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In my workflow I use Capture one as RAW processor and AP as editor. Cause there are lots of no go's keeping using this processor I was experimenting with the RAW engine (develop persona) in AP. RAW development in AP gives me all control I want. Almost nothing to complain except one aspect. I can't find no way to save a specific set of adjustments so I can pass it to a larger number of files which is very common if you handle photo' from a shoot.

23 hours ago, janp said:

there are lots of no go's keeping using this processor

I would be curious as to what you are bumping into...  I have a project in-flight where I am using PSD format to round-trip between Capture One 20 and Affinity Photo (I am on the Mac) and having zero issues doing so based on the requirements of this particular project.


I'm bumping into the problem of RAW deveplopment in AP. In C1 the settings of a particular adjustment of an image can simply be drag-and-dropped to another file. In AP I can't find a way to do this.

No go's for C1 are i.e. the price, the way it handles files when working in a session., the stratigy that the software more and more is developed as an image editor too.

I like the approach of AP giving you basic RAW development with high quality results.


Would be nice to have these settings are compatible with Photoshop\LR through XMP format.
Photoshop creates XMP files near Raw files for storing ACR parameters setup.
Affinity Photo has nice raw develop tool but it lacks the batch raw settings functions, even no tool for copy and save develop settings.


So I am right there's no way to copy or save development settings in AP?

In that case I will stick to Capture 1 for a while. In my opinion that possibility is for AP a number one request! You can't serieusly handle a bunch of photo's from a shoot in the same light condition without that possibility. #1 it's a time saver and #2 you wan't a constant result in development from one shoot.

3 hours ago, janp said:

In AP I can't find a way to do this.

Affinity Photo is a single-image-at-a-time editor with some very basic batch processing capabilities (though perhaps not for RAW development?).  It is not a DAM solution.  See other threads for the discussion on a possibly-upcoming Affinity DAM solution which would be more in line with what you are requesting for this.

6 minutes ago, janp said:

Sorry, but AP presents itself as a professional image editor tool.

Well Image edtor, but not a first grade RAW processor per se. - As fde101 IMO correctly stated here ...

49 minutes ago, fde101 said:

Affinity Photo is a single-image-at-a-time editor with some very basic batch processing capabilities (though perhaps not for RAW development?).

... so it's more or less what PSE partly offers without the PSE Organizer and CameraRaw sidecar file handling etc. APh is here no real comparable replacement for Aperture, LR, C1, DxO, RawTherapee, Darktable ... and so on. Since it lacks certain RAW processor strength features like for example reusable sidecar files, DCP color profile support (important for target calibration support), customizable processing settings for bulk RAW conversions, teathered shooting support etc.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2


Well OK ... I'v bought APh in the first place as an image editor. No complain.

Still I wonder why such a simple feature as as copying and saving development settings is not integrated. Even some kind of batch processing shouldn't be so difficult to implement.

For me this is #1 request.



I've been using Raw Therapee and I must say I'm very impressed, especially for a totally free software.  You can even set it up so that it will open your raw processed image in Affinity so you can continue editing there, without the need for exporting, closing and then driving to it from AP.

22 hours ago, fde101 said:

Affinity Photo is a single-image-at-a-time editor with some very basic batch processing capabilities (though perhaps not for RAW development?).  It is not a DAM solution.  See other threads for the discussion on a possibly-upcoming Affinity DAM solution which would be more in line with what you are requesting for this.

Not agree with you! Copy, paste from clipboard, read\save settings to external file - simple and basic functions for any software.
Give us at least temporary tools before the main DAM release.


DAM with good raw converter would be a good answer to these demands but it also would make sense to add simple batch converting features to AP when they are developed for DAM.


#! request for copy/save/past possibility for adjustment settings in the Develop Persona

#2 request for some basic batch processing in combination with #1 in the Develop Persona

#3 Giving a perspective on how Serif thinks they can build this into their software, or even a DAM solution, without creating a payment model.

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