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Hi Herojas93


It's not possible to align an object using another one as reference yet.

Currently you can only align objects in relation to their bounding boxes, to the spread (your "page") or in relation to the margins if defined in Document Setup (see the Align to dropdown box).


To do this, select the objects you want to align and then how you want to align them - align left, center or right for horizontal alignments and align top, middle or bottom for vertical alignments. By default Affinity Designer aligns them in relation to the their bounding box. If you want to align them in relation to your page (spread) change the Align to dropdown to Spread. If you want to space the objects equally, select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically from the corresponding sections.


Hope this helps :)

Let me know if you still have trouble.

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MEB can you explain the Auto Distribute that seems to be permanently checked?


Also when I try to use the slider in the Spread the slightest move gives me about 10 inches.  Total +/- 512 inches.  This is way too much spread for any use I can think of.  Resulting in the slider being rather useless in inches.  I'd be using feet if my spread was anywhere near that much.  I'm not sure what to request unless the sensitivity can be varied.  Even divided by 10 would be too sensitive for any use I have ever done.  More like a divide by 50 maybe.



iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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  • 1 month later...

Very basic, but I still haven't found a consistent way to predict when or what object moves when I align elements. Locking doesn't make a difference, neither does selection or layer/element order? So how can I have one element stand still and the other to move?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I believe it may be better off posting my question here, but how can I align an object at center just on the workspace? It seems that this user can move the inner circle and the number `8` to the center using the auto-popup alignment. But when I duplicate it the popup doesn't show up in my case.


That being said, if I use the `Arrangement` toolbar on the top of the app I can align the object to center. Just want to know how I can move it just via the guide.




[The video]


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  • 5 years later...
  • 9 months later...

Yes there are a couple of ways.

In the alignment panel (made visible by clicking its button in main toolbar), there are options for aligning to first or last selected object.

Or enable the alignment handles of the Move Tool and use them.

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3 hours ago, anon2 said:

Yes there are a couple of ways.

In the alignment panel (made visible by clicking its button in main toolbar), there are options for aligning to first or last selected object.

Or enable the alignment handles of the Move Tool and use them.

Indeed there is. I looked there before and the dropdowns were greyed out when I had two objects selected :/ .. Anyway It's me at fault here. Thanks

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