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I recently started using the beta and here are some of my suggestion:

1) Brush selection: whenever I select a brush but then I change the size, the selection disappears and there's no way to know which brush I am using (or is there and I don't know where to look?)
I think there should always be an indication of the brush currently in use even if you change size or hardness or any other spec.

2) With the new Symmetry feature, I noticed that if I go too close to the center, instead of drawing, it selects the irradiating line and moves it. It would be nice to have an additional button to 'fix' the symmetry guide so that it's impossible to accidentally move it instead of drawing.

3) I noticed that if you have multiple canvas open, you can't detach the windows to (for example) compare two projects or use references.

Hopefully this is helpful!

  • Staff

Hey Roberta,

1 - This has been mentioned and logged numerous times before. The reply back from the developers has always been 'You have changed the brushes preset so it is no longer the same brush. Whilst I can accept that, I do think that it would be nice to have some sort of indication as to which brush you were using—especially if you're loading up the document the next day and you've completely forgotten which one you were using. 

Another suggestion was to add the brushes you're using for the current project into their own group so you can more easily identify the one you need. I do appreciate this could potentially be a bit time consuming.

2 - I believe a lot of work is planned to go into the Symmetry feature so this is likely to change. The issue you have mentioned was logged with the developers the same day we first got this feature as it immediately became a problem for us during early testing.

3 - You can go to View > Float All and position them accordingly. Unless I'm mistaken, I cannot see a way of getting the app to automatically and neatly position the windows for you so I might pop an improvement request over to dev.



I´m also unhappy with the WHOLE brush-concept. Its in the free!!!!  KRITA 1000x better.... 

On 2/15/2019 at 12:27 PM, Chris B said:

1 - This has been mentioned and logged numerous times before. The reply back from the developers has always been 'You have changed the brushes preset so it is no longer the same brush. Whilst I can accept that, I do think that it would be nice to have some sort of indication as to which brush you were using—especially if you're loading up the document the next day and you've completely forgotten which one you were using. 

Another suggestion was to add the brushes you're using for the current project into their own group so you can more easily identify the one you need. I do appreciate this could potentially be a bit time consuming.

How to start?  "'

1 "You have changed the brushes preset so it is no longer the same brush..." 

---- Why get brushes permanently AUTOMATICALLY!!!  "changed" without asking me? In 94% of cases i DO NOT want an automatically overwrite , i just want the changes in  really most of cases, just for this special situation: If i just change eg. the rotation or an size-jitter... (or whatever...) i want this in 94% cases JUST in this special situation!  IF IF IF !!!! i really want a change PERMAMENT, i would click the non-existing "overwrite"! But as said, mostly i do NEVER want an automtic change"! ---  In the opposite the "no-ask-automatically-overwrite",  forces me, to create a backup of this brush, if i just want to experience with "it". Nope Serif, this default overwrite-without-asking-behavior is absolutely annoying for complex stuff like brushes... I do not understand, why not just an "overwrite" button if i happy with my settings and want to use later? This current behavior DESTROYS old brushes without asking and will grow up the brushes.propcol extraordinary. Each time i just change the flow or any dynamic... the brush.propcol seems to create a complete "new" brush (including a copy of the bitmap(s), instead just using the <1 KB parameter-settings.  

 How to make better? Like in other questions... YOU should for such questions take a look to some Audio-SW. There is the problem with big SAMPLES. If each new preset would make a complete copy of the whole "base-preset", well, even TB-HDs would be very soon full by just some new "(copy all) presets". Instead to duplicate SHARED!!!! audio-samples... each preset is just a very small parameter-script, with the current paramater-settings, not more. The (big) sample-files will shared for each preset. Instead to create by each eg. just changing of the dynamic-x-size-jitter... or whatever.... a complete "new" brush (including all Bitmaps SEPARATELY) ... just create a "PRESET (just the parameter-settings)" instead a complete, whole new brush! 

2. Another suggestion was to add the brushes you're using for the current project into their own group so you can more easily identify the one you need. I do appreciate this could potentially be a bit time consuming.

Really????  We should create duplicates of duplicates and waste our time and grow up the brush.propcol...extraordinary? This all, because SERIF is not will or able to create just simple a brush-history?  PS and even FREE Krita has! What is so difficualt fpor SERIF to offer a brush-history, where eg.  all last 5 brushes get remember and re-call-able in the brush-panel???? Is this your bizarre and annoying CONCEPT of each brush gets automatically overwritten without asking??? See below!


3. here some other suggestions for tweaking this bizarre/old- fashion brush-concept!

- other possibilitys to show brushes. Again free!!! Krita: I love its compact-square-view with the possibility to show a "stroke/nozzle"-example PLUS the possibility to add a "symbol/indicator" to this. So i see with just one fast scan-view... aha, this brush is a wet-edge, this a bristle, this a solid, this a palette-knife... (of course i have to configure this ONE time... but this little extra-work will later save so much search work....) 

- Nozzles from clipbord or just be drag/drag layers... 

- copy/paste "PARAMETER-settings" from one brush to another / deactivate ALL DYNAMICS permanently... / also the opposite ACTIVATE all current DYNAMICS (also size, flow...) for each new selected brush TEMPORAILLY.... 

- "brushing" with an special-key will ERASING with the current "Brush"

- saved "colors" for brush-like-tools... IF i mask or dodge/burn... i will not take care of current color i want in 98% a solid black/white... maybe a neutral grey...., however i can save my "defaults"... but if i switch on-the-fly too a brush-"brother" i do not want care about the current colors/...  this tools will EVER use the for/back-color, i have set in the option, or wherever... and if switch back to my regular brush, my current for/back is still available... (also if "regular painting" on a mask... the "regular-brush" takes automatically black/white... or whatever i set for GENERALLY). 

- btw: CONTERPARTS like brush/eraser or dodge/burn or sharp/blur-"brush"... could be AVAIBLE in just ONE tool. Just select ONE and click/hold a modifyer and the opposite will perform, with the current brush in exact the current settings... I HAVE just to hit a MODIFYER KEY... instead all this wide-windowing extra and extra clicks... 


More suggestions here: 


OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

On 2/15/2019 at 7:27 PM, Chris B said:

Hey Roberta,

3 - You can go to View > Float All and position them accordingly. Unless I'm mistaken, I cannot see a way of getting the app to automatically and neatly position the windows for you so I might pop an improvement request over to dev.


Thanks for the reply Chris.

As for 1 - I really think they should try to fix this.. it is very annoying not being able to trace back which brush you were using simply because you changed the size or opacity..

2 - Happy to know they're working on it

3 - I don't see that option in my beta but under 'WINDOW' there is a 'clean up floating windows'

Can you help me locate the function?




1 minute ago, MEB said:

Hi Roberta,
That command - Float All - is only available for Windows which differs from Mac in the way windows/documents tabs are managed.

Oh no :(

I hope they make it work on Mac too!

Just now, MEB said:

On Mac go to menu Windows ▸ Separated mode to achieve a similar effect.

Yes I can see how it is similar... even though everything is all over the place not just the windows...

Better than nothing for sure!

  • Staff
16 hours ago, Roberta said:

Yes I can see how it is similar... even though everything is all over the place not just the windows...

Better than nothing for sure!

Does Window > Clean Up Floating Windows help?

Sorry about the earlier confusion—I thought you were on Windows for some reason!

21 hours ago, >|< said:

When the editor of a tool's brush is open (by clicking More in the tool's context toolbar), the editor window has the title "Brush - Selection". 
When editing an app brush, the editor window has the title "Brush - Editing [<brush name>]".

An app brush is only changed if you specifically edit it and not a tool's brush. 
If a tool is active while you edit an app brush, then the tool's brush is simultaneously updated with the changing parameters of the app brush.

For me ist absolute "does not matter" if this is an app-brush or whatever - i see the unwanted results:

1. The brush lost the blue indicator

2. The "edits" will taken as new/permanet without asking me

3. The brushes.procol is growing up.


Thats all because there is no differnece between an "temporally" edit for just this special situation and an explicit overrite-edit,  i REALLY want as new setting!


As long i do not say "overwrite" i just do not want an autamtically overwrite - If i change other "presets" eg. crop-settings, the texture-filter, the shape-presets, the grid-settings, THIS preset i used as base, do not get overwritten automaticaly. And that for good reason. I´m thinking of brushes as "presets" , so each of this persets could get manipultated as i want, but it gets only overwritten i explicit say: OVERWRITE!

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

3 minutes ago, >|< said:

When the editor has title "Brush - Selection", the edits are affecting only the active tool's brush and not affecting a brush that is in the Brushes panel.


Nope, if i edit some settings in Brush-mod-window and close this window, and recall "this" brush later it has the changes now as new "default" without asking me.

BTW: I have edit my further post, in the meanwhile you answered, so maybe that helps to get my point more clear!

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

  • Staff

Hi Polygonius,
If you want to customise the brush settings of the current brush you are using (without affecting the default brush from the Brushes panel) click the More button in the context toolbar (with a brush tool selected). If you also wish to save these changes as a new brush to the Brushes panel click the Duplicate button on the bottom left of the same panel. You will then have a new brush with the changes you have made in the Brushes panel (again without ever affecting the original brush you picked initially from the Brushes panel).


Thanks MEB, ok i understand, its the same window, but a different mode! No  i understand!  Problem is just, that the non-destructrive  "brush-SELECTION" becomes automatically the "destructive" Edit-panel if i change  to another brush, but ok, this MORE is really helpful, if keep that in mind.

Is there a shortcut for this MORE? 

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

3 hours ago, >|< said:

I did point out in my first post that you must click More to return to the tool's brush.

Yeah sorry, i over-read this! 

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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