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Hi, Serif!


I downloaded the Affinity Designer free trial a couple weeks ago, and the disk image has been sitting on my desktop, unused.  (I may have launched it once when I downloaded it, but I'm not sure.  I am not a clever man.)  Anyway, now I finally have time to try it out.


That demo had expired, so I tried re-downloading (on the hypothesis that the app itself had the download date in it), but that expired right away, too.  I tried deleting the obvious files in ~/Library with "serif" in the name, but that didn't help.  I tried using the "guest" account, but no luck there, either.


I'm not trying to steal your software.  I'd love to pay for it if I feel that I'm getting my money worth.  I'd be happy with a trial version that didn't allow saving files, for example.  I just want to see that I won't hate the interface.


Is there any way to reset the trial here?


(If there isn't, I'll go by the Apple store and try it on a demo machine there.  But I figured I'd save the gasoline if I can.)



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Hi ken_


The trial version only starts the trial when it is run for the first time and after that there's no way to reset it, sorry :(  We had to make it fairly secure because there's no restrictions to the trial and an unlocked trial would just be equivalent to a full version.




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Might be a bit late to the party, but hey.


Are there free trials for both APh and AD? I'm determined to leave Adobe in the dust, but feel it prudent to test drive apps first, before plunking down $100 combined. 


Also...any bundle options? 


Can't wait for APub. InDesign has been a pivotal part of my desktop work forever (read: started out in PageMaker a thousand years ago). 

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Hi PaperQueen


You have a trial version of AD (Download link at the bottom of the page presenting the product).

The trial version of AP is announced but not available yet.


I'm not talking for Serif but for what I know, due to the limitation of the Mac Apps Store, you can't have a bundle.

But they did a promotion when AP was launched.

OS X 10.12 - AP 1.6.6 - AD 1.6

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