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Found 21 results

  1. I have an issue where adding a footnote to my document interrupts the flow of the text in the document. I have simplified the file by adding the pages to a new document. As you can see in the video, it's not like the footnote has a text wrap applied to it. 2024-04-10 12-37-16.mp4 This happens in Publisher 2.4.2, Windows 10.0.19045. Text wrap bug.afpub
  2. Hi, I am working on a document where occasionally, the lines are too long to have the cross-reference on the same line. In this case, only the cross-reference moves over to the new line, but I want to last word of the sentence to also be moved over. Is there a way to make sure the cross-reference is a non-breaking character of some sort? I don't want this: But I do want this (without changing the column or text frame size):
  3. I've had a search and can't find how to do this, so I'm posting here. In a document I'm working on the text flow has managed to get mixed up. The top two spreads in the screenshot shows expected behaviour, but the highlighted frame jumps to spread 4, then back to spread 3, then on to spread 5 and it is OK after that. I don't know how I got into this situation, and I've not been able to find the way out of it! I had hoped that clicking on the text flow on a box might let me re-point it, but I couldn't get that working. Any suggestions?
  4. Attache pics say it all. Something is wrong here. I cannot get the footnote to be placed at the bottom if I have a pinned object on the page that has a wrap-around text setting. n
  5. New here — not much luck yet with forum search. If there's a discussion about this, apologies for not having found it. Back in the Neolithic I used QuarkXPress, which supported a tagging method for text import: Simple codes embedded in plain text were transformed into complex formatting during import. The competition didn't have such a feature at the time. It was among several reasons for QXP's becoming the program of record for book pagination (until InDesign came along). Even years before microcomputers took over the world, the typesetting systems I used had tagging and translation-table features. Same purpose: Prepare text containing simple codes, then get complex formatting during text import. The machines' CPUs ran at glacial speeds compared with what we have now. But the text-import systems were fast and efficient. It's orders of magnitude faster than importing plain text into a design/pagination program and then hand-formatting it. Search/replace is not efficient unless a program supports complex search/replace enabling it to find starting and ending tags and formatting text located between those tags. Even at that, having to do it repetitively is tedious and time-consuming. (If search/replace can be controlled via scripting, that certainly helps.) Manipulating text outside the pagination program is inherently more efficient. It can be done with powerful and fast tools ideal for that purpose (Python, Perl, Ruby, and so forth). Affinity Publisher looks like an excellent contender. It too needs this kind of feature. If the company has no such plans for the near future, I hope the program has a plug-in architecture enabling a third party to add this functionality. To anyone importing a lot of text, that kind of automation is worth paying for.
  6. Can Affinity Designer flow text around objects? If so, how? Can't find anything about it in the Help Menu or online. Thanks!
  7. Does anyone have a good workaround to create a layout similar to this? Basically headings on the left, text on the right. I'd prefer not to use separate frames for each heading and bit of copy if possible.
  8. Hi Folks.... I am royally stuck. I'm working on a book, using Publisher I created two master pages: a right-hand page (B) and a left-hand page (A), with inner margins wider than the outer margins. I created a doc with text frames in the doc (not on the master pages). I'm NOT using facing pages spread. (I tested this problem with facing pages, but it made no difference.) I pasted a long Word doc into a spot in between some pages, and after a while discovered that some of my pages were all using the *right-hand* master page. So, I've repeatedly deleted all the pages except page one, and then set page one to use Master Page "Right", and then shift-clicked on the red arrow to flow in my document (that is already saved internally in the publisher file). It consistently uses the right-hand Master Page for all 300 pages. I tried applying Master Page Left to the even number pages, and it did that correctly, but then the imported text frames were not positioned correctly (they were too far to the right). * I was hoping that the shift-click import would automatically use the right hand master for the odd-numbered pages and the left-hand master for the even-numbered pages, but it didn't. I tried creating text frames on the masters, but the shift-click on document page one ignored them. I thought I had this figured out a while ago, but I couldn't find any notes (I ran into it before), and I've searched the forums for over an hour, with no luck. * I don't want to have to move each left-page text frame by hand, and it seems like this should be an operation that automatically works, on a shift-click import. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂 Peter Brown
  9. Tried to flow text into a new text box because of overflow. When text enters the new text box the font size is drastically reduced. I've tried to create the new text box first, then flow the text into it - same problem. Tried to first click the overflow symbol, then create the the new text box from the loaded curser - same problem. What does it take to simply have the text flow into a new text box without it reformatting? Attached is a screen shot. Still a newbie trying to switch from InDesign. There's a LOT I don't understand. DETAILED instructions would be appreciated. Am I using the wrong tool - Move Tool, Frame Text Tool, Artistic Text Tool???
  10. I've set up my master pages for my publishing project. I've checked my formatting multiple times and everything looks to be set the way I want it. When I am pulling in my text and images from external files, Publisher is ignoring my settings, specifically my text flow settings. I've taken a picture of my master settings for the page I'm loading and what my loaded page looks like without the text flow working. Since I'm new to this I know there is some simple setting on the program that I'm overlooking. I hope those of you with more experience can help me.
  11. When I flow text from one frame to the next, the font size decreases enormously (a factor of about ten). How do I fix this?
  12. A thread in a general-discussion area here concerned unexpected behavior when 'No Break' is set for a text style via the style-editing dialog. (There might be a bug involved or it might be working as designed; I'm not sure.) One participant mentioned not being able to find information about 'No Break' in the online help. I searched for 'break' within the help and also couldn't find 'No Break' either. It would be helpful to have this documented in future releases — especially if its use within the Character palette is intended to have an entirely different effect from what happens when you enable the setting in the style-editing dialog.
  13. I am using Publisher on desktop, Windows 10. I pasted the contents of a book created elsewhere into Publisher and used the text autoflow feature to have it expand to as many pages as needed. Formatted everything with Chapter Title, pics, etc. Inserted 2 new blank pages near beginning of document to create TOC and inserted TOC, which doesn't fit on one page. Clicked the chain icon and linked it to the next text box on the next page to have the TOC overflow - which it does nicely. All the rest of my pages then go blank. The correct number of pages is still there, but none of the content is viewable any longer, after the newly inserted TOC. Any suggestions?
  14. Hi, I'd like to ask if Affinity Publisher has a way to make text flow around an image? James
  15. Hi, Newbie here, I just bought Affinity Publisher :-| I'll be trying not to ask too much. When I want to flow text from one frame to another I'm supposed to look for a text flow icon. Also, I think I should see a red arrow lower right to show there is more text than I see. I can't find any text flow icon. I don't see a red arrow either, because when I put text in a frame, the frame expands vertically to accept it all. Not what I want! How do I insert text in a way that does not change the frame? I hope this is even the right question! :-) James HOLD on I just got it for one example so far. I need to be more patient. Sorry, folks..
  16. I thought there was a way to create two or more frames and flow overflow text from one into the other. Right now, I just can't see how that feature might be accessed.
  17. I think there's a bug in the flowing of text from one frame to another. I attach a test file to demonstrate this. 1. Click inside the 3-column text frame. 2. Click on the little (it could usefully be bigger) orangey-red triangle on the frame's right-hand edge. The "new text frame" cursor appears (T in a box). 3. Attempt to drag a new text frame. If it works, move to the new text frame, click inside that, and keep repeating steps 2 and 3. 4. For me, this will sooner or later cause Publisher to crash. Sometimes it happens on the first "flow out" attempt; sometimes only after 2 or 3 or 4 "flow outs" have been completed. This is on my Windows 10 laptop: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2904 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Pr... BaseBoard Manufacturer HP Graphics (GPU): GeForce GTX 950M test document (bug demo).afpub P.S. I wonder if this Text Frame bug is related to another one found by Dominik, here:
  18. First post. Greetings! Generally, the folks at Serif should think long and hard if they want to create an Indesign clone, or rethink the way books, brochures etc are being designed. There are some things Indesign does incredibly well, and master pages are one of them. SUGGESTIONS: 1: One thing I like in particular is the ability to "transfer" objects placed on the master page for editing on the page itself via Shift-Cmd-Click. Otherwise one is limited to how the master page has been set up. EDIT: Ignore. I noticed that this is possible as the master page objects become accessible on their own layer. Well done! 1a: The master key objects become accessible on the page through a separate layer, but this then applies to all the pages using that particular master page. One should be able to disconnect the objects from the master page, so that they become independent and editable. 2: Many other suggestions like anchors, improved and automatic text flow between text boxes have already been made. That applies to the master page, too. If I create linked text boxes on the master page, they should become "hot" on the actual page, so that I can just paste long text into it. 3: Another thing is text variables. There are some already, although a bit obscure under Studio > Fields, but they should be made more prominent and extended to allow the user to set up his/her own. 4: What I like about Indesign is the placement of page guides, because I get an input box where I can set the exact location of the guide. Yes, there's the Guides Manager, but that's another window on the screen. It would be nice if selecting or dragging a new guide would show its position right on the status bar at the bottom or somewhere at the top. Indesign solves this elegantly. EDIT: That's solved. A popup shows the exact location. 5: Indesign also has a good if somewhat awkward way of handling tabs, showing a tab bar above the text. Perhaps a fixed tab bar (toggleable) can be placed right ontop of the text frame, so that one can easily place and adjust the tabs, the indents etc. EDIT: That's solved, too. Frame Text Ruler. BAM! Awesome! BUGS: 1: The way adding tab stops works is buggy, and not properly thought-out, although the idea of incrementing it has merit. The preset (in my case 10mm) is only applied the second time. The first one is still the old setting, in my case 8mm. The question is whether this should be relative or absolute needs to be answered, because if I put in 8mm, I mean 8mm, not 8mm from the last tab stop. Perhaps it's better to add a second button for this purpose. EDIT: The bug with the wrong units ONLY applies to a manual input/change of the unit. If you click on the arrows, all is fine. 2: Please have a look at the Guides, because I had created one, but that didn't show up in the Guides Manager. Only after selecting it, it became visible in the Guides Manager. That's just a brief feedback after installing Publisher last night. Can't wait for the final release, and with it the possibility of dumping Adobe's products. Never liked them as a company, although Indesign is a fantastic product. Affinity Publisher is on the right track, and I for instance would pay a lot more than just $45.00 for a finished product that equals or surpasses Indesign. Cheers, Helmar
  19. When I try to import text to a frame on page 7 of my publication the file gets sent to page 13. See pic error #1 If I only have one text frame I am not given to option to flow to the next page so, I created text fames for the next 3 pages (had to guess the number of pages) I imported my text but then it was also sent to previous pages see pic error 2. It made no difference selecting Text Body for the frames in the options.
  20. Before exploring some of the more imaginative parts of Affinity for Windows, I thought I'd play experiment with an existing WORD file and base my research on results from other software (such as InDesign and CorelDraw). So far I can't find how to: import a WORD file for editing flow text to another frame wrap text around an image create additional pages IF: it's all there in a tutorial I apologise - and could I have a link please? ELSE: can anybody help? In the (extensive) search process so far, I have to say that the app has some awesome features - and should really benefit from the Beta testing :rolleyes:
  21. Only just found this forum from Windows Beta. Making the most of it and clearing a backlog! :) Please add TEXT FLOW. I know (from Beta posts) that it's seen as a Publisher feature - all I can say is that in 20 years I've needed it as much in Graphics documents (CorelDraw) as in DTP (InDesign).
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