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I'm having an issue with the placements of new;y created art boards. If I create a new art board, the artboard is placed next to each artboard you create. So as you create a new artboard what happens is you get this line of art boards that are being placed next to each other and eventually you have all these artboards in 1 row. Its a row of artboards. 

My issue is if I create a new row of artboards by creating a new artboard and dragging that artboard to the bottom of the first row and then create a new artboard to grow my 2nd row of artboards, that new artboard is placed at the end of the first row. Not the second row I created. And if the first row is full of artboards then that requires me to go all the way to the end of the first row, select that new artboard, and move it down to my second row. So I'm trying to create a 2nd row of artboard but every time I create a new artboard its placed at the end of my first row and it requires me to move that artboard manually to my 2nd row.

So what I'd like is if when creating a new artboard if affinity could make that new artboard be placed next to the last artboard that was created or next to the last artboard that was selected. One of those 2. Preferably next to the last artboard created. Something like that. 

So if I create a new artboard and place it under my first row and then create a new artboard, that new artboard will be placed next to the first artboard on my 2nd row. Not all the way at the end of the 1st row. 

So I need newly created artboards to be placed next to the last artboard created. 




Why not just draw it with the Artboard tool wherever you need it?
You don't even have to match the final size at first: just draw a randomly sized artboard from your starting point, then fine-size it precisely from the Transform panel.

You can also click-drag-duplicate existing artboards (with the Move tool by clicking on the artboard name on the canvas), snap them to whatever you want, then just delete the existing content of the copy.

There exist many ways to achieve what you want.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

3 hours ago, loukash said:

Why not just draw it with the Artboard tool wherever you need it?

I can. I would just like my artboards to all be that same size with the click of a button without drawing them individually. I can also randomly draw it and then fix the size with the transform studio. All good solutions. I just want the "insert artboard" button to do all that work for me to speed up my workflow.

3 hours ago, loukash said:

You can also click-drag-duplicate existing artboards

Yes. Thats probably the better solution out of all of the solutions you mentioned since I won't be needing to go all the way to the top to hit a button or to the end of the row to drag the new artboard to my 2nd row. I'll probably do that for now. Thank you.

3 hours ago, loukash said:

There exist many ways to achieve what you want.

I know. I just feel like the way the "insert artboard" button should function to where the newly created artboard should be placed next to the last artboard you created or selected. Not by creating a long, long row of artboards. 

6 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

last artboard you created or selected

Which do you want? The last artboard which was selected, or the last artboard which was created, and why?

6 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

placed next to

What do you mean by that? “Next to” in what way: across; down; up; left, and why?
And what should the horizontal/vertical gaps be, and why?

6 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

the newly created artboard should be placed next to the last artboard you created or selected

What about the people who like how it works at the moment?
In other words, rather than suggesting that the current functionality changes to what you want, can you come up with a solution which allows for both the existing functionality – which some people may already rely on in their workflows – and your preferred way of doing things?

I think you have a good idea, in theory, but I also think that you need to give more detail.
Unless you specify what you want, how can the developers know how to implement it to your satisfaction?

8 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

the "insert artboard" button should function to where the newly created artboard should be placed next to the last artboard you created or selected.

What if my last created or selected artboard is amid other artboards?
What if my artboards are nested? (Something I do frequently.)

There are so many variables.

8 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

Not by creating a long, long row of artboards. 

It may not always be what we want, but at least it's consistent. I'd even guess that's "by design", as the Affinitionados say. :)
Like that, you will always know where to look for it:

  1. create a new artboard by clicking the button
  2. Zoom To Fit; the new artboard is still selected in the top right corner of the canvas
  3. move it to the desired position

My other methods above may actually require more steps.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

7 hours ago, GarryP said:

Which do you want? The last artboard which was selected, or the last artboard which was created, and why?

I don't know. It really depends on what artboard you last selected or created. I only mentioned those 2 options because I dont know which one users are going to do. I dont know how its going to work. I just dont think a new artboard placed in a long row is the way to go. 


7 hours ago, GarryP said:

What do you mean by that? “Next to” in what way: across; down; up; left, and why?
And what should the horizontal/vertical gaps be, and why?

If you hit the "insert artboard" button, the program automatically places a new artboard to the right of the last artboard that was created. Its just always going to be to placed to the right in 1 row. The gaps are done automatically. I don't mind them. The way it is is fine. Its the way artboards are placed in a row that bothers me. 


7 hours ago, GarryP said:

What about the people who like how it works at the moment?

What about them? It shouldnt affect them because all newly created artboards they create will still be placed in a row. How it currently is.


7 hours ago, GarryP said:

In other words, rather than suggesting that the current functionality changes to what you want, can you come up with a solution which allows for both the existing functionality – which some people may already rely on in their workflows – and your preferred way of doing things?

Which is why I offer 2 options. And those 2 options are not going to affect users who like how it works at the moment because an artboard will still be placed to the right of their artboard.

5 hours ago, loukash said:

What if my last created or selected artboard is amid other artboards?

Since you have an artboard to the right already of your selected artboard or last created artboard, then the newly create artboard will be placed to the right of it and that other artboard that was there will simply slide to the right of it. Or if you didnt want that then maybe the newly create artboard could be placed at the end of that row? I don't know.


There should be an artboard options in the preferences where more configuration can go on. 

(I dont know how to word it but something like this)

□ Place newly created artboard at the end of the 1st row 

□ Newly created artboard are placed next to the last artboard selected

□ Newly created artboard are placed next to the last artboard created

□ Place newly created artboard to the right amid other artboards

There should also be a gap section where you can input how much gap or spacing you want in between artboard.


5 hours ago, loukash said:

What if my artboards are nested? (Something I do frequently.)

Ive never heard of nesting artboards. Fill me in on that. 


5 hours ago, loukash said:

It may not always be what we want, but at least it's consistent.

I love the consistency. I just wish this consistency what restricted to just 1 long row of artboards. 

Just now, MoonaticDestiny said:

There should be an artboard options in the preferences where more configuration can go on. 

Sure there can.

But while I surely like me some obscure preference settings every now and then, they can eventually turn into Obsessive Preferencitis Syndrome™… (Yes, I'm looking at you, GraphicConverter!)
So I'm fine with Serif resisting the temptation to turn every possible option into a preference setting. The software is already complex and flexible as is.

7 minutes ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

Ive never heard of nesting artboards. Fill me in on that. 

Artboards are objects just like any other objects on the canvas. You can do with them the majority of tricks that you can do with any other vector object. Including nesting, clipping, turning them into symbols, you name it.

Nesting is useful e.g. to work around the Publisher's lack of multipage spreads while keeping individual "pages" (in this case artboards) intact.
More on that here:


13 minutes ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

I just wish this consistency what restricted to just 1 long row of artboards.

(Some of the words don't add up here… ;))

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2


I appreciate the answers MoonaticDestiny.

I didn’t ask the questions just to be awkward (and I’m not suggesting that’s what you thought), my main reasons were:
1. to suggest that not everyone wants the software to work differently to how it works now;
2. to suggest that visitors to the thread think about how software functionality is specified.

We get lots of requests – yours is not one – which ask for something to change without taking other users into consideration, especially from new users who want something to work exactly the same as their previous software worked.

I don’t think a new Preferences area is needed. If the only change is to allow the creation of new artboards to be optionally placed to the right of the last one which was created then a tick box in the Context Toolbar should be all that is needed. Unticked → Created as now, Ticked → Created next to the last created one.

There have been lots of requests about artboards over the years so fingers crossed that your idea – or something like it – gets caught up in any development push.

7 hours ago, GarryP said:

If the only change is to allow the creation of new artboards to be optionally placed to the right of the last one which was created then a tick box in the Context Toolbar should be all that is needed. Unticked → Created as now, Ticked → Created next to the last created one.

Yeah. Something like that would work. 


I can see that this has advantages but at the same time it is not really necessary...it is just adding to the complexity of the app for a simple process that is already achievable with a shift of workflow 

As @loukash and @GarryP have indicated  artboards are just any other object which you can manipulate in many ways

One thing that has not been mentioned is Duplicate (Control+J) you can duplicate the artboard and drag it anywhere you like. This also applies to the layer panel. Where you can duplicate multiple artboards with a single key press and drag them around. It is just a matter of process.

You can create a grid of rectangles and convert to artboards (with the caveat that it is not available to multiple objects | a pity as it would me more useful!)



Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.5371+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



20 hours ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

... the newly created artboard should be placed next to the last artboard you created or selected. Not by creating a long, long row of artboards. 

I too would like this but it is way down on my personal list.

There is a small problem with duplicating Artboards in that they keep the name of the original. Small tiny problem.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

3 hours ago, StuartRc said:

One thing that has not been mentioned is Duplicate (Control+J) you can duplicate the artboard and drag it anywhere you like.

That was already mentioned and its the solution I'll be going with for now because its easy. @loukash said to click-drag-duplicate and thats what ill be doing. 

3 hours ago, StuartRc said:

it is not really necessary...it is just adding to the complexity of the app for a simple process that is already achievable with a shift of workflow 

What are we even here for? Really? What are we doing here because if feedback isnt necessary then close the whole forums down. I know what I want to do can be achieved through the different workflows mentioned above but the apps current "simple process" can be improved and thats why I'm leaving feedback here. It may not be such a big demanding issue on Serifs lists of issues but its something the Serif team should consider for future updates. 

1 minute ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

What are we doing here because if feedback isnt necessary then close the whole forums down.

There's no forum rule that would prohibit opposition to specific feature requests. Take it easy, that's in fact part of the "game". Quite often, such input can actually bring good ideas or solutions that the thread author wouldn't even think of at the beginning.

4 minutes ago, MoonaticDestiny said:

its something the Serif team should consider for future updates

Serif staff can choose to ignore or consider it either way.
The only thing that's 99.9 % sure is that they won't comment here. ;)

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

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