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Cosmetic matters in Designer

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If I click the right mouse button to contact the lines in the upper left corner, information will be displayed in which units the program can be set.

If it is set, for example, in millimeters, I suggest that a bird stamp appears next to this name (similar to how it is done in the top menu).

This will facilitate the immediate identification of units.



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When selecting the fill and outline color and determining the degree of transparency, the percentage of transparency is not shown.

You must add this information.
The faster the Serif makes these fixes, the better. New cool features are being added all the time and it will be harder and harder to make such small fixes, which however make work in Affinity easier.


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Przykład ulepszonego panelu Kolor.
Sugerowałbym ulepszenie panelu Kolor.
Najlepiej oddzielić ikony obrysu i wypełnienia i powiększyć ikonę - bez jej wypełniania. Niewypełniona ikona jest teraz najmniejszym elementem interfejsu w programie. Trzeba bardzo się starać podczas projektowania, aby trafić myszką w tym małym miejscu, aby pozbyć się wypełnienia.
W wielu postach ten pomysł był cytowany, ale wciąż bez skutku. Nie wspominając już o tym, że zasugerowano, że kolor obiektu został przesłany lewym przyciskiem myszy, a kolor konturu - prawy przycisk myszy - rozwiązany w CorelDraw.

Jeśli byłby jeszcze dodany do informacji o składzie kolorów panelu w RGB i CMYK, byłoby świetnie. Możesz również rozdzielić suwaki Krycie i Szum.

Panel Kolor był wyższy tylko o 40 pikseli.

Te niewielkie zmiany w panelu Kolor naprawdę pomogą w codziennej pracy w trzech programach Affinity. Chociaż 99% jestem pewien, że Serif nie wprowadzi tych zmian.




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I also suggest adding to the top menu bar with icons 4 additional icons: New, Open, Print, Place, Export.
I know you can use keyboard shortcuts, I use them, but it would be great if it was possible to add these icons to the bar.
In general, the icons in the top bar could be a bit smaller so that more of them can fit horizontally.
For example, I place a screen scan from CorelDraw.
In the upper three bars there is a large number of icons of frequently used functions.
I would also like to be able to add more icons in Affinity programs.



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You have to regulate the operation of numeric parameters with the mouse.
On the attached gif it can be seen that after hovering the mouse on, for example, the x: and the left mouse click button, moving the left and right changes the next to the digital parameter, but it does not work with the Opacity name in the Swatches panel and with the Fill Opacity name: in the Effects panel.
Moving on the Width name does not work: in the Stroke panel.

There are several more places in the Affinity interface where, by moving the mouse left and right, the digital parameters do not change.

This needs to be improved as soon as possible, because more and more amendments and ideas are being made, and in the end, all these important matters will be omitted.


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To speed up the export of selected items, Affinity should automatically select the Selection without background option.

In 99%, if I have selected objects to export it with the intention of just exporting those objects.

And now, every time I have to manually select the Selection without ... option or at least the program should remember the last selected option.


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Buttons for New, Open etc. are not very Apple macOS like, i believe. The only applications where i see that are Windows apps having been ported to macOS. 


Affinity Photo - Affinity Designer - Affinity Publisher | macOS Sonoma (14.5) on 16GB MBP14 2021 with 2.5.X versions

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