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  1. I don't remember seeing it before, but I haven't used the QR Code Tool very frequently.
  2. Sorry my initial post didn't help. Seeing your export settings, my only other thought is that you might need to set the Area to Whole document. If you choose to export a smaller area, then the bleed area (which by its nature is outside the full print area) could not form a part of the output document. But without knowing what 'OPT 2' is, it's a bit hard to tell.
  3. I wonder if this is just an interface glitch. I get the same message with a very short URL and like your example, the QR code works without issue.
  4. In Designer, go to File>Document setup and access the Bleed panel: Set your bleed as required - anything other than 0 -, click OK and export again. The "Include bleed" option should now be available in the Export dialog:
  5. It looks to me as though the search is case-sensitive. If I search for 'pgx' I find nothing: If I search for 'PGX' I find these: Not sure if that's your issue but it's worth checking.
  6. Presumably 'square bracket keys'? Which? As far as I can recall the brush size has never been displayed next to cursor in any Affinity programs. (I would be happy to be proved wrong on that.) It is however always visible in the Context toolbar when the Brush Tool is selected: Clone stamp presumably? If you can post a video or screen grab it may be easier to understand the issue.
  7. Ranting here isn't going to help you. The Devs don't read these forums. You might though consider posting a polite and well-worded feature request in the Feedback section of the forums to add to others who would like to see fully lockable layers. If you make mistakes or temporarily forget how the software currently works, you can of course use the slider in the History panel to step back through your actions. The default Undo limit in Settings is 1024 individual actions, but you can increase that if you want. I appreciate though that you would still need to redo your brushwork on the layer that you originally created.
  8. I see the same as you @Louisk (macOS, APub 2.5.5), and I don't know if it's a bug or intended behaviour when adjustments are grouped in this way. One way to avoid having to modify every single image in your existing document would be to change the export settings under Advanced: and choose Unsupported properties in the Rasterise: section. I'm not sure if this an ideal solution though as it may have unintended consequences elsewhere, and I think @walt.farrell's advice would be the best way to approach future projects.
  9. Unfortunately @edreaux this sort of functionality displayed in this video (for Illustrator but I suspect it's what you're looking for) isn't available in Affinity Designer, although I think it has been requested repeatedly over the years.
  10. This is not the case. Macros and batch processing are available in Affinity Photo but not in Affinity Designer.
  11. You don't need to 'distribute by hand around the centre point'. Use the Pie tool to create a segment. Set the start angle to 0º and the end angle to 36º. Duplicate the segment with cmd-J (macOS) or ctrl-J (Windows). Keeping the duplicate segment selected, use the Transform panel to rotate it 36º: Press cmd-J or cntrl-J a further eight times:
  12. Absolutely not. The users who post here are always happy to help and share their knowledge if they can.
  13. NB the difference between filesystem metadata and image metadata. I would guess that when you 'put a mark on the photo', you are modifying the filesystem information. If Dropbox sorts by file modification date, then it will update the sort order accordingly: most recently modified file (not image) at the top of the list. I don't think there's any way that Affinity Photo could change this behaviour. Can Dropbox sort by file creation date? Can it sort by Create Date, or Date/Time Original, which remain unchanged in the image metadata? If not, you would need to use a command-line utility like ExifTool to change the filesystem modification date. Which I fear is outside the scope of this forum.
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