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Printing a large hi-res image created in Affinity Designer

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I have a question involving a logo and business card that I helped a client create. Specifically, I created this at 300 dpi in Designer. I notice when I exported to PDF at 300 dpi that the incredibly crisp edges in the words Area Real Estate around the circle lose the crispness/hi resolution when I did this. The client is wanting to be able to occassionally print signs that are occasionally poster size, maybe 2 x 3 feet or more. Will this image be okay printing at the size? Is there a way to maintain a crisp image when creating a pdf that will be printed at poster or banner sizes? Also, if client wants to use the image as an email signature logo, say 265px x 265px, do I just export as a .png and then choose the smaller dimensions, or first reduce the image, then export? I just want to be sure the text is legible.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the logo blows up and reduces perfectly in Designer, but when I export it from Designer to .png or .pdf the text becomes fuzzy around the circle.

Thank you so much for any help! ( I attached the Affinity designer file)


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A copy of the circled text can be placed on top of the present one and all effects removed. That will look a bit better when enlarged. May have to add a slight stroke, too.

Large format is typically done at 150 dpi at full size. If scaled, the effective resolution should be 150 dpi when scaled back up. In other words, if the design is 50%, the effective dpi should be 300 dpi so when scaled back up, it achieves 150 dpi. 


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Thank you so much, Lagarto and MikeW! You guys, I can't thank you enough for your help and suggestions.

So it seems probably my best course of action is to create a separate version for each purpose. If I'm creating a poster, then create a new document with the dimension of the poster, etc.

But here's something that I'm unclear about. Using the 300dpi logo (attached above), I'm making a business card and want to reduce the size of the logo to fit on standard business card, I thought I could simply copy the logo from one Designer window, then paste it on the window that contains my business card layout. I was able to paste it, but when I grabbed the corner and tried to make the logo smaller to fit the card, the words in the outer circle Area Real Estate Advisors got all jumbled up? Is it possible to make it work so this doesn't happen.

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Thank you so much Lagarto. While it didn't not jumble up the text, using the outer bottom right handle to scale  did sort of mess up the borders on the circle, making them appear thicker, and the spacing is off. I thought maybe everything was supposed to scale together? I selected everything, then grabbed that handle while holding shift.

Exporting as a .pdf worked a treat, though.

I can certainly re-create the logo for each purpose, but thought it would be easy to scale using the handle.  I attached a screenshot after my attempt to scale.

One other question I'm hoping you can help me to figure out as I am learning my way around Designer. It's a bit hard to decsribe, but I'm going to have business cards printed using silver foil for the large letter A. The printing company needs me to separate the layers so that the white A is all by itself. I can do that, however, the A as it currently exists in the document is a full letter form that appears cropped by the black circle and rest of the logo. I think I would need to send the A in a cropped form, rather than as a fully formed A. I'm not sure how to do this so that it will match up properly. So, I would send the logo with a black circle in the middle, then a separate file with the cropped out A.

I hope that makes sense

Thanks again for any help.

Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 9.46.24 PM.png

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  • Staff
7 minutes ago, Murfee said:

I have had the same error this morning maybe @Patrick Connor will know why

I do/did

Once you have all seen this I could hide some of the posts about not being able to post

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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Hello Lagarto, this is so helpful! 

My deepest gratitude for taking the time to respond and in such detail.

I wanted to let you know that I reached out to the printer, and they sent me these instructions:

"When creating your cards you will need to have two files ready: one for the design (ink) layer and one for the  Foil layer which will be applied on top of your ink design.

For the design (ink) layer we recommend that you edit save your files in CMYK and follow our artwork guidelines here: https://support.moo.com/hc/sections/200572484

However, for the Foil layer we have slightly different requirements. You will need to create your design in black and white with the elements you want to have the Foil/Spot Gloss applied in black and everything else white. You can find our guidelines here:

For both layers you can find our sizing templates here: https://support.moo.com/hc/sections/200570950

Please note, if you have chosen to order Foil we ask that you do not duplicate the parts of the design you wish to be in Gold Foil on the design layer as you may see some misalignment in print."

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Hi Lagarto,

Thanks so much for sending the PDF! It's very helpful for me to dissect and see how you made the A work for this foil printing. But since I'm a bit of a novice, I'm feeling kind of embarrassed for not understanding how you did this cropping of the large A?

I tried to do it by taking the shape tool and making a circle, but it's not working the way you did it. 

Also, I am not sure how to change the font around the circle that says Area Real Estate Advisors? It appears to be an image layer, rather than a text layer. I wanted to use the proper font and tighten up the text with tracking and kerning.

Again, my appreciation for your help, and I do apologize for not understanding something that might be obvious.

Thank you



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This is just brilliant. Thank you so much for doing this. I see exactly what you mean now. I just took the image you created, then opened it in Designer, then exported it to my desktop as a PDF, then re-opened the PDF in Designer and see that the A is indeed cropped. This is quite cool to see. I cannot thank you enough for going to the trouble. Every time I come here for help, I learn something that takes this software to an even higher level. Thank you.

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Hello again, Lagarto,

I really thought I had this project done, but apparently, the printing company will not accept the spot color separation. They insist that the large A appear on it's own. It needs to be black. I have tried desperately for hours on end to get this work. I downloaded your file, exported it to a PDF and attempted to place the logo onto the business card mockup. I cannot separate the A on it's own. I've tried to export the file as a pdf unchecking the A layer, and placing it on the business card mockup. Then, I go back to the file and check just the A layer, and uncheck everything else. I try to place that on my mockup but the A will not line up properly, it's always off a hair. My last attempt will not allow the grey A to be without the black eclipse. It's just starting to get absurd. I thought it should be super simple to have the A cropped out in black and in perfect position and alignment. Nothing seems to work. The attached screenshot is my most recent attempt. But that black eclipse will not disappear. I'm out of ideas. I can shut the A layer off, but when I turn it on and shut everything else off, that darn black eclipse is still there. Any ideas? Thank you.

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 4.52.35 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 4.56.38 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 4.57.26 PM.png

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