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I have a picture, it consists of bricks.

I put some text on those bricks, graffity in fact.

Once that's done, I'd like to give the bricks as well as the text some texture.

In other words, make the bricks, together with the text look more realistic.

Can this be done in Photo and if so, how do I go about it ?

The attached pic is just an example.

Thank you



Here's what I did


  1. Duplicated the background image then used a High Pass Live Filter on it.
  2. Set the duplicate background's blend mode to hard light then clipped the duplicate background to the text.
  3. Added a rectangle above everything with a gradient that has some noise in the colour.


Just a quick edit but I hope it gives you some room to expand on your design. You could also use Frequency separation (under the Filters menu), in step one, instead of the High Pass filter. I prefer the live filter approach for edibility though. Edit attached.



Thank you for that … I guess to make it look real, you would have to think about how the paint flows into the mortar joints between the bricks … any idea how to achieve that?  :)



I think displacement filter would be the keywoard.

(At least as I remember it was a filter - maybe it's not) but I'm pretty shure that I also found this in AP.




Thanks, everyone for the input. I'll give all of it go, but first...

Weird things happening when opening the attachments in the posts.


MEB's file :

I clicked the link AFPhoto file in the post, file downloaded straighaway, without having to login to the forum.

The attachment refuses to open with AFP when doubleclicked straight from "Downloads",getting a message that the file is from an unidentified developer.

When first starting AFP and then opening the file from within AFP, the file opens normally.

Apparently, the operating systems thinks that the file is an application and the file association has disappeared.

See attached example text-on-brick-MEB.png


KEVIN DAY's file:

Downloaded file straight from the post, no login necessary.

When doubleclicking file in "Downloads", the file opens with AFDesigner.

This is accompanied by a message saying the the file contains features from an earlier version of AFD.

When first starting AFP and then opening the file from within AFP, the file opens normally.

Here too, the file association seems to have disappeared.

See attachment  text-on-a-brick-kevin


Anyone has any ideas what's causing this behaviour ?



Well I edited the file in Affinity Photo and I'm able to open it the latest betas for both Designer and Photo. Where that version error is concerned, It seems that the file defaulted to opening with the App Store version of Designer which won't read files saved from the Beta version since the Beta has more recent features.


For MEB's file I'm not having that issue. The file opens in Affinity Photo when I double click it.


Try to manually reassign the App for the file type:

Right click file > get info > open with > select Affinity Photo from the drop down.

If its not there select 'other' and choose it from your Applications folder.

Click 'change all'


Not sure if its just an OS issue. I remember having to manually set mine a few weeks ago because Photo files were opening in Designer by default.


Thanks, Kevin.

Your "How To" did the trick.

I had first tried to set the file association by way of the finder, right click, open with, other, AFP.

That didn't work - the operating system insisted that the file was an unknown app ?????  :lol:

After I used your info, the files now open with AFP.

Thanks again.



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