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Found 14 results

  1. After start of V2 this day, I see that the whole Brush list is 100% empthy... Re-installation has no effect at all. and Now?
  2. I can not figure out how to use it. I applied this to bulleted list but nothing happens.
  3. Hi! I tried to create a numbered list in Publisher and wanted the numbers to be aligned to the right, while the following text is still aligned to the left, because it would look more aesthetic. But it seems not to work. I think the option "Tab Stopp right alignment" (screenshot) should do this, but it doesn't have any effect. By the way, "align right" was predefined. But none of the three options shows any effect. There are already two threads about this issue, as far as I can see: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/92543-does-anyone-have-a-good-way-to-do-‘fly-out-numbering’-in-publisher/&tab=comments#comment-492183 and https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/139881-align-numbers-in-numbered-lists/ My version of Publisher is on Windows 10.
  4. I hate to complain but until Affinity "fixes" its absurdly weird colour system, the suite will remain second best compared to Adobe. The Bullet List maker is a total cock-up, too. They are both so irrational that I can't even explain what's wrong with them. Adobe has Aff beaten in this regard, hands down.
  5. Please excuse me if this has been requested. Please consider option to change Adjustments/Filters panels to List. The panel fly outs are pretty, but take up a lot of limited space on the iPad. Thank you.
  6. Hi, I'm new to the Affinity family of products, having bought Affinity Photo. Is it possible to get a poster but only with the standard size of paper in my printer with any of Affinity's programs? In Corel Draw: I was able to stitch the tiles together after printing, to make the poster. Which of your programs is closest to the overall functionality of Corel Draw? I'd like to switch over to Affinity. Is there a way to see a comparison of all three programs, as they seam to have overlapping features? I'd like to see especially what makes Designer and Publisher unique from each other (differences) but also Photo.
  7. Hello everyone, Just wanted to suggest that it may be a good idea to make a better recent document list/screen. A recent document section could be added to the already made welcome window. At the very least let the "Open Recent" list be longer than just 10 documents, I work with lots and lots of different documents in a single day so that would greatly help. I mostly use Designer but if it's implemented into the whole suite that would be fantastic. Thanks and keep up the good work!
  8. In a bulleted list, if there's only one character left and I delete it, the bullet point sometimes also is deleted.
  9. Hi, Working on a document converted from PDF, I had some images cause a freeze any time I applied a text wrap to them. Also, I made bulleted lists using a character style on the bullet, with different font, size, color and baseline. The character style doesn't update automatically and the bullet baseline jumps erratically high, like 20 pt when it should be -3-ish. BTW, I managed to get Finnish hyphenation working on a semi-decent level using the attached Public Domain library. The library makes Publisher crash as is, but when you remove the first charset line, it works just fine. The library is not perfect, but it's a good start. Should you be able to tap into the OS X library, that would be just smooth too, but I understand it's not as simple as one would like to think . Sorry to include multiple topics in one post, bit of in a hurry here and wanted to contribute… Asukkaan_opas_01_2019.afpub fi_FI.zip
  10. When I edit the paragraph style by choosing the drop down arrow from the text style window, and go to Initial Words, it does not retain the setting I have defined. For example, I created a RED_Bold char style, then created a new paragraph style. What I want is to have everything at the beginning in red and bold up until it sees a dash (-). So after a little fiddling, I got that to work. So now I have a Red Bold Bullet paragraph style. When I edit that, the dash I added to the end char is not there (only the default end chars), enabled is not selected even though I am on one of the bullet items that has that formatting applied and the Style setting does not reflect my Red Char Bold style I defined. First image - Dialog after I select editing and the style is defined Second Image - The dialog as it should be when I defined the style (note: I forgot to check Enabled when I took this snapshot, but it should be enabled) Also, I would recommend changing the text in the dialog to make it clearer to the user on what this does. The Max word count applies to the first X words, the End char is where the effect stops, and the style is the char style applied. If I wanted to exclude the dash from being colored but allow up to the first X number of words to have the char style, what would I use as an end char? Can I use a symbol and not have it print or something like that (hidden char for example)? This is going to be a super great program! Great work guys! Thanks Dave
  11. Hi First of all - I'm really, really, really glad to see Affinity on Windows. I think I found a small bug with list of fonts in dropdown menu (screen). In one of my computers I have a very huge list of fonts and it seems a problem for Affinity. As You see there is a lot of empty space on the top of the list (notice scroll widget position). I hope it could help You to improve Affinity.
  12. Just started using Designer, and Photo, this week. Made a quick wish list (feature request grid) sheet on google sheets, Thought I may as well share a public version for people to edit and add their own Wish Items (Feature Requests) to have all in one place. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rilNYZcXRp338ycLsity5Uw4xOXexxfJ3_DKNgzl9WM/edit?usp=sharing
  13. Just a quick one. Can you put the blending modes in alphabetical order. With normal as the default at the top? This should speed things up a lil' bit.
  14. Hello there, I haven't found a way to show the colour palette in a list. For me, this is the easiest way to manage and choose colours, as you can see not just the tiny swatch, but the name of it and/or their CMYK/RGB components. If it's not implemented, I'd like you to take it as a feature request. That's the way I used to work in Freehand and in Illustrator as well. Thanks and congratulations!
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