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Resize image with locked aspect ratio?

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I can't find this in a search of the forums, and this should be a simple thing, but I'm not finding it. In PS, you hold down shift when resizing an image (or other layer) manually, and it locks the aspect ratio. How do I do this in Affinity Photo? Thanks!

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Hi rtourtelot,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Change to the Move tool (make sure the layer is not locked) then drag from one of the corners. You can also rotate and skew using the same controls in the bounding box (mouse-over them coming from outside - you will see the cursor change to perform different functions).

By default we keep the natural aspect ratio for both images and text when you scale them. If you want to distort them press ⇧ (shift). You can change this behaviour to replicate what other apps do in Affinity Photo (or Designer) ▸ Preferences..., Tools tab, Move Tool Aspect Constrain dropdown.

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I have created a crop preset of 3:1 

This works if I use the frame that appears on selecting the preset but if I want to size the frame to my requirements it will not hold the preset ratio and merely acts as if un constrained.

What am I doing wrong ?



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Hi Makkah,

I'm not sure i fully understood you. If you set a ratio of 3:1 for the crop, it will respect that ratio every time you apply it. You can resize the crop area to be bigger or smaller but its proportions will be kept the same. That's the correct behaviour. If you want to change to an unconstrained size, just select Unconstrained from the Mode dropdown in the context toolbar. You should then be able to change crop size and proportions freely. I'm not sure if this is what you were asking about. Let me know if you still have trouble.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having the same issue as Makkah (but in version 1.4).  You noted the expected behavior: "You can resize the crop area to be bigger or smaller but its proportions will be kept the same. That's the correct behaviour."  That works fine when I select "Original Aspect Ratio".  I can resize to my hearts content while keeping the aspect ratio.  But when I select 6" x 4", it basically operates as unconstrained after the box is drawn.  And I can't seem to find a setting, dropdown, or key combination that will force it to lock the aspect ratio.



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I am having the same problem. If I choose any aspect ratio for cropping from "below the line", I lose the aspect when making the selection bigger or smaller. The only way I solve the problem is by choosing custom ratio from above the line and manually typing in the ratio e.g. 6:4

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  • 1 month later...

Yes that is the problem I am having. 

The presets I have saved do not hold the aspect ratio.

A bit annoyingly, I have been getting on with my editing by typing my preferred ratio in the boxes every time I crop, just as GC60 is.

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I have had some similar frustrations with crop. AP is a little different than PS in this regard. If you have "Absolute Dimensions" selected in the top settings, it will create something with units such as pixels or inches. The aspect ratio of the Absolute Dimensions doesn't stay fixed if the box is resized. However, if you select "Custom Ratio", you can resize the box and the ratio will stay fixed. If you want to save your settings, enter them first, then select "Add Preset" from the drop down.

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I have had some similar frustrations with crop. AP is a little different than PS in this regard. If you have "Absolute Dimensions" selected in the top settings, it will create something with units such as pixels or inches. The aspect ratio of the Absolute Dimensions doesn't stay fixed if the box is resized. However, if you select "Custom Ratio", you can resize the box and the ratio will stay fixed. If you want to save your settings, enter them first, then select "Add Preset" from the drop down.


I tried this (i.e. opened an Image, unlocked, rasterised, Created ratio, selected "Added Preset"), and yes it works fine on that one image, but if I try to use it on another project it is not working.

Asha, have you tried to open a new project and attempted to use the Preset ratio that you added during a previous project ?

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  • 3 months later...

After all this I couldn't understand how can I use my Custom Preset without changing the ratio ?


Been trying and trying, reading help(s)... Nothing so far.


Thank you ! :)


Please look at this humble clip




All the best !  :)

My images - Gallery Representation

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AFP is different from Photoshop when it comes to cropping. Actually, I wish there was a way to crop AND resize in one step.

The way I have solved it is to first crop with a unitless ratio. You don't have to manually calculate the ratio - just choose Custom Ratio and enter the number (example 21 / 30 for a A4 size). Then go to Resize document, change to your unit (like centimetre) and change to "21" in one of the fields, and the preferred DPI.


But, be aware, that you might upscale the image "to much".


// Magnus

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Looks good Antonio!


A small time saver: I always adjust the size in the same dialog as exporting the image. Therefor I can save one step  ;) and I always have the original exported size of the image (note: size can not be changed when exporting as a PSD).


But, not sure this will work when you are doing a roundtrip from Lightroom.




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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old post.

I just can't seem to constrain my ratio.

This a bit frustrating since it should be easely done!

I have a square image and I want to crop at a 16:9 ratio.

If I select the ratio it will not constrain as I resize.



iMac mid-2017
3,6 Ghz / 32G

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