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Status: Beta
Purpose: Fixes and Improvements
Requirements: Purchased Affinity Publisher
Windows Store: Not Submitted
Download: Download
Auto-update: Not Available


We are pleased to announce that Affinity Publisher Customer Beta is now available as a download from the link above.

If this is your first time using a customer beta of an Affinity app, it’s worth noting that the beta will install as a separate app - alongside your store version. They will not interfere with each other at all and you can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry.

Due to current and anticipated changes to help with performance issues this version is now 1.10.0 and replaces the previous 1.9.4 beta. All previous changes from 1.9.4 have been rolled into this beta.

As such, we strongly recommend that you do not use this beta for real work as data could be lost and the files you save are not guaranteed to open in previous / future versions of Affinity Designer.


Fixed crash composing text under certain circumstances
IDML Import - Fixed issue where text could disappear with certain files
PDF Import - Fixed crash for specific file where the importer was creating many nested empty layers unnecessarily
Vector Export - Simplify gradient fills that have been created with many stops that could crash when exporting
Vector Export - Fixed instance where clipped items were being rasterised unnecessarily
Fixed issue where 'Next Style' could fail to work when entering text
Fixed possible crash when auto-flowing text into master based text frames 
Character Panel - Kerning and Tracking scroll increments are inconsistent
Character Panel-  Baseline field up/down arrows function incorrectly using comma decimals.
Fixed issue where 'Limit zoom to 100%' could fail to apply
Fixed crashes with Japanese IME under certain circumstances


To be notified about all future Windows beta updates, please follow this notification thread 

To be notified when this Publisher update comes out of beta and is fully released to all Publisher customers, please follow this thread


Nice!....This is much faster!:)
I just tested it by loading some of the Camouflage drawing series (Embedded and Linked Versions). Used to have to wait (have a sleep!)..not now!:)

1 issue... I noticed...With Camouflage I (simple spread with 3 AD flies)..The Alert box [missing files/resources] for missing files pops up seemingly before the connected files have properly loaded..



Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta;
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.5371+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



1 hour ago, anto said:

No crash as was in, but problem with display text style samples.


Without Show sample OK.


I am seeing the same display errors Anto has...Open CL off. 

Asus ROG Strix G713 Notebook:
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 3.80 GHz with Radeon Vega Graphics | 32GB DDR4 3200mHz RAM
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB Gfx | 2x 2TB SSD NVMe PCIe M.2 3x4 | Windows 11 Version 23H2 Build 22623.870



Très heureux de voir que la gestion des gros fichiers est plus limpide à manipuler.

Quelques suggestions :

Ce serait bien de pouvoir agrandir les vignettes dans le panneau Contenu. Les images sont vraiment petites par rapport à Indesign.

Si le panneau pouvaient se rétracter sur le côté comme sur Indesign, plus simple lorsqu'on travaille sur un ordinateur portable.

Ce qui manque vraiment à Publisher, ce sont les notes de bas de pages. C'est frustrant pour un graphiste de charger un livre au format IDML et de perdre toutes les notes.

Encore (je sais je suis exigeant :)😞 si l'on pouvait réorganiser les Styles de texte simplement en les déplaçant...

En tous les cas merci pour votre travail et ce logiciel qui va se bonifier avec le temps  !


Oui, mais je parlais de la bibliothèque de contenus. Comme vous voyez sur la photo, c'est difficile de repérer une image dans de petite vignette.


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