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  1. absolutely no change in Version 2.04, afpub crashes exactly as in version 2.03 and before
  2. Again to Tables on ipad: As reported above I can never create a table format on ipad, when I click on the table format no dialog is opened, and more important: I create a new document, then I draw a table, then I click on Table and then clicking on Formats: Publisher crashes. I made a little video of that. This is certainly a bug. Edit: When I create the same file on mac and then open ipad Publisher does not crash. But it crashes the same when I create a new table on the same file on ipad. There is a problem with tables on ipad. RPReplay_Final1674033946.mov
  3. I can only link to Drobpbox, which I don‘t use, other cloudservices cannot be linked in Prefs.
  4. Hey Walt, on ipad it occurs as a cloud device. On my mac it is network-attached. On ipad I see only these possibilites and they are all grey
  5. I have noticed some problems with cloudservices, I use icloud, googledrive, onedrive and mycloud: - I cannot create a package to no cloud service, they are greyed out, only icloud is working fine - I cannot relink any file that is on one of the clouds, only on icloud I see the files - I cannot open links in a package, only in icloud. Does anyone have the same problems?
  6. And also in Designer we have the same different default settings on ipad and on Mac. I don‘t understand why you do this, but now I can change it.
  7. YEEEES, I think this is the solution. Thank you very much. But it means, that on ipad the default setting is not the same than on the mac-version.
  8. Thanx Paul, but the problem is not the group, on ipad I made a new version without groups. on ipad it is not possiblle to adjust the picture without to adjust the blue background. When I open the same file, that I created on ipad, on Mac i works as it should, so I think it is a bug on ipad. Version2.zip
  9. Hey Walt, I did everything you recommended, but it does not work, I send you the the testpage testpackage.zip
  10. Hi I reported this before on Version 2.00 an I thought it was solved, but it is not. When I adjust a photo with photo persona other layers are also adjusted. Even when I lock the layer it is changed. The blue background should not be changed. This problem only occurs on ipad not on Mac.
  11. thank you, but I am not looking looking for text rulers, I am looking for rulers like in the desktop version.
  12. Yes this is true, when I don‘t use the assistent, it ist ok. But this behavior is not like on the mac-version. And on ipad the assistent option is not a separate option it is within the general options, strange Hey Walt, I see the tableformats, but I cannot expand it. When I click on it, nothing happens or opens. There is no dialog like on the mac.
  13. Hey you, thanx a lot for porting publisher to ipad. I found out that: 1. Tables: I cannot create a table format, there is no such a dialog, but table-formats created on mac are saved with the document and can then be opened on ipad 2. Rulers: there are no rulers neither above nor left, but I found the guides. 3. when I change the curve of one selected photo (with studio link) the complete page is changed, not only the selected picture, on mac this works finely. 4. no separation preview, this is a feature request, the same in the macversion, a lot of people are missing it 5. some problems with overprint black and pdfx 4 export, the same in the macversion (just the same in Version 1, no change unfortunately), I reported this earlier on Version 1.
  14. Hello you all on the mac it ist easy to toggle between interpreting and passthroughing a pdf. on the ipad-version I don‘t find this possibilty. When I place a pdf it is passed through. when I reopen the same document it is interpreted using other fonts etc. can you help me thank you Peter
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