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  1. Thank you, Loukash. Yes, I've seen those. But my question was (and is) : does anybody know if this issue (since 2021) has been fixed ? And if so, how ? Best, C.L.
  2. I'm trying to perform a scan of a color photo. Scanner = Canon printer/scanner TS5350i. The scanner is listed as "shared", not as "device". The result is abysmal, and that's putting it mildly, see pic. It works fine in Pixelmator Pro. I've searched the Forum, it seems I'm not the only one. The solutions provided in the forum are workarounds, has the issue been fixed, does anybody know ?
  3. I stumbled upon this tool only just now. Amazing ! Thank you so much 👍 C.L.
  4. Alfred : yes, an improvement issue sounds just right ! Thank you both for your quick reply. 🙂 C.L.
  5. I don't know whether the subject has already come up, searched for it but didn't find it. Decided to post this regardless : When guides are locked, they are still removeable through View > Guides > Remove all guides.
  6. Please see attatchment. 1.Created rectangle. 2.Created middle curve, drawn from RH bottom corner to connect with rectangle. 3.Moved rotation point of middle curve to RH bottom corner. 4.Duplicated middle curve, rotated ro right & repeated till quarter is full. 5.Converted rectangle to curves & locked. 6.Selected curves. 7.Grouped curves 8.Duplicated group & flipped. 9.Ungrouped curves. 10.Grouped again,now including the converted rectangle. Now : Selected the group, the selection area shown is quite a bit larger than the combined curves. Opened the group and selected all individual curves within the group (Shift+select) The selection area fits. I can't figure out what's causing this. I can't find any hidden curves Could someone please enlighten me ? Thanks very much in advance ! C.L. Grouping.afdesign
  7. Thanks for your speedy answer,Callum. After I'd read your edit: I reset the shortcuts to Serif Default. This restored the shortcuts and the Delete shortcut now works as it used to : Backspace = delete. In case it's still useful: I was using the Node tool at the time and the Edit menu "Delete" showed the default shortcut key. Thanks again, have a nice weekend ! C.L.
  8. iMac OS Big Sur 11.7.10 HW acceleration :see screenshot. Not sure of this is by design or bug, but here is what I came across when editing nodes: I Used to press the backspace key (no modifier key needed) to delete selections (nodes & other). Since the delete node via the RH mouse click is now introduced in v.2.2., this no longer works. The default "Delete" shortcut key in the Preferences panel is now empty. Creating a new shortcut key "backspace" (backspace only) does not work, it needs a modifier key (fn). I've tried other modifier keys, but that also doesn't work.
  9. Thank you very much. I had it cranked up to 7, but that didn't make any difference. Now I increased it to 9, and that finally did the trick. C.L.
  10. I'm trying to bend an originally straight polygonal line while keeping the connecting end pointy, see example. As soon as I bend the line, the pointy end disappears and becomes square. How can I keep this from happening. I need the end to be pointy. All help greatly appreciated, Thanks Bending.afdesign
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