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Everything posted by SPaceBar

  1. Hi @garrettm30 Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue when using Acrobat or Preview.
  2. Hello @edoardo.posa Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. Are you still experiencing this issue in the latest Publisher Release - 1.9.3?
  3. HI @AlanPickup I was unable to reproduce this on the OneDrive that I set up. Are you able to save to desktop at all? Is your D:\ drive a secondary hard-drive and is it internal or external? I'm just trying to reproduce the exact issue.
  4. Hi @AlanPickup I've split the thread so we're not talking over other posts. I forgot to move our other comments though. I'm just taking a look at exporting to a OneDrive but in the meantime, are you experiencing this issue when exporting locally too or just to the OneDrive? Is your document also stored on the OneDrive too?
  5. Hi @AlanPickup Could you zip up your file including the assets and upload it here please so I can take a look at it for you?
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. I can see that it definitely gets in the way. I haven't been able to replicate this, I've tried both dark and light UI and have magnified even further than your example. There must be something else contributing to this, can you tell me what macOS you are using and what Mac you have please?
  7. Hi @myleshamlyn Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. Is this issue still happening for you? If so could you create a video of the steps that you need to take to get it to occur so that we can try and reproduce it.
  8. Hi @Joakim Svensson Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. Are you still experiencing this issue in the most recent Release build of Publisher - 1.9.3? If so could you make a video of the steps you took to create it and upload it here please?
  9. Hi @peterfri Sorry for the long delay in replying to your post. As it's been a while are you able to check this issue in the latest Publisher Beta to see if you are still experiencing the same results?
  10. Hi @Wosven Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. I am using the latest Publisher Beta version and am unable to reproduce this issue. Are you still able to see this?
  11. @StuartRc I've managed to recreate the issue on the Release build now. The error message seems to appear on the second save even if you don't toggle back to the master file. I sometimes also get a corrupt file message too but I didn't see a crash. This issue has already been logged so I am updating it now to include the your information too. Thanks for persevering with it.
  12. Thanks for the extra info @madPXL This sounds like an issue that is currently being looked into by the development team so I have passed on the information.
  13. Thanks for the crash log @cance440 So you know what you were doing when the app crashes? @madPXL I haven't been able to reproduce this yet.
  14. Thanks @Andrew W I know downloading them is not ideal but it does mean you can continue working. If we manage to recreate it here we will pass it on to the development team.
  15. Hi @Andrew W Sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have been unable to recreate this using my MacBook Pro with Big Sur. I was also able to load the files on my iMac with Sierra. I would always recommend downloading them locally before opening them.
  16. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. What happens when you are using Designer Desktop and you try to open a Designer iPad file that is stored on OneDrive? Could you make a video of the process and upload it here please? It would be interesting to see if you get any error messages.
  17. Thanks for the panel presets @thomaso I've added them to my Presets folder but they don't seem to be taking effect. I believe that using the entire com.seriflabs.affinitypublisher folder works. If you don't want to post it publicly you could upload it here.
  18. Hi @whit Welcome to the Affinity forums! I think the issue you are seeing with the additional space is a side-effect of the original issue. Once Copy from Clipboard is correct there will not be any need to resize. I am adding this post to the original bug so the development team will see these comments.
  19. Hi there @SlavekDD This issue has already been logged so I will add the information from your post to the bug and pass it on to the development team.
  20. @StuartRc Are you saving again between these steps? I have not yet managed to reproduce the error. 7. Toggle back to Edit file tab and UNDO the Change Then Return to Original Document (You should get a Alert box) 8. Go back to original tab you should get the pop-up and a broken original file.
  21. It's working now, thanks for updating it all. I will let you know if I can get the warnings to appear. 👍
  22. Hi @Willy5454 Sorry for the delay in replying. Would you be able to upload a video of it happening? Do you also have a crash report that you could upload too?
  23. Hi @3DJ Sorry for the delay in replying. I've just tried deleting a couple of asset sub-categories and a couple of whole categories and could not reproduce your issue. Are you seeing this all the time or only in specific circumstances? I did notice that the file I had open closed a couple of times but have not seen a crash as yet. I am using iPad Designer 1.9.9 on iOS 14.5.
  24. Hi @ANNITA Welcome to the Affinity forums! Could you create a short video of your workflow and upload it here so we can see which steps you are using to attempt this?
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