to the forum. I was also a great fan of the Serif range, and I found Affinity Photo to be easier to use. I'm not in your league as a photographer, but I do have to turn my 'snaps' and supplied images into eye-catching illustrations for events on a charity website, and I use Photo to do that every day (It's a huge website!). Enjoy the forum and the videos and using Affinity! Hilary.
  3. Thank you, Ross, and others, I'm sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I had a deadline to write a presentation! Ross, nice work. If I remember rightly, before I saved the mesh warp I'm quite sure that I could add a node with one click: before I saved I got a 'node', it was nothing with white on white or anything like that. It was only after saving that I got the marks on the line where the node should have been. Hilary
  4. Hi Myke, When I tried this after the update it seemed to be OK. I had problems when I extended the Mesh "too far", I was adding points, too. When I restarted the program I couldn't take the mesh back to its original state to try again. I have tried to recreate your issue but no success. I have found that if I go from Mesh to Perspective and back to Mesh I lose the ability to add new nodes, but that returned after I clicked 'Apply'. I tried it again, after another 'Apply' and I can't add any more nodes - not a crash, just no new nodes. At one point my element just disappeared off the page but reappeared when I used Command+Z. NOTE: when I tried to add new nodes I did get minute breaks in the bounding box - and I really do mean minute - but when I clicked away and reselected the mesh the bounding box was complete again. You can just see two tiny breaks near the bottom of the bounding line in this image. This I CAN reproduce, every time, with this file on my MacBook Pro 2021. Hilary Mesh Warp Points.afphoto
  5. Edit: I had been to that menu before, but what I can't do is create a New Folder. I can go out of Affinity, and create a folder, and choose that folder, I just can't actually create a folder. I can also go to the + icon to add new, but that only offers a new Preset - which I associate as being different from a template. My template has pre defined vector shapes on it for slotting in the content. (It's quicker to keep on reusing and 'saving as' the basic template than trying to create a new folder within Affinity). Hilary I am using a MacBook Pro 16 inch 2021 M1 Pro 16 Gb
  6. Thank you. I had seen the three 'arrows' that led to the file, but I had not seen the words "please choose a folder for your templates" above the file selection (which in my case was showing Downloads), it just didn't stand out. Looking at it now, the text is a standard size, but it appears just where my lens changes for long distance, so it was slightly blurred. For me it would be better placed at the bottom of the box, aligned with Cancel and in slightly larger text? Thank you for your help and for getting me straight to the point! Hilary
  7. ADD NEW TEMPLATE QUESTION A slightly different question - I used Designer 2 help to try to create a new template. It says To set up a target template folder: From the New Document dialog, with Templates selected from the left-hand side, click Add template folder. A file browser window will appear, allowing you to specify a folder location. I can select templates, but i cannot Add template folder, I can also use the Add button, but I cannot, anywhere, find Add template folder. ................................................... Please don't offer me alternative ways to do this, as a customer I should be able to follow the instructions in the Help on the top menu bar, and that is what I would to resolve, please, as that would be most helpful to other users.
  8. Full details in the attached doc, started a file in Designer 2, added a photo, tried to edit in Photo 2, crop didn't work properly. Eventually went the long way round and started the photo in Photo 2, placed in Designer, tried to centre the image, Designer 2 closed. The Apple report is in the Word Doc along with details of the system I was using. Could be two separate problems, I don't know. Affinity Crop Photo Crashes.docx JFK_limousine 2.afdesign
  9. HI, No problems, I knew you'd get here eventually Here is the Apple report. I have tried to reproduce the crash, but I can't. Sorry! Hilary (Sunset) Designer 2 Crash.docx Designer 2 Crash.docx
  10. Thank you for that, I could continue to warp with the node tool selected, but I noticed a few times that if you warp, then work with another element, then go back to warp, it changes the effect, as if it has a horizontal line through the letters and moves the top and lower halves of the letters in different ways. BUT - good news, I have worked out that I just need to go through the layers to find the point where I left off, and now I can continue to warp nicely. I think I can see why it was spitting the letters, too. An interesting first look at warp. The issue, of course, was when the program suddenly closed. Thank you for your advice. Hilary
  11. Just installed Designer 2 on MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021), Apple M1 Pro, 16Gb, played with gradient fill, slice (brilliant) shape builder (love it) and warp perspective on text "mouse". I added one new node too many (attempting to create a tail for the mouse...) and the program closed. I have the error report for Apple if that is any help to you. The file seems to have restored OK but I notice that I can't carry on warping in the same way because I saved the file when I restored it. (logical) affinity-design-2-mouse1.afdesign
  12. It's a long time since I last posted, I've been busy all through lockdown, using Affinity Designer and Photo everyday for creating content for a large charity website. All enjoyable, sensible work! But I've been a Serif customer for 12 years now, and this experiment with Affinity Photo and Twisted Brushes stems back to the days when a group of us just used to experiment and push boundaries. Using just three Twisted brushes, I first created the yellow shape on the left and thought it looked like an angry ostrich. Mmm. Better make another ostrich opposite - these brushes are great and create unexpected patterns when woven around the page. The second ostrich seemed to be recoiling from the first. Chosse a different brush and create fabulous foliage and some water. But it needed a story - so a third Twisted Brush creates a couple of rather supernatural beings who are trying to goad the two ostriches into a proper fight. I just loved what I could do with the brushes.
  13. Anything is possible, I was working to a tight deadline, I hadn't done a flowchart since college in 1973 so I created my own symbols, it is possible I also flitted between my desktop Windows and my Macbook - all of which I love being able to do with Affinity. And, although I'm 'absolutely certain' that I opened the afdesigner file from the 'Open Recent' menu today - perhaps I didn't! Thanks for checking and forwarding it to the developers. I've fixed what I needed to do, job is done ahead of schedule, I'm happy. Hilary
  14. Thanks, I confirm that I opened the .afdesign file, the PDF file was only for sending by email to others, Font - interesting, all the 'changes' were in one text box only, and I can't tell whether that is relevant or not, but the font used was calibri regular 10. No changes have been made to the fonts on my system in the relevant period. The document is of a slightly sensitive corporate nature, but I trust the staff at Affinity to recognise that. I'll send the file as requested. Note - I had already correct some errors on chart 4, starting with 'newsletter' at the bottom of the page and working upwards).
  15. A closer look suggests that most of these 'translations' involve limited combinations of letters such as 'ting' in existing and printing; 'tion' as in option, and 'till' as in still. Must get the job done, though, deadline looms. Hilary
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