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  1. A few issues I have seen in this version and the previous: 1. Backspace doesn't backspace. It just returns to the previously used paragraph style. 2. Text seems to randomly resize itself. Example attached. When I finally resized the text on the left, the text on the right resized itself. Suggestions for improvements: 1. On the pages panel, maybe consider using the pages numbers of the book, and not the project, Eg : the document might say page11, but the book page numbering is only on page 5. 2. In the section manager, take away 'Section 1, Section 2,' etc. naming. It can be confusing when the book has chapters. 3. Please create an 'Indesign book' like workflow. It makes working on chapters MUCH easier.
  2. Hi! When creating table of contents, how can I change my default styles from heading1 and heading2 to a style I have created?
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